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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Stratigraphic Framework for Oil Exploration in Sarawak
Ho Kiam Fui
Multiple Deformations at Bukit Cenering, Trengganu
H. D. Tjia
Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Late Cenozoic Alkaline Basalts of Thailand
Sandra M. Barr, Alan S. MacDonald
Reconnaissance Palaeomagnetic Measurements on Triassic and Jurassic Sedimentary Rocks from Thailand
Sandra M. Barr, Alan S. MacDonald, Neville S. Haile
Galena-Bearing Grains from the Lenggang Stanniferous Placers, Belitung, Indonesia
K. F. G. Hosking, T. B. A. Rabelink
Active Faults in Indonesia
H. D. Tjia
A Comment on Stratigraphical Relationships in the Indarung Area, Padang District, West Sumatra
N. S. Haile