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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Note on the Cuyo Archipelago, Sulu Sea, Philippines

Henri Fontaine, Editha A. Amiscaray, Jorge R. Sta. Cruz

A Geobotanical Study, 18th Century Style

K. F. G. Hosking

The Relationship between Vegetation and Ultrabasic Bedrock on the Upper Slopes of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah

Date Brunotte, Kanehiro Kitayama

A Prominent Fault across the Malaysia-Thai Boundary; Preliminary Report

Syed Sheikh Almashoor, H. D. Tjia

Warped Refolded Fold in Upper Palaeozoic Metasediments at Tanjung Balau, Johore

H. D. Tjia

Pedawan Formation of the Penrissen Area, Sarawak: A Revision of its Upper Age Limit

Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah, Kushairi Hj. Abang

Abstract: Tectonomagmatic Evolution of Peninsular Malaysia: Some Observations and Comments

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: Gondwana, Tethys and Peninsular Malaysia

I. Metcalfe

Abstract: Occurrence of Sheared Diamictite in the Raub Area, its Possible Extensions and Tectonic Implications

K. R. Chakraborty, I. Metcalfe

Abstract: Geology of the Bahau Area: Tectonic Implications

K. R. Chakraborty, G. H. Teh, C. A. Foss

Abstract: Fauna Trias di sekitar Kuala Lipis, Pahang (IN MALAY), Triassic fauna around Kuala Lipis, Pahang

Mohd. Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Geologi dan stratigrafi di kawasan Labis, Johor (IN MALAY), Geology and stratigraphy in the Labis area, Johor

Zakaria Hussain

Abstract: Survei kegagalan cerun, Lebuh Raya Timor-Barat, Perak-Kelantan (IN MALAY), Slope failure survey, West Timor highway, Perak-Kelantan

Abdul Ghani Rafek, Ibrahim Komoo

Abstract: Damsite Investigations in the Bentong Area, Pahang Darul Makmur

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Geotechnical Instrumentation at Batu Dam, Kuala Lumpur

Saim Suratman

Abstract: Seismic Refraction Survey for the Chenderoh Dam Rehabilitation Study

Jamaludin bin Othman, Dzazali Haji Ayub, Sukri bin Ghazali

Abstract: The Depositional Setting of the Lawin Basin Deposits

Syed Sheikh Almashoor, Mat Arifin Ismail

Abstract: Batuan berusia Perm di bahagian barat dan barat laut Johor (IN MALAY), Permian rocks in the west and northwest of Johor

Wahid Abdul Rahman

Abstract: Igneous Petrography and Geochemistry of the Bukit Payong - Penghulu Diman Area, Terengganu

Uzaymee Mohd. Yusof

Abstract: Petrology and Petrochemistry of the Granites in the Gunung Ledang Area, Johore

Askury Abd. Kadir

Abstract: Some Characteristics of Heavy Detrital Mineral Grains from Peninsular Malaysia

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan

Abstract: A Preliminary Assessment of the Mineral Potential in the Proposed Nenggiri Dam Reservoir Area, Kelantan

Teoh Lay Hock

Abstract: Teknik analisis pengaktifan neutron (NAA) dalam kajian geologi (IN MALAY), Neutron activation analysis techniques (NAA) in geological studies

Abdul Khalik Hj. Wood, Zaini Hamzah, Daud Mohamad

Abstract: The Cu-Fe-Sn-S System at 600°C and its Geologic Significance

G. H. Teh

Abstract: Volcanogenic Barite, Fe and Mn Oxide and Massive Sulphide Mineralization at Cini Area, Pahang Darul Makmur

G. H. Teh, R. W. Hutchinson

Abstract: Depositional Environment of the Paloh Bed Sequence near Paloh, Johor

Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Facies Model of the Triassic Semanggol Formation Sequence at Pedu Dam, Kedah

Ahmad Jantan, Basir Jasin, Ibrahim Abdullah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Uypo Said

