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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Petroleum Geology of the Nam Con Son Basin
Nguyen Trong Tin, Nguyen Dinh Ty
Basin Development and Uplift at an Oblique-Slip Convergent Margin: Nias Island, Indonesia
M. A. Samuel, N. A. Harbury
The Gravity Field and Tectonics of the Nansha Islands (Dangerous Grounds)
Su Da quan, Chen Xue, Liu Zu hui
Characteristics of Cenozoic Sedimentary Formation and Tectonic Evolution of South China Sea
Huang Ciliu, Zhong Jianqiang
Stratigraphic and Lateral Variations of Source Rock Attributes of the Pematang Formation, Central Sumatra
Barry J. Katz
The Neotectonic Movement and Geological Hazards in the Nansha Islands
Liu Yixuan, Zhan Wenhuan, Zhong Jiangqiang, Lu Chengbin
Chronostratigraphy of Miocene Turbiditic Sequence of Sabah Basin from Nannofossil Assemblages
Mohd Razali Che Kob, Mahani Mohamed
The Geology of Sarawak Deepwater and Surrounding Areas
Mohd Idrus Ismail, Abdul Rahman Eusoff, Abdul Manaf Mohamad, Sahalan Abd Aziz, Barney Mahendran
Analysis of Overpressure Zones at the Southern Margin of the Baram Delta Province and Their Implications to Hydrocarbon Expulsion, Migration and Entrapment
Aristeo Mantaring, Fumiaki Matsuda, Masanori Okamoto
Occurrence, Origin and Implications of Overpressure in the Malay and Penyu Basins, Offshore Malaysia
Mohd Shariff Kader, W. C. Leslie
Subsidence Curves and Modelling of Some Indonesian Tertiary Basins
R. P. Koesoemadinata, Luki Samuel, M. Iwan Tachjudin
Timing of Cenozoic Basin Formation in Northern Sundaland, Southeast Asia
Liew Kit Kong
A Simple Statistical Method for Correcting and Standardizing Heat Flows and Subsurface Temperatures Derived from Log and Test Data
Douglas W. Waples, Mahadir Ramly
Implications of Vitrinite-Reflectance Suppression for the Tectonic and Thermal History of the Malay Basin
Douglas W. Waples, Mahadir Ramly, Warren Leslie
Basin Formation in the Nias Area of the Sumatra Forearc, Western Indonesia
John Milsom, Baizar Sain, J. Sipahutar
The Paleogene Basins of Sabah, East Malaysia
F. Tongkul
History of Hydrocarbon Generation in the Tembungo Field, Offshore Northwest Sabah
Mohammad Jamaal Hoesni, Mohd Nasir Che Mood
Determination of Heat Flow in Some Exploration Wells in the Northern Part of the South China Sea
Xia Kanyuan, Xia Sigao, Chen Zhongrong, Seiya Uyeda, Osamu Matsubayashi, Toshiyasu Nagao, Li Xinyuan, Chen Sizhong, Tang Zhengyi, Rao Chuntao, Yang Zhanfei
New Generation Solutions for Global Petroleum Data Management
P. H. Stark, J. Gawron
Some Cenozoic Hydrocarbon Bearing Basins on the Continental Shelf of Vietnam
Phan Trung Dien
The Computer Revolution — Implications for Data Management
Michael J. Wiltshire
A Microcomputer Intelligent Database System for Indonesia Marine Geosciences Data
Sigit Sukmono, Djoko Santoso, Basrie M. Ganie
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tertiary Sediments, Offshore Sarawak Deepwater Area, Malaysia
Abdul Manaf Mohammad, Robert H. F. Wong
Sequence Stratigraphy Applied to the Hydrocarbon Productive Basins of Western Indonesia
S. Courteney
Genesis of Siderite in the Upper Miocene Offshore Sarawak: Constraints on Pore Fluid Chemistry and Diagenetic History
A. R. Abdul Hadi, T. R. Astin
Sterane and Triterpane Biomarker Characteristics from Oils and Sediment Extracts of the Middle-Upper Miocene Sequences, Northern Sabah Basin
Azlina Anuar, Robert R. F. Kinghorn
Geochemical Exploration for Oil and Gas in Northern South China Sea
Chen Han-zong, Zhou Di, Wang Ping
