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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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The Effect of Collision of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent to the Tectonic Development in Central Indonesian Region

Agus Guntoro

Provenance and Tectonic Setting of Deposition of Metagreywackes in the Nan River Suture, Northern Thailand

Sampan Singharajwarapan

The Palaeo-Tethys in East Asia

I. Metcalfe

Implications of the Bok Bak Fault Movements on the Structure and Lithostratigraphy of the Pokok Sena Area

Zaiton Harun, Basir Jasin

Geoscience Education in the 21st Century: Directions of Higher Education in Thailand

Pornsawat Wathanakul

Training Geophysicists for Industry: A Malaysian Perspective

C. Y. Lee

Geoscience Education in Lao PDR

Manomay Vilaihongs

Engineering Geology and Earthwork Problem Associated with Highway Construction in Soft Soil at Sg. Rasau, Dengkil, Selangor

Rohayu Che Omar, Rashid Jaafar, Hamdan Hassan

Study of Mass Movements along Kundasang Road, Sabah

Majeed M. Faisal, Haji Sanudin Haji Tahir, Baba Musta, Shariff A. K. Omang

Mesozoic Mélange Formation in Indonesia — With Special Reference to Jurassic Mélanges of Japan

Koji Wakita

Application of Shallow Seismic Reflection in Geoenvironment and Geoengineering Mapping

Umar Hamzah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek

The Use of Geoelectrical Imaging Surveys for the Delineation of Different Subsurface Geological and Man-Made Features

S. S. Abdul Nassir, C. Y. Lee

Volcanic Hazard Mapping in Indonesia

A. Djumarma Wirakusumah, Rudy Bacharudin

The Use of Electrical and Seismic Methods for Imaging Shallow Subsurface Structure of Limestone at Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Mohammed I. Abu Shariah, Umar Hamzah

Holocene Peat Accumulation in a Tropical Intermontane Mire System, Tasik Bera, West Malaysia: Implication for Coal Formation

Raphael A. J. Wüst, R. Marc Bustin, Lee Chai Peng, Wan Hasiah Abdullah

Gold Deposit in the Cikidang Area, West Java, Indonesia

Agung Basuki, Emmy Suparka, Yaya Sunarya

Some Advances in Understanding and Application of Stream Sediment Geochemistry to Mineral Exploration in SE Asia

W. K. Fletcher

Jurassic Coal in Western Australia and Its Depositional Environment

N. Suwarna

Non-Marine Heavy-Mineral Placers in the Gulf of Thailand

Pramuan Kohpina, Rungsiroj Vongpromek

EPMA Characterisation and Geochemistry of Gold Deposits of Peninsular Malaysia — Genetic Implications

G. H. Teh, Helmi Mohd. Latib, Zulpakar Mohamad@Jusuh, Anisalimahwati bt. Sulaiman

Demand and Supply for Geoscientists in Southeast Asia for the 21st Century

Mike Katz

A Study of Fluid Inclusions at the Cikotok Gold Mine, West Java, Indonesia

Y. Noya, S. A. Wilde, S. A. Mangga, D. Sukarna

Regional Geological Correlation of Paleogene Sedimentary Rocks between Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia

F. Tongkul

Release of Metals during Oxidation of Pyrite from Marine Sediments in Malaysia

S. Muhrizal, J. Shamshuddin, I. Fauziah, S. Zauyah

Environmental Geology in Urban Development

Fateh Chand

The Use of the Environmental Isotope Caesium-137 as a Tracer for Soil Erosion Study

Mohd Tadza Abdul Rahman, Daud Mohamad, Zainudin Othman, Abdul Rahim Samsudin

Distribution of the Gunungsewu Karstic Aquifers Based on Fractal Analysis — Case Study: Semanu and Surrounding Area, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Sari B. Kusumayudha, M. T. Zen, Sudarto Notosiswoyo, Rudy Sayoga Gautama

Hydrogeology of the Gunungsewu Karstic Area, Central Java, Indonesia: A Conceptual Model

Sudarto Notosiswoyo, Sari B. Kusumayudha

Isotope Hydrological Study of Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia

Md. Shahid Ayub, Daud Mohamad

Groundwater Resources in Johor, Malaysia: Resource Potential and Information Management

A. K. Mohammed Hatta, B. Abdul Rashid

Chasing Channel Sands in South East Asia

P. M. Lloyd, R. Koch, D. DesAutels, Amiruddin M. Zain, R. Davis

Delineation of Reservoir Sand Quality by Integrating Leading Edge Technology Well Log Data and Calibrating to Core Data

M. Macaulay

Modern Morphology – Ancient Analogue: Insights into Deep Water Sedimentation on the Active Tectonic Margin of West Sabah

Neil Casson, Mario Wannier, Jeff Lobao, Phlemon George

A Computer Simulation Model Facies-3D for the Reconstruction of the Carbonate Sedimentary Process

Fumiaki Matsuda, Yoshinori Matsuda, Michinori Saito, Ryotaro Iwahashi

The Banda Sea: Continental Collision at the Eastern End of Tethys

John Milsom

Tertiary Tectonic Model of North-West Borneo

Ismail Che Mat Zin

Evidence to Support near-Steady Flows (?) in an Alluvial Sandy System: The Plateau Formation Bako National Park, Sarawak

