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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Penggunaan kaedah-kaedah hidrogeokimia dan kerintangan geoelektrik untuk mengesan kemasinan air tanah pada akuifer kedua di pantai utara Kelantan (IN MALAY), Using hydrogeochemical methods and resistivity techniques to detect the water salinity of the aquifer on the Kelantan north coast

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Mohd. Rafek, Nasiman Sapari, Haryono

New Value of Displacement of Bok Bak Fault and its Implication on the Chuping Limestone Formation of Kedah and Perlis, Malaysia

Syed Sheikh Almashoor

A Comparative Study of Conventional Arrays of Resistivity Prospecting with Differential Arrays

K. K. Sharma, S. Jayashree

A Gravity High in Darvel Bay

Patrick J. C. Ryall, Dwayne Beattie

Detecting Leaking Oilfields with ALF, the Airborne Laser Fluorosensor: Case Histories and Latest Developments

Alan Williams

Tectonics of Deformed and Undeformed Jurassic-Cretaceous Strata of Peninsular Malaysia

H. D. Tjia

Locating Abandoned Mine Shafts Using a Proton Magnetometer

Sahat Sadikun

Integrated Biostratigraphic Zonation for the Malay Basin

Azmi Mohd Yakzan, Awalludin Harun, Bahari Md Nasib, Robert J. Morley

Investigation of DMO Algorithms during Test-Line Processing: Some Recommendations

Ng Tong San, Mohd. Hashim Abas, Leong Lap Sau

The Bentong Suture in Southwest Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia

H. D. Tjia, Syed Sheikh Almashoor

Improving Depth Prediction Accuracy of Quantified Drilling Hazards

W. Scott Leaney, William H. Borland

Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation Enhances Remaining Hydrocarbon Potential of the SE Collins Field

Robert Wong

Geochemistry of Gases in the Malay Basin

Douglas Waples, Mahadir Ramly

Beberapa sifat geologi kejuruteraan batuan porfir kuarza, kawasan Genting Sempah, Selangor-Pahang (IN MALAY), Some engineering geological properties of quartz porphyry, Genting Sempah area, Selangor-Pahang

Abdul Ghani Rafek, Tosri Amin

Structural History of Hinge Fault System of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Sub-Ophiolite Metamorphic Rocks in the Tungku Area, Lahad Datu, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia: Origin and Tectonic Significance

Shariff A. K. Omang

Petrology and Geochemistry of the Volcanic Rocks Associated with the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Lahad Datu, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia

Shariff A. K. Omang

Anomalous Quartzarenites of a Lower Cretaceous Rift Basin: Wadhwan Formation of Western India

K. Akhtar, A. Z. Khan, A. H. M. Ahmad

Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater Exploration at UKM's Kuala Pilah Matriculation Centre, Negeri Sembilan

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Umar Hamzah

Co- and Post-Magmatic Modifications of the Oceanic Crust: Lead Isotope Evidences

Yongbin Sun