Abstract: Some New Features of Semanggol Formation Observed at Bukit Barak, Kuala Nerang, Kedah

Basir Jasin, Ahmad Jantan, Ibrahim Abullah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Uyop Said

Abstract: Sedimentology of the 'Passage Beds' of the Chuping Formation in the Bt. Temiang - Bt. Tengku Lembu Ridge, Perlis

Ann Yasmin Nordin

Abstract: Permian Glacigenic Deposits at Salak Tinggi, Selangor

H. D. Tjia, Anizan Isahak

Abstract: Perkembangan struktur berskala kecil dalam batuan Ahli Gersik Formasi Setul di Pulau Tuba, Kepulauan Langkawi (IN MALAY), Development of small scale structures in the Setul Formation at Tuba Island, Langkawi Islands

Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Struktur dalam zon ricih di kawasan Genting Sempah, Selangor (IN MALAY), Structure of the shear zone in the Genting Sempah area, Selangor

Zaiton Harun

Abstract: Struktur di sedimen kawasan Tamparuli, Sabah: Implikasinya terhadap sekitaran pengendapan (IN MALAY), Sedimentary structures in the Tamparuli area, Sabah: Implications for the depositional environment

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Abstract: Sedimentologi of the Gua Sai Limestone, Kuala Lipis, Pahang

Lim Heng Gaul

Abstract: A Preliminary Model for the Stratigraphic-Tectonic Evolution of Eastern Borneo

C. S. Hutchison

Abstract: A Study of Groundwater Hydrology in Kedah-Perlis Area with Environmental Isotopes

Daud Mohamad, Roslan Mohd. Ali, Wan Zakaria Wan Mohd. Tahir

Abstract: Diagnostic Resistivity Sounding Curves of Karstic Aquifers in the Chuping Limestone

Mohammed Sayyadul Arifin, C. Y. Lee

Abstract: Groundwater Supply Studies in Northern Kelantan

Tan Eng Heng, Mahan Singh, Syed Muhammad

Abstract: Keputusan beberapa rentisan graviti di selatan Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Results of gravity survey in south peninsular Malaysia

Abdul Rahim bin Hj. Samsudin

Abstract: Geophysical Mapping of Bedrock beneath the Coastal Plains of Kedah and Perlis

C. A. Foss

Abstract: Algorithms for Optimising 2-D Gravity and Magnetic Modelling

C. A. Foss

Abstract: Pendekatan mineralogi terbitan dalam kajian profil luluhawa granite kawasan tropika (IN MALAY), Derived mineralogical approach in weathering profiles of granite in tropical climates

Hamzah Mohamad

Abstract: Research Needs in Petroleum Geology in Malaysia

Nik Ramli Nik Hassan, Makmal Petronas

Abstract: Potential for Application of Trace Element Studies in Petroleum Geology in Malaysia

Ramly Khairuddin, Makmal Petronas, E. V. Gangadharam

Abstract: River Bank Infiltration as a Source of Water Supply in Felda Lepar Hilir, Pahang

Seet Chin Peng

Olistostrome in the Bentong Area, Pahang

H. D. Tjia

Progress Report on Geological Investigation at the Danum Valley Field Research Centre

Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Kadderi Md. Desa, Dale Brunotte, Tan Teong Hing

Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd Isotope Studies on Granites of Southeast Asia

D. P. Fiona Darbyshire

Geochemistry of the Tin Islands Granites of Indonesia in Relation to Those of Peninsular Malaysia

Peter E. J. Pitfield

An Occurrence of Sheared Diamictite near Genting Sempah

I. Metcalfe

Note on the Occurrence of Limestone in the Semanggol Formation, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia

Ahmad Jantan, Basir Jasin, Ibrahim Abdullah, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Uyop Said

Bukti Lapangan sesar Bok-Bak di luar kawasan Baling (IN MALAY), Field Evidence of the Bok-Bak Fault beyond the Baling Area

