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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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The Telogenetic Formation of a Red Bed

Sriyanee De Silva

Abstract: Constraints on the Pre-Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Malay Peninsula

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: Geologi Struktur Ahli Gersik Atas Form Asi Setul Pulau Langgun, Langkawi (IN MALAY), Geological structure of the detrital member above the Setul Formation on Langgun Island, Langkawi

Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Diagenetic Patterns in the Mid-Tertiary Batu Gading Limestones, Sarawak

Azhar Hj. Hussin

Abstract: Some Diagenetic Aspects of the Subis Limestone

Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

Abstract: Geological Environment of the Chaotic Deposits Pertang Area, Negeri Sembilan

H. D. Tjia, Syed S. Almashoor

Abstract: Significance of Palynological Study in Late Quaternary Sediments in Peninsular Malaysia

Kamaludin Bin Hassan

Abstract: Stability of Slope Cuts in Peninsular Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Soil Logging Practice – What is the Standard?

Yunus Abdul Razak

Abstract: Contoh Penggunaan Kaedah Kerintangan Geoelektrik Untuk Penjelajahan Bawah Tanah (IN MALAY), Examples of using geoelectrical resitivity methods for underground exploration

Abdul Ghani Rafek

Abstract: Penafsiran Landsat Kawasan Sabah Barat Dan Utara (IN MALAY), Landsat interpretation of West and North Sulawesi

Kadderi Md. Desa

Abstract: Geology and Soils along Parts of the North-South Highway, Peninsular Malaysia

Boon Kong Tan

Abstract: Penyiasatan Terperinci Hidrogeologi Di Kawasan Jebungan, Mukah, Sarawak (IN MALAY), Detailed hydrogeological investigation in Jebungan, Mukah, Sarawak

Yusuf Bin Bujang

Abstract: Kegagalan Cerun Di Sepanjang Lebuhraya Utama Di Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Slope Failure along Major Highways in Peninsular Malaysia

Ibrahim Komoo

Abstract: Construction of Horizontal Wells in Kampung Paloh, Sarikei Division, Sarawak

Henry Litong Among

Abstract: Some Results of Resistivity Survey for Hydrogeological Investigation of Perlis

Mohammed Sayyadul Arafin

Abstract: Major Types of Primary Gold Deposits in Malaysia

K. K. Cheang

Abstract: Gold: Mineralogy and Metal Extraction

U. N. Misra, K. K. Cheang, N. N. Rao

Anggaran Timbunan Arangbatu, Block Terbulan, Lapangan Arangbatu Merit-Pila, Sarawak (IN MALAY), Coal Reserve Estimation, Tebulan Block, Merit-Pila Coalfield, Sarawak

Dorani Bin Johari

Abstract: Gold-Bearing, Quartz Veins from the Ajmal Mine Kuala Lipis Area, Pahang, Malaysia

K. K. Cheang, Zulkifli Che Kasim

Abstract: Geochemistry of Woodtin: Genetic Implications

G. H. Teh, R. W. Hutchinson

Abstract: Alteration in Mamut Adamellite

Tan Teong Hing

Abstract: Recent Conodont Data from Peninsular Malaysia: Palaeotectonic Implications

I. Metcalfe

Abstract: The Triassic System of Peninsular Malaysia

Wong Ting Woon

Abstract: A Desk-Top Planning for Geological Exploration of Platinum

Tuan Besar Tuan Sarif

Abstract: An Algal-Mud Mound in the Triassic Limestone Hill of Bukit Kodiang, Kedah

Ann Yasmin Bt. Nordin

Abstract: Processing of Illite Powder in Bidor, Perak: A Study of the Process and the Potential Uses of Illite Clay

Fan Choon Meng, AW Peck Chin

Abstract: K/Ar Mica Dates for Granites from the Bujang Melaka Area

Kwan Tai Seong

Abstract: Coal Exploration in Sarawak

S. P. Chen, D. Kelter, K. K. Liaw

Abstract: Metallogeny of Circum-Atlantic orogenic terrain with emphasis on granite related deposits

D. F. Strong

Pengkaolinan Telerang Kuarza: Satu Contoh Dari Seremban (IN MALAY), Kaolinization of Quartz Vein: An Example from Seremban

