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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Miocene Stratigraphy of Northwest Borneo Basin

Richard Mani Banda, Eiichi Honza

Fracture Pattern and Its Relationship to Groundwater in Hardrocks of Negeri Sembilan

S. Nasiman, A. Raja Zainariah, M. Firuz Ramli

The Sedimentology of Miocene Shallow Marine Clastics of the Sandakan Formation of Eastern Sabah

Jon Noad, Neil Harbury

Geologi struktur di Lembah Lupar, Sarawak (IN MALAY), Geological Structures in the Lupar Valley, Sarawak

Freddy Ak Heward Chinta

Sedimentation and Tectonics of Paleogene Sediments in Central Sarawak

Felix Tongkul

Structural Analysis of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Sedimentologi dan stratigrafi batuan sedimen Miosen di Lembangan Malibau, Sabah (IN MALAY), Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Miocene sediment in the Malibau Basin, Sabah

B. Allagu

Geology and Hydrology of Tuaran

Majeed M. Faisal, Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

The Use of Seismic Refraction Method in Slope Failure Investigation

Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Rahman Yaccup, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Umar Hamzah, Abd. Ghani Rafek

The Gravity Field of Borneo and Its Region

John Milsom

A Petrographic Study on Sandstones from the Meluhu Formation, Southeast Sulawesi, Eastern Indonesia


The Age and Paleobiogeography of Brachiopod Fauna Discovered in Pebbly Mudstone at Kilim, Langkawi

Mohd Shafeea Leman

Western Nigerian Continental Shelf, Morphology, Sediment Pattern and Holocene Transgressional Phases of the Coastline

A. E. Ihenyen

Rejahan ultrabes di kawasan Telupid: Sifat geokimia dan tektoniknya (IN MALAY), The geochemistry and tectonics of the ultrabasic intrusives in the the Telupid region

Baba Musta, Muhd. Barzani Gasim

Kajian geokimia konkresi dan hubungannya dengan pembentukkan bauksit di kawasan Kuantan (IN MALAY), Geochemical studies of concretions and their relationship with bauxite formation in the Kuantan area

Baba Musta, W. Fuad W. Hassan, Mohamad Md. Tan

Stream Sediment Geochemistry of Sn, Au and Associated Elements in Southeast Asia

W. K. Fletcher

Application of Seismic Shear Wave Refraction for Subsurface Soil Dynamic Investigation at Bukit Changgang, Banting, Selangor

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Umar Hamzah

The Settings and Styles of Gold Mineralization in Southeast Asia

S. L. Garwin

Challenges for the E&P Industry in the 21st Century

Chris Wright

Significance of Early Carboniferous Radiolaria from Langkap, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Basir Jasin, Che Aziz Ali

The Kinematics of Extension and Inversion in the Malay Basin, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia

Mazlan B. Hj. Madon

Seismic Identification of Depositional Processes in a Turbidite Fan Environment, Deepwater Block SB-G, NW Sabah

Salahuddin B. Saleh Karimi, Jeffrey J. Lobao, Mario M. Wannier

Some Quantitative Studies on Wireline Logs of the Baram Delta Field

Sahat Sadikun

Cumulative Dip Plot Method

Sahat Sadikun

Salinity Study of Coastal Groundwater Aquifers in North Kelantan, Malaysia

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Haryono, Umar Hamzah, Abdul Ghani Rafek

Discovery History of the Giant Cusiana and Cupiagua Oil Fields, Columbia

Nicholas (Nick) G. De'Ath

Tectonics Evolution and Sedimentation History of the Sarawak Basin

Ismail Che Mat-Zin

Oil Companies Exploration Strategies in the 21st Century

Nicholas (Nick) G. De'Ath

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Stage IVC in the Labuan-Paisley Syncline, Northwest Sabah Basin

Robert H. F. Wong

Sedimentological Aspects of the Temburong and Belait Formations, Labuan (Offshore West Sabah, Malaysia)

Mazlan B. Hj. Madon

Common Liptinitic Constituents of Tertiary Coals from the Bintulu and Merit-Pila Coalfield, Sarawak and Their Relation to Oil Generation from Coal

Wan Hasiah Abdullah

Analysis of Tectonic Subsidence and Heat Flow in the Malay Basin (Offshore Peninsular Malaysia)

Mazlan B. Hj. Madon