Abd. Majid Sahat

The Sedimentology of the 'Begrih-Liang' Formation

Sriyanee de Silva

Abstract: The Bentong Suture

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: The Main Range Batholith's Role in Fault Development

Syed Sheikh Almashoor

Abstract: The Clasts of Genting Sempah Sheared Zone: Development and Origin

Zaiton Harun

Abstract: Structural Differences between the Lower and Upper Palaeozoic Rocks of the Langkawi Islands

Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Wind-Stress Features and Their Palaeoenvironmental Implication in the East Coastg of Johore

Anizan Isahak

Abstract: Engineering Properties of the Igneous Rocks in Peninsular Malaysia

Ibrahim Komoo

Abstract: Hydrochemical Character of Groundwater in Northwest Peninsular Malaysia

Ismail Mohd Noor

Volcanic Ash Beds at Kampong Temong, Kuala Kangsar, Perak

Basir Jasin, Ahmad Jantan, Ibrahim Abdullah, Uyop Said, Mohammad Harun

Clay Minerals in Weathered Shales of Red Beds along the Paloh - Kluang Bypass Highway

J. K. Raj

Sesar Kuaterner: Suatu Penemuan di Dataran Keningau (IN MALAY), Quaternary Fault: A Discovery in the Keningau Plain

Shariff Abd. Kadir S. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Umar Hamzah, Sahibin Abd. Rahim

On the Mineralogy of the Black Sand of Pasir Hitam, Langkawi

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan

The Method of Fluid Inclusion Study and its Application to the Bujang Melaka Pluton, Kinta Valley

Michael Schwartz

Abstract: Reservoir Geological Modelling of Miocene Shallow Marine Sands in St. Joseph Field, Offshore Sabah

J. Ranggon, J. W. Chapman, H. D. Johnson

Abstract: Log Analysis System Design Criteria — A Practical Perspective

J. P. Middleton, E. Frost

Abstract: Accretion Tectonics in Sabah: Kinabalu Suture and East Sabah Exotic Terrane

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Application of Fracture Analysis of Cores to Reservoir Evaluation

J. N. Diggens

Abstract: The Probability Problems in the Prospect Appraisal

Hsu Yeong-Yaw

Abstract: Some 3D Seismic Applications Offshore Sarawak

R. C. Hoogenboom

Abstract: Petrology, Diagenesis and Quality of K Sandstone (Pulai Formation) Reservoirs in the Southeastern Part of the Malay Basin, Offshore West Malaysia

Nik Ramli Nik Hassan

Abstract: Exploration for Unrecognized Sandstone Targets in Well-Explored Basins: Central North Sea

N. S. Haile

Abstract: "Super 2D", Innovative Seismic Reprocessing: A Case History

R. Burnstad

Abstract: Satellite Altimetry — A New Geophysical Prospecting Tool

Per Nordin, Bert Lundgren

Abstract: Aspects of Fault Management in Compressional Tectonics

Palle Miller, Philip Neri, Jorgen Rasmussen

Abstract: Applying the Modified Stress-Strain Ellipsoid to the Australian and Malaysian Basins

K. S. Kuang

Abstract: A New Dipmeter Provides Geological Answers in Oil-Base Mud Wells

Gordy G. Shanor

Abstract: Amplitude with Offset Analysis of 'Bright Spot' Block PM1, Malaysia

Nick Poulos

Abstract: Application of Computer Mapping and Modelling Procedure in Epmi's Development Drilling Activities

Lee Kam Hoong

Abstract: Stress Analysis and Hydrofracturing Directions in Malaysia Based on Borehole Breakout Studies

Mohd Idrus Ismail

Abstract: Some Applications of the Combined Use of Core Analysis and Electric Log Data

T. Kennaird

Abstract: Structural Elements of Offshore West and Northwest Sabah

Abd. Manaf Mohammad, Mohd. Idrus Ismail

Abstract: Petrographic Image Analysis, Pore Classification and the Study of Reservoir Pore Complex

Abdullah Kinchu