Ibrahim Komoo, Kadderi Md. Desa

The San Andreas Fault System, California

John C. Crowell

Deformation and Age of Limestone at Sungei Bilut near Raub, Pahang

K. R. Chakraborty, I. Metcalfe

Geological Control on the Birth of the Pulau Batu Hairan Mud Volcano, Kudat, Sabah

Felix Tongkul

Diamictite along the Eastern Margin of the Central Basin of the Malay Peninsula

I. Metcalfe, K. R. Chakraborty

An Upper Permian Fossil Assemblage from Gunung Sinyum and Gunung Jebak Puyoh Limestone, Pahang

M. B. Idris, C. N. Hashim

Aluvium Lebih Tua di Kawasan Johor Baharu, Johor (IN MALAY), Older alluvium at Johor Baharu area, Johor

Roslan Mahali, Tan Boon Kong

On the Significance of a Tight Fold in Bukit Panching, Pahang

M. B. Idris, M. S. Azlan

Abstract: Palynostratigraphy in Offshore Sarawak Climatic and Eustatic Applications

Claude Poumot, Elf Aquitaine, Jaizan Hardi Mohamed Jais

Abstract: Stratigraphic Processing of 3D Seismic by Concurrent Analysis of Surface and Borehole Data

P. S. Schultz, R. Gir, D. Pajot, Steve S. C. Wu

Abstract: DMO and NMO as Applied in Seismic Data Processing

Jiunnyih Chen

Abstract: Estimating Reserves in Thinly-Laminated Sands with the Help of Petrographic Image Analysis (PIA)

T. Kennaird, D. Bowen, J. W. Bruinsma

Abstract: A First Experience in Horizontal Drilling in SSPC (ERB West Field): A Review of Operational Geology

Raja Azhar Raja M. Noor, Thomas Kuud

Abstract: Seismic Processing Applications on a Personal Computer

Geophysical Service (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd

Abstract: The Hydrocarbon Potential and Tectonics of Indochina

Masao Hayashi

Abstract: Application of Vertical Receiver Arrays in 3D Seismic Exploration

R. Bekker

Abstract: Effect of Basement on the Location of Petroleum Accumulations in West Malaysia

Nik Ramli Nik Hassan

Abstract: Biostratigraphy of Selected Wells from Malay Basin, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia

Rashidah Hj Abd Karim, Ahmad Munif Koraini, Azmi Mohd Yakzan, Basiron Jalil, Ho Chee Kwong, Mohd Razali Che Kob, Rodziah Daud, Shamsudin Jirin

Abstract: Aspects of the Geological Evolution of Peninsular Malaysia

S. P. Sivam

Abstract: Structural History of the Malay Basin, a Classical Tertiary Wrench Basin

K. S. Kuang

Abstract: Integrating Geology and Geophysics to the Planning of the Guntong Field Development

Kwok Kwee Pin, Zainuddin Yusoff

Abstract: Advancements in Positioning for Marine Seismic 3D

P. Canter

Abstract: Application of Nuclear Spectrometry to Formation Geochemical Evaluation

P. Colombani, D. Ellis, J. Gran, M. Herron, J. Schweitzer, O. Serra, G. Mathieu, R. Roestenburg

Abstract: Subduction-Collision Models for the Malay Peninsula: An Appraisal

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: Geochemical Analyses and Interpretations of Surface Sediment Samples from the Deepwater Areas Offshore Sabah

B. Mahendran, U. Berner

Abstract: C-GC-MS and its Application to Crude Oil Analysis

Paul A. Comet, Ooi Siew Tin, Yap Ai Bee

Abstract: The Murau Formation: Lithostratigraphy, Lithofacies and Sedimentary Environment

Ahmad Jantan, Ibrahim Abdullah, Uyop Said

Abstract: The Murau Formation: Murau Structures and Their Significance to Regional Geology

Ibrahim Abdullah, Ahmad Jantan, Uyop Said

Abstract: Depositional Environments and Reservoir Properties of the J Sandstone, Malong Field, Offshore West Malaysia

Noor Azim Ibrahim, Mazlan Madon

Abstract: Tectonic History of the Bentong-Bengkalis Suture

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Heat Flow Regimes in Sedimentary Basins of Malaysia

Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff