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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Sustainable Mining of the Clay Resources in Peninsular Malaysia
Khor Peng Seong
Petrology and Geochemistry of the Sempah Volcanic Complex : Peninsular Malaysia
Azman A Ghani, Navpreet Singh
Geochemical Characteristics of S- and I-Type Granites: Example from Peninsular Malaysia Granites
Azman A Ghani
Physico-Chemical Properties of Residual Soils of the Kenny Hill Formation in the Shah Alam Area, Selangor
Tan Boon Kong, Siti Farah Ezdiani Bt. Miasin, Awang
Geochemistry of Jawa and Panchor Granite: The Most Northern Granitic Bodies of the Boundary Range Batholith
Azman A Ghani, Mohd Irfan Abadi
Terrain Features Mapping Using Aerial Photographs and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in the Cameron Highlands, Pahang
A. M. Mohamad, R. Mohammad Firuz, M. Zakaria
Kayu Terpetri di Sarawak: Satu Khazanah Tersembunyi (IN MALAY), Sarawak Petrified Wood: A Hidden Treasure
Askury Abd. Kadir
Geology in the Quran 2: Enviromental Impact of Volcanic Activities / Earthquakes / Tsunamis
Mokhtar Ghani
Kitaran Aggregat : Kajian Kes Kehilangan-Kerugian Di Kuari Dan Tapak Binaan (IN MALAY), Aggregate cycles: a case study of dissipative losses in quarries and construction sites
V. L. W. Wong, J. J. Pereira, Mazlin Mokhtar
Pengezonan Batuan dan Penaburan Mineral Bijih Dalam Longgokan Skarn Di Bukit Botak: Kajian Dari Segi Petrologi, Mineralogi Bijih dan Geokimia (IN MALAY), Distribution of mineral zonation in skarn deposits in Bukit Botak: a case study of ore petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry
S. H. Goh, G. H. Teh, Mohd Rozi Bin Umor
Penentuan Usia Batuan Igneus Pulau Pangkor dengan Kaedah K/Ar mineral Biotit (IN MALAY), Pangkor Island igneous rock age determination using K/Ar dating method
Mohd Rozi Umor, Azman Abd. Ghani, Hamzah Mohamad, Goh Swee Heng
Perkaitan Diantara Ciri Morfometri dan Sifat Hidrologi Lembangan Sungai Semenyih dan Kepentingannya (IN MALAY), The Relationship between Morphometry and Hydrologic Properties of the Semenyih River Basin and Their Significance
Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Wan Nor Azmin Sulaiman, Mohd. Ismail Yaziz
Permian Radiolarian Biostratigraphy of the Semanggol Formation, South Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia
Basir Jasin, Zaiton Harun, Uyop Said, Sulaiman Saad
Triassic Radiolarian Biostratigraphy of the Semanggol Formation, South Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia
Basir Jasin, Zaiton Harun, Uyop Said
Characteristics of Leachate at the Air Hitam Sanitary Landfill in Puchong, Selangor
Norlailatul Zuraidah Mohd Radzuan, W. Z. W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, A. Ghani Rafek
The Retention Capabilities of Soils at Batang Berjuntai and Ampar Tenang as Natural Clay Liners for Landfill Systems Using Leaching Column Test and Selective Sequential Extraction Analysis
Nurita Ridwan, W. Z. W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin
Sifat Kimia Tanah Serta Keupayaan Penjerapan Logam Berat Oleh Tanah Di Sekitar Negeri Selangor (IN MALAY), Chemical properties and heavy metal adsorption capacity of the soil around the state of Selangor
Suzana Ismail, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin
Depositional Controls on Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Characteristics of Middle Miocene Miri Formation Sandstones, Sarawak
Hatem S. Abieda, Zuhar Zahir T. Harith, Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman
Geomorphology and Geology of Lake Linumunsut, Tongod, Sabah
F. Tongkul, Chang F. K.
Sedimentological and Palaeontological Study along the Kuala Tekai-Kuala Tahan Stretch of Tembeling River, Jerantut Pahang
Ainul Rubizah Ariffin, Sharifah Shahira Wafa Syed Khairulmunir Wafa, Saiful Abdullah, Uyop Said
Some Upper Mesozoic Palynomorphs from the Tekai River Area, Jerantut, Pahang
Sharifah Shahira Wafa Syed Khairulmunir Wafa, Ainul Rubizah Ariffin, Saiful Abdullah, Uyop Said
Blasting-Induced Rock Slope Instability in Senai, Johor – A Preliminary Post-Construction Assessment
Abd Rasid Jaapar
Highly Evolved S Type Granite : Selim Granite, Main Range Batholith, Peninsular Malaysia
Azman A Ghani