Hydrocarbon Prospect Mapping Using Balanced Cross-Sections and Gravity Modelling, Onin and Kumawa Peninsulas, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
M. Untung, Sardjono, I. Budiman, J. Nasution, E. Mirnanda, L. F. Henage, E. G. Sirodj
The Characteristics of Neogene Sediments and Structure in Siberuang Area (Central Sumatra Indonesia) Based on Gravity Data
Djoko Santoso, Sigit Sukmono, Harman Setyadi
The Characteristics of the Magnetic Anomaly and Magnetosphere Structure in the Nansha Islands and Surrounding Areas
Zhang Yixiang
Sedimentary Style and Oil-Gas Field Distribution in Western Bohai Bay
Qiao Hansheng
Reservoir and Seal Rock Distribution and Controlling Factors in Hydrocarbon-Bearing Rift Basins of China
Gong Zaisheng, Zhu Weilin, Zheng Baoming
Structural Evolution of the Pematang Reservoirs, Kelabu-Jingga Gas Fields, Sumatra
Joseph E. Laing, Bambang P. Atmodipurwo, Ahmiyul Rauf
Seismic Restorations: a New Technique for Sequence Boundary Identification and Correlations
Schuman Wu, Paul Weimer, Gareth Taylor
Tectonic Patterns and Cenozoic Basalts in the Western Margin of the South China Sea
Pow-Foong Fan
Effects of Marikina Faults on Groundwater
Majeed M. Faisal, Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir
Structural Patterns within the Tertiary Basement of the Strait of Malacca
Liew Kit Kong
Geology of Kota Kinabalu and its Implications to Groundwater Potential
Majeed Faisal, Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir
Application of Resistivity Method for Archaeological Site Investigation at Sungai Mas, Kuala Muda, Kedah
Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Umar Hamzah
Reflection Seismics Case Studies in Quaternary Deposits of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia
Umar Hamzah, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Noraini Surip
The Balingian Shear Zone, West Balingian and West Baram Lines, Sarawak, and Their Importance in the Early Cenozoic Evolution of NW Borneo
Robert B. Tate
Permian Ammonoids from Kuala Betis Area, Kelantan and Their Paleogeographic Significance
Mohd Shafeea Leman
Biostratigraphy of the Kinta Valley, Perak
Fontaine Henri, Ibrahim Bin Amnan
Implications of New Biostratigraphic Data for Stratigraphic Correlation of the Permian and Triassic in Peninsular Malaysia
Ian Metcalfe, Azhar Haji Hussin
Classification of Excavated Material Based on Simple Laboratory Testings
Mohd For bin Mohd Amin
Cretaceous and Neogene Lavas of Sabah — Origin and Tectonic Significance
Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir
Petrology and Geochemistry of the Mantle-Sequence Peridotite of the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Sabah, Malaysia
Shariff A. K. Omang
Canggaan bertindan dalam Formasi Crocker di kawasan Tamparuli (IN MALAY), Stacked deformation in the Crocker Formation of the Tamparuli area
M. B. Gassim, Sanudin Hj. Tahir
Hydrochemistry of Groundwater at Sabahat Region, Sabah
Tan Teong Hing
Variation of Beach Sand in Relation to Littoral Drift Direction along the Kuala Terengganu Coast
Rosnan Yaacob, M. L. Hussein, A. Tajuddin
Discovery of Upper Permian Carbonates from the Kenong Wildlife Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia
Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah, Abdul Hadi Rahman
Sekitaran pengenapan dan kehadiran paleosol di dalam lapisan Nenering di Grik, Perak (IN MALAY), Depositional environment and the presence of paleosol in the Nenering bed in Grik, Perak
Che Aziz Ali, Ahmad Jantan, Ibrahim Abdullah, Juhari Mat Akhir