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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Lower Permian Conodonts from the Terbat Formation, Sarawak

I. Metcalfe

Kegagalan Cerun di Bukit Mantin: Satu Contoh Gelongsoran Cerun Tambakan Yang Lazim (IN MALAY), Slope failure at Mantin hill: one common example of slope slide reclamation

Ibrahim Komoo

An Intrusive Swarm near Mentakab, Pahang: A Probable Volcanic Centre

Law Seong Fook, H. D. Tjia

Occurrence of Blueschist in the Nan River Mafic-Ultramafic Belt, Northern Thailand

S. M. Barr, A. S. Macdonald, W. Yaowanoiyothin, Y. Panjasawatwong

Lipatan berganda dalam formasi Crocker, Sabah (IN MALAY), Double folds in the Crocker Formation, Sabah

Zaiton Harun, H. D. Tjia

A Probable Tectonic Overthrust in Selangor

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Fossil Plants from the Upper Mississipian in the Illinois Basin, USA

James R. Jennings

An X - Y Graph Plotting System

S. Chandra Kumar

A Middle Triassic Fauna from the Bt. Jeram Padang Ridge at Bahau N. Sembilan, Peninsular Malaysia

I. Metcalfe, K. R. Chakraborty, C. A. Foss, Samsudin Haji Taib

Preliminary Note on the Occurrence of Carboniferous-Age Coals and in Situ Plant Fossils in Eastern Peninsular Malaysia

James R. Jennings

Occurrences of Wood-Tin in Peninsular Malaysia

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan

Abstract: Enclaves of Peninsular Malaysian Granitoids

S. Chandra Kumar

Malayaite (CaO.SnO2.SiO2) and its Relationship to Closely Associated Cassiterite from the Dachang Mining Region, Peoples' Repubic of China

K. F. G. Hosking

Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Chert-Spilite Formation, Kudat, Sabah

Basir Jasin, Sanudin Tahir, Abdul Rahim Hj. Samsuddin

Hubungan Antara Gred Luluhawa Dengan Ujian Penusukan Piawai: Satu Penilaian Awal (IN MALAY), The relationship between weathering grade and N-value by Standard Penetration Testing: an early assessment

Ibrahim Komoo, Lim Tow Ho

Discovery of an Ammonoid (Agathiceras sp.) and Crinoid Stems in the Kenny Hill Formation of Peninsular Malaysia, and its Significance

Abdullah Sani b. H. Hashim

Abstract: Perbandingan Fasies Metamorf Formasi Bukit Kenny dan Formasi Skis Dinding (IN MALAY), Facies comparison of the Kenny Hill Formation and the Dinding Schist Formation

Hamzah Mohamad

Abstract: Contact Metamorphism and Matrix Recrystallization of the Setul Limestone, Langkawi

Khoo Teng Tiong

Abstract: Pegmatitic Tin Occurrences in Africa

O. von Knorring

Gunung Tahan - Gunung Tangga Dua Belas: Structural Observations

Ibrahim Komoo, Mohd. Shafeea Leman, H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Did the Flowering Plants (Angiosperms) First Evolve in Malaya? A Geological Look at the Problem

M. G. Audley-Charles

Abstract: The Habitat of Onshore Oil Accumulations in Southern England

B. W. Sellwood

Abstract: Carbonate Platform and Platform-Collapse Facies in the Mesozoic Tethys

B. W. Sellwood

Abstract: Stratigraphic Scheme for PETRONAS Carigali's Operating Areas Offshore Peninsular Malaysia

Abu Samad, Md. Nazri Ramli

Abstract: Interactive Interpretation of 2D Seismic Data

Alistair Brown

Abstract: A Re-Assessment of the Evidence That the S. E. Asian Shear Basins Resulted from the India-Tibet Collision

Charles S. Hutchison

Abstract: Analyzing a DHI - Tinggi Field Malay Basin, Malaysia

Haron Mohd Noor

Abstract: Palaeobathymetrical Changes in NW Sarawak during the Oligocene to Pliocene

J. Hageman

Abstract: Advances in Marine Seismic Energy Source Technology

Ted Selby

Abstract: Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation for Thin Layer-Cases

Lin Kuo-An

Abstract: The Dipmeter Advisor - A Dipmeter Interpretation Workstation

Gordy G. Shanor

Abstract: Use of Seislog for Basin Evaluation and Field Development

R. C. Mummery

Abstract: 3-D Seismic Interpretation and Modelling Using an Interactive Computer System

Palle F. Miller

Abstract: Superimposed Deformations and Vergence of Lower Tertiary Sediments near Tatau, Sarawak

H. D. Tjia, Borhan Sidi

Abstract: Computer-Assisted Interpretation of Depositional Palaeoenvironments Based on Foraminifera

Philip Lesslar

Abstract: Derivation of Seismic Depth Sections

H. Buchholtz, W. Houba

Abstract: Experience with Watergun (A New Seismic Source) Offshore Sarawak

Nik Mohamed

Abstract: Trap Styles of the Tenggol Arch and the Southern Part of the Malay Basin

Ng Tong San

Abstract: Marine Statics

Chiem Boon Hong

Abstract: Reservoir Geological Framework of Upper Miocene Shallow Marine Sandstones in the Erb West Field, Offshore Sabah, NW Borneo

S. Levell, A. H. Mohamed, H. D. Johnson

Abstract: The Nature and Significance of Regional Unconformities in the Hydrocarbon-Bearing Neogene Sequence Offshore West Sabah

Bruce K. Levell