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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Thorianite from Bukit Keluang Area, Raub, Pahang

Teoh Lay Hock, Jaafar B. Ahmad, Leong Kok Hoong

Abstract: The Wealden Facies of Northwest Europe.

P. C. Allen

Abstract: Applied Geochemistry and Renewable Resources

W. K. Fletcher

Occurrence of Saw-Horse Penetration-Twinned Potash Feldspar in Peninsular Malaysia

T. T. Khoo, Kamarudin Salim

Rural Water Supply on Special Nepalese Coin

Mohamad Ali B. Hasan

Koluvium Atau Granit Terurai; Aluvium Muda Atau Aluvium Tua? - Kaedah Tanpa Geologi (IN MALAY), Decomposed granite or colluvium; Young or old alluvium? Method with no geology

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Zonal Arrangement of Pebble Farbrics in a Littoral Environment

H. D. Tjia

First Reference to Gold in Kelantan - Another Possible Reference

T. T. Khoo

Ke Arah Peningkatan Dan Peluasan Penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia Dalam Bidang Geosains di Malaysia (IN MALAY), Enhancement and expansion in the use of the Malay language in the field of geoscience

Mohamad Ali Hj. Hasan, Abdul Rahim Hj. Samsudin, Azhar Hj. Hussin

Bengkel Penggunaan Dan Pelaksanaan Bahasa Malaysia Dalam Bidang Geosains - Laporan (IN MALAY), Workshop on the Use and Implementation of Bahasa Malaysia in the Field of Geoscience - A Report

Mohamad Ali Hj. Hasan

Abstract: Penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia dalam bidang Geosains di UKM: Matalamat, Perlaksanaan dan Pencapaiannya (IN MALAY), Workshop on the use of the Malay language in the field of geoscience in UKM: Goals, Implementation and achievements

Ibrahim Komoo, Hamzah Mohamad

Abstract: Pelaksanaan Penggunaan dan Perancangan Bahasa Malaysia dalam bidang Geologi di Universiti Malaya (IN MALAY), Planning and using the Malay language in the field of geology at the University of Malaya

B. K. Tan, Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: Penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia dalam bidang Sains Tanah di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (IN MALAY), The use of the Malay language in the field of land science at the University of Malaysian Agriculture

A. B. Rosenani, S. Zauyah, Wan Sulaiman W. Harun

Abstract: Geosains sebagai matapelajaran pembantu dalam beberapa kursus di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Satu tinjauan ke atas penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia sehingga kini (IN MALAY), Geoscience as an accompanying course at the University of Technology Malaysia: An overview on the usage of the Malay language until now

Abdul Aziz Bin Hussin

Abstract: Penggunaan dan pelaksanaan Bahasa Malaysia dalam bidang Geosains - Pengalaman Institut Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor (IN MALAY), The use and implementation of the Malay language in the geosciences - experience of the Institute of Technology MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor

Mohamed Shah Abdullah

Abstract: Masalah Penerbitan Buku Geosains di Malaysia (IN MALAY), Problems of geoscience book publishing in Malaysia

Sha'Ari B. Abdullah, Ketua Bahagian Buku Pelajaran

Abstract: Penciptaan dan pembinaan istilah Bahasa Malaysia dalam Konteks Geosains (IN MALAY), Creating and constructing Malay language terms in the context of geoscience

Khalid M. Hussain

An Interesting Exposure of Unconsolidated Sediments in the Kuantan Area of Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia – A Discussion

J. H. A. Bosch

Pengekalan Dan Pengurusan Bahan-Bahan Binaan (IN MALAY), Maintenance and management of building materials

Mohamad Ali Hasan

The Raub-Bentong Line – An Interpretation Based on Geological Investigations in the Manchis-Simpang Pertang Area, Negri Sembilan

P. Loganathan, Leong Kog Hoong

Westward Transport of Lower Palaeozoic Rocks at Bukit Merah Quarry near Butterworth

H. D. Tjia, Ibrahim Komoo

Wing Sang Cheong Tin Mine, Ipoh, Perak - A Case Study of Mining and Quarrying on the Same Site

P. C. Aw

Devonian Conodonts from Batu Gajah, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia

I. Metcalfe

Workshop on Methods of Teachng Earth Science in Asian High Schools

Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: Correlation of the Malaysian and Indonesian granites

E. J. Cobbing

Abstract: Is Bangkok Sinking?

