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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Occurrence of Mélange in the Bengkoka Peninsula, Sabah

H. T. Sanudin, B. G. Muhammad, J. J. Pereira, C. J. Quek

The Occurrence of Bryozoan Bed in the Singa Formation, Bukit Durian Perangin, Langkawi

Basir Jasin, Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Mohd. Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Origin of Stress in the Lithosphere and Plate Boundary Forces

M. H. P. Bott

Metallogeny and Mineral Exploration

David F. Strong

Abstract: Aspects of Basin Analysis

L. A. Frakes

Abstract: Groundwater Pollution in the Klang Valley

Mohamad Ali Hasan, Zakaria Marzuki

Abstract: Subsidence History and Future Subsidence in the Batu Arang Area, Selangor Darul Ehsan — Some Further Thoughts

Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: Generation of Granitic Magmas in Malay Peninsula — Mechanism of Crustal Melting

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: The Clay Mineralogy of Some Soils from Johor, Malaysia

Anizan Isahak

Abstract: Cyclic Stromatolitic Sequences in the Setul Limestone, Bukit Bintang, Perlis

Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

Abstract: Upper Permian Brachiopods from Merapoh Area, Northwest Pahang

Mohd. Shafeea Leman

Abstract: A Preliminary Appraisal on the Waste Disposal Management System in Malaysia — Geological and Hydrogeological Perspectives

Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: The Occurrence of Lambir Formation in Ulu Bok Syncline, North Sarawak

Lim Chun Hui, Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Stratigraphy and Structure of the Late Paleozoic Bt. Jaya Metasediments, Pahang Darul Makmur — Paleogeographic and Tectonic Implications

Azhar Haji Hussin

Abstract: Seismic Sub-Bottom Profiling and Borehole Analysis of Pantai Kundor, Melaka

Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Umar Hamzah

Abstract: The Bentong Suture in Ulu Kelantan

H. D. Tjia, Syed Sheikh Almashoor

Abstract: Primary Composite-Texture Granite of the Main Range Province, Peninsular Malaysia — Origin and Implications

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: Comparative Geochemistry of the Sedimentary and Metasedimentary Clastic Rocks of the Kuantan Area, Pahang

T. Sidibe Yaya, Ahmad Jantan, Tan Teong Hing

Abstract: Modelling of Airborne Gravity Data

Clive A. Foss

Abstract: Application of Soil Geochemistry to the Detection of Sb-Au Mineralization in the Buffalo Reef Area, Kuala Medang, Pahang

Joy J. Pereira, E. B. Yeap, T. F. Ng

Abstract: Engineering Properties of Granitic Soils and Rocks of Penang Island

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Diagenesis and Porosity Reduction during Burial of Upper Miocene Sandstones, Jerneh-3 Well, Malay Basin

Mazlan b. Hj. Madon

Abstract: Penafsiran Data Satelit Dan Geofizik Di Sungai Aring, Ulu Kelantan, Kelantan Darul Naim (IN MALAY), Interpretation of satellite and geophysical data at Aring River, Ulu Kelantan

Ruben Raj Susai, Kamarudin Samuding, Kamarudin Zakaria

Abstract: The Genesis and Occurrence of Mottled Limestone in the Miocene Subis Limestone, Sarawak

Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

Abstract:Peprosesan data satelit secara digit untuk pemetaan litologi di Baratlaut Semenanjung Malaysia — satu penilaian (IN MALAY), Digital Processing of Satellite Data for Lithological Mapping in Northwest Peninsular Malaysia — An Evaluation

Juhari Mat Akhir

Abstract: The Malaysian Standard of Mineral Water

Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: Petrography of Coal from the Merit-Pila Coalfield, Sarawak

Justine Jok Jau

Abstract: Sedimentary Environment of the Nyalau Formation at Bukit Ancharang, Batu Niah, Sarawak

Raja Abd. Halim Raja Muda, Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Geological Considerations of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) — The Case of Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Mohamad Ali Hasan

Abstract: Lithofasies Batu Kapur Kodiang, Kedah (IN MALAY), Lithofacies of the Kodiang Limestone Formation, Kedah

Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Basir Jasin, Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Some Findings in the Batu Gading Area, Middle Baram, Sarawak

Chieng Yih Yaw

Abstract: The Sabah Complex — A Lithodemic Unit (A New Name for the Chert-Spilite Formation and its Ultramafic Association)

Basir Jasin

Abstract: Petrochemistry of Basic to Ultrabasic Rocks in the Ranau Area, Sabah

Askury Abd. Kadir, Zulkipli Che Kasim, Paulius Godwin

Abstract: Sedimentary Facies of the Middle Triassic Semantan Formation and Their Significance

Azhar Haji Hussin

Abstract: Kinematic Analysis of Striated Fractures in Titiwangsa Granitoid, Karak Highway (Selangor Side)

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Circular Basin Development in the Tangkulap – Kuamut Area of Sabah

Lee Chai Peng, Sen Siong Choo

Abstract:Aspek sedimentologi dan paleontologi Batu Kapur Melinau di Taman Negara Gunung Mulu, Sarawak (IN MALAY), Sedimentological and Paleontological Aspects of Melinau Limestone from Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak

Uyop Said, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Abstract: The Sedimentology and Tectonics of the Temburong Formation — Single-Phase Deformation of Early Tertiary Deltaic Sequences in NW Borneo

Robert B. Tate

Abstract: The Holocene History of the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Significance of a Reverse Fault in the Bentong Suture, Ulu Kelantan

Syed Sheikh Almashoor, H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Potential Alkali-Silica Reaction in Some Malaysian Rock Aggregates and Their Test Results

Sazali Yaakob, