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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Deformation profile analysis of a deepwater toe-thrust structural trend - Implications on structural kinematics and sedimentary patterns

Mohd Asraf Khamis, John Jong, Steven M. Barker

Variance in reservoir quality due to diagenesis: A study from tidal deposits, Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia

Azirahtul Atifah Mohamed Sabri, Numair A. Siddiqui

Comparison study on the adsorption of a synthetic textile dye using bentonite and surfactant modified bentonite

Mark Jeeva, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob

Lineament study of the Semanggol Formation and adjacent areas from Landsat 8 Image

Ali Imran Azman, Jasmi Ab Talib, Mohamad Shaufi Sokiman

Lower Miocene, larger benthic foraminifera fauna and depositional environment of limestone facies from Batu Luang, Klias Peninsula, Sabah

Junaidi Asis, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Basir Jasin, Baba Musta

Field study to identify river plume extension of Kerian River discharge during neap and spring tide

Eko March Handoko Masyhur, Wan Nursyafiqah Wan Jusoh, Mohd Noordin Abu Bakar

Correlation of seismic velocity and density of metasandstone from Kati Formation, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

Norsyafiqah Salimun, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Khairul Arifin Mohd. Noh

Study of a TX field Miocene carbonate build-up: Integration of sedimentological data with modern carbonate analogue and 3D seismic characterization to establish carbonate facies modelling workflow

Ooi Phey Chee, Michael Poppelreiter, Deva Ghosh, Raffik Lazar, Ulugbek Djuraev

Integrated reservoir fluid characterization in thinly laminated formations - A case study from deepwater Sabah

Smail Chouya, John Jong, Janice Boay, Shota Nakatsuka, Samie Lee, Pascal Millot

Sedimentology of the Shiranish Formation in the Mergasur area, Iraqi Kurdistan

Rzger A. Abdula, Sardar Balaky, Rebwar Khailany, Alan Miran, Mahmud Muhammad, Choman Muhamad

Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Malaysia

Basir Jasin

Lower Miocene planktic foraminifera from the Temburong Formation in Menumbok, Klias Peninsula, Sabah

Junaidi Asis, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Baba Musta, Basir Jasin

The reconstruction of 3D geo-lithological model of Pekan, Pahang: A possible onshore extension of Penyu Basin

Ashley Aisyah Yoong, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek, Khairul Arifin Mohd Noh, Radziamir Mazlan

Kajian geologi dan geofizik untuk penilaian pelbagai geobencana di kawasan perumahan, Puchong, Selangor (IN MALAY) / Geological and geophysical studies for multiple hazards assessments in an occupied residential area, Puchong, Selangor (IN MALAY)

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Hamzah Hussin, Mohd Amir Asyraf Sulaiman

Depth distribution of benthic foraminifera in the middle and deeper sublittoral to uppermost bathyal zones northwest of Okinawa, Japan

Wan Nurzalia Wan Saelan, Johann Hohenegger

Integrated reservoir characterization of low resistivity thin beds using three-dimensional modeling for natural gas exploration

Lim Yen Jun, Lo Shyh Zung

Application of transient electromagnetic method (TEM) technique in South-East Asia: Case studies from onshore Sarawak and North Sumatra

Yuri Agafonov, Igor Buddo, Olga Tokareva, M. Shukur M. Ali, Mustapha M. Salleh

Implikasi perubahan iklim terhadap zon pesisir pantai di Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, (IN MALAY) Implications of climate change on the coastal zone of Kuala Selangor, Malaysia

Umi Amira Jamaluddin, Choun-Sian Lim, Joy Jacqueline Pereira

Exploration potential for stratigraphic traps in Field X, Malay Basin

Muhammad Hazmi Abdul Malik, Lo Shyh Zung, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek

Pencirian dan tafsiran Paleo-sekitaran stromatolit dan thrombolit dalam jujukan Batu Kapur Setul di Langkawi dan Perlis, (IN MALAY) Characterisation and interpretation of stromatolites and thrombolites Paleo-environment in Setul Limestone succession, Langkawi and Perlis

Mohamad Ezanie Abu Samah, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Nurul Afifah Mohd Radzir

Complex geothermal gradients and their implications, deepwater Sabah, Malaysia

Steve McGiveron, John Jong

The Ayer Chawan Facies, Jurong Formation, Singapore: Age and observation of syndepositional pyroclastic sedimentation process with possible peperite formation

Kar Winn, Louis Ngai Yuen Wong, Khin Zaw, Jay Thompson

Mobility of cadmium in granitic soil using batch and mini column tests

Nur 'Aishah Zarime, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob

Groundwater processes in a sandbar-regulated estuary, Mengabang Telipot, Peninsular Malaysia

Mei Kee Koh, Edlic Sathiamurthy, Peter Robertson Parham

An appraisal of the tectonic evolution of SW Borneo constraints from petrotectonic assemblage and gravity anomaly

Aftab Alam Khan

Evaluating the suitability of shallow aquifer for irrigational purposes in some parts of Kelantan, Malaysia

Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan, Kishan Raj Pillai A/l Mathialagan, Aina Mardhiya, Zakiyah Ainul Kamal, Hafzan Eva Mansor

Stratigrafi di barat daya Sabah, (IN MALAY) The stratigraphy of southwest Sabah

Tracy Binti Guan Leong, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Junaidi Asis

Crustal thickness and velocity structure of southern Peninsular Malaysia

Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff, Amin Esmail Khalil

Constraining the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Gua Panjang Hill, Merapoh, Pahang state, Malaysia

Nelisa Ameera Mohamed Joeharry, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Durability characterisation of weathered sedimentary rocks using slake durability index and jar slake test

Wong Jia Mang, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek

Physical characteristics and distribution of bottom sediments from the Kelantan River Delta towards the South China Sea continental shelf, Malaysia

Nurul Afifah Mohd Radzir, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Reservoir characteristics of carbonates build-ups in southern Central Luconia Province: A study based on diferent scales

N. Haziqah Hamdan, S.N. Fathiyah Jamaludin