M. Johansson, D. A. V. Stow

Baram Field — The 3D Marine Re-Processing Challenge

Jörg J. Wicker, Jonathan E. F. Stearn

Important Discovery of Late Early Permian Limestone in Southern Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia

Henri Fontaine, Ibrahim bin Amnan, Daniel Vachard

The Carboniferous of East Thailand — New Information from Microfossils

Henri Fontaine, Sirot Salyapongse, Daniel Vachard

Middle Carboniferous Cephalopods from Loei Area, Northern Thailand

Masayuki Fujikawa, Takeshi Ishibashi, Nikorn Nakornsri

Towards a Southeast Asian Network for a Geologic Information System (SANGIS)

Rolando Peña

Geophysical Measurements for Archaeological Investigation: Case Studies in Malaysia

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Umar Hamzah

Geochemistry and K/Ar Results of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Plutonic and Volcanic Rocks from the Meratus Range, South Kalimantan

U. Hartono, M. H. J. Dirk, P. Sanyoto, S. Permanadewi

Significance of Early Jurassic Radiolaria from West Sarawak, Malaysia

Basir Jasin, Uyop Said

A New Evidence of a Higher Quaternary Sea-Level in Langkawi Islands

Zaiton Harun, Basir Jasin, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Rare Earth Element Patterns in Some Granitic Rocks of Peninsular Malaysia

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Mohd Suhaimi Hamzah

Deep-Sea Foraminiferal Distribution of the Central and Eastern Portions of the South China Sea

Edanjarlo Joson Marquez, Priscilla J. Militante-Matias, Graciano P. Yumul Jr., Marietta M. de Leon, Decibel V. Faustino, Joel V. de Jesus, Jenny Anne L. Barretto, Karlo L. Queano, Carla B. Dimalanta, Francisco A. Jimenez Jr.

Magnetic and Gravity Fields in Southern Zambales: Implications on the Evolution of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex, Luzon, Philippines

Carla B. Dimalanta, Graciano P. Yumul Jr., Joel V. de Jesus, Decibel V. Faustino

Paleontology and Magnetostratigraphy of the Eocene Krabi Basin (Southern Thailand)

Mouloud Benammi, Yaowalak Chaimanee, Jean-Jacques Jaeger, Varavudh Suteethorn, Stéphane Ducrocq

Early Quaternary Global Terrestrial Impact of a Whole Comet in the Australasian Tektite Field, Newest Apparent Evidences Discovery from Thailand and East Asia

Sangad Bunopas, John T. Wasson, Paul Vella, Henry Fontaine, Shigeki Hada, Clive Burrett, Thiva Suphajanya, Somboon Khositanont

Use of Ceramic Sherds for Stratigraphic and Process Interpretations of Recent Coastal Deposits in Malaysia

T. T. Khoo

Accumulation and Diagenesis of Tertiary Coals in Some Marginal Areas of the Asian Continent

Takashi Miki

The Prediction of Engineering Properties of Soils by Geophysical Exploration Method: Laboratory Ultrasonic and Field Seismic Refraction Tests at Khon Kaen, Thailand

L. Wannakao, W. Youngme, P. Wannakao

Some Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Radiolarian Faunas from the Pedawan Formation, Sarawak

Basir Jasin, Uyop Said

Petrographic Features of Oil-Prone Coals from the Brunei-Muara District, Negara Brunei Darussalam

Wan Hasiah Abdullah

Tectonic Development of Central Thailand: New Evidences from Airborne Geophysical Data

J. Tulyatid, J. D. Fairhead

Sinistral Displacement along the Northern Extension of the Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone and Compression along the Northern Border Zone of the Sino-Korean Platform

Yao Daquan

Landslide Hazard Zonation of Khorshrostam Area, Iran

A. Uromeihy, M. R. Mahdavifar

Review of Active Faults and Seismicity in Thailand

P. Charusiri, S. Kosuwan, S. Lumjuan, B. Wechbunthung

Geophysical Contributions to the COASTPLAN Project, Lae Area, Papua New Guinea, 1998

John Milsom

Achievements of IGCP 350 "Cretaceous Environmental Change in East and South Asia": Summary

Hakuyu Okada

Changes of the Terrestrial Vegetation at the End of Late Cretaceous (Amur-Zeya Basin, Russian Far East)

E. V. Bugdaeva, V. S. Markevich

Geochemistry of Arc Volcanic Rocks in Central Luzon, Philippines

G. P. Yumul Jr., C. B. Dimalanta, J. V. De Jesus, D. V. Faustino, E. J. Marques, J. L. Barretto, K. L. Queaño, F. A. Jimenez

Subic Bay Fault Zone: Its Role in the Geologic History of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex, Philippines

G. P. Yumul Jr., C. B. Dimalanta, J. V. De Jesus, D. V. Faustino, F. T. Jumawan, E. J. Marquez, J. L. Barretto, R. A. Tamayo, K. L. Queaño, F. A. Jimenez Jr.

Environmental Well-Being: The Contribution of Geoscience

Antony R. Berger

The Triassic System of Thailand: Implication on Geotectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia

Chongpan Chonglakmani