Prinya Nutalaya

Abstract: The Stratigraphy and Structure of the Cretan Pindos nappe

Azhar HJ. Hussin & Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

A Faulted Holocene Platform in Langkawi

H. D. Tjia

Occurrence of a Thick Intraformational Conglomerate Horizon within the Semantan Formation (Triassic) near Temerloh, Pahang

I. Metcalfe, K. R. Chakraborty

Groundwater Resources in Malaysia

S. K. Yong

Geologi dan Tamaddun Islam (IN MALAY), Geology and Islamic Civilisation

Mohamad Ali Hasan, Azizan Baharuddin

Abstract: The Palaeozoic Sedimentary Rocks of Peninsular Malaysia - Stratigraphy and Correlation

Foo Khong Yee

Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Tarutao and Machinchang Formations

C. P. Lee

Abstract: Paleozoic Succession in Thailand

Sangad Bunopas

Abstract: The Ordovician System in Southern Thailand and Northern Malaysia

T. Wongwanich, D. Wyatt, B. Stait, C. Burrett

Abstract: The Upper Palaeozoic Pebbly Rocks in Southern Thailand

W. Tantiwanit, L. Raksaskulwong, N. Mantajit

Abstract: The Marine Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Thailand

Chongpan Chonglakmani

Abstract: Review of the Continental Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Thailand

Nares Sattayarak

Abstract: Cenozoic Stratigraphy of Peninsular Malaysia

T. Suntharalingam

Abstract: A Review of the Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks of Thailand

Pol Chaodumrong, Sathien Snansieng, Yongyuth Ukakimapan, Somkiet Janmaha, Surawit Pradidtan, Nawee Sae Leow

Abstract: A Short Note on Quaternary Geology of the Haad Yai - Songkhla Area, Southern Thailand

Hideho Sawata, Anong Tanchotikul, Rotchanatch Darnsawasdi, Guy Trebuil

Abstract: Reviews of Felsic Plutonic Rocks of Thailand

W. Pongsapich, V. Pisutha-Arnond, P. Charusiri

Abstract: Igneous Rocks of Thailand: A Review of Plutonic Rocks with Intermediate-Ultrabasic Compositions and Volcanic Rocks

Y. Panjasawatwong, W. Yaowanoiyothin

Abstract: Reviews of Metamorphic Rocks of Thailand

W. Pongsapich, P. Charusiri, S. Vedchakanchana

Abstract: Geological Evolution of Peninsular Malaysia

T. T. Khoo, B. K. Tan

Abstract: Mineralization Patterns of North-West Peninsular Malaysia

Yeap Ee Beng

Abstract: Tectonic and Geologic Evolution of Thailand

Sangad Bunopas, Paul Vella

Abstract: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Pegmatitic Cassiterites from Gunung Jerai, Kedah

Wan Fuad Wah Hassan

Abstract: The Wang Phar Wolframite Mine (South Thailand)

Tan Say Biow

Abstract: Geology and Mineral Resources of Songkhla Province, Thailand

Thongchai Pungrassami

Abstract: SIR-A - A Shuttle Imaging Radar Strip over South Thailand and Northeast Peninsular Malaysia

B. N. Koopmans, S. Muenlek

Abstract: Geoelectrical Survey at the Phuket Mining Co, Ltd Tumbon Lidon, Changwat Yala

Dhanintr Phongsmas

Abstract: Hydrologic and Hydrogeologic Characteristics of Northwestern Peninsular Malaysia

Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: Geology of the Tarutau Islands

Thongchai Pungrassami

Abstract: Mesozoic Stratigraphy in Peninsula Malaysia

Khoo Han Peng

Occurrence of Tholeiite in the Late Cenozoic Basaltic Lavas in Kuantan, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia

K. R. Chakraborty

Tektite Found in Sarawak

S. K. Lam

Jalur Batu Kapur: Formasi Macincang Atau Batu Kapur Setul? (IN MALAY), Limestone band: Macincang Formation or Setul Limestone

Ibrahim Bin Abdullah

Excerpts from the Writings of Karl Terzaghi

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Reservoir Geological Aspects of the Bokor Field, Baram Delta Province, Offshore Sarawak

M. C. Budding, W. Z. Van Driel, Sarawak Shell Berhad

Abstract: Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data

Palle F. Miller

Abstract: VAX-11/780 Computer Oriented Well Logging Data Analysis Technique

Juin-Well Ku

Abstract: Advanced Seismic Processing in 2D and 3D - Application to Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Interpretation

J. P. Cordier

Abstract: Development of Kepong Field Offshore Trengganu

Zainuddin Yusof

Abstract: Brunei Shell's 1983 Shallow Water Seismic Campaign in Seria

Ramli Hitam, D. W. W. Pronk

Abstract: The Geology and Development of the Pamaguan Field, East Kalimantan

Daud Harahap

Abstract: Seismic Evidences of Relative Changes of Sea Level in the Tertiary Depositional Sequences near Taiwan

C. H. Liu, Y. S. Pan

Abstract: The Geology of Labuan as a Guide to Hydrocarbon Occurrence in Offshore West Sabah

Bruce Levell

Abstract: Hyper-Fix - A Shore Based Radio Position Fixing System

R. F. Shepperd

Abstract: History and Geology of Tinggi Field Offshore Peninsular Malaysia

Mohammad Yusof, J. B. Brami

Abstract: Tertiary Development and Petroleum Goelogy of Offshore Sabah, Sarawak and Brtmei

Keith Robinson

Abstract: Geotechnical Investigations for Tunnels and Open Cuts of a New Express Railway System in the Federal Republic of Germany

V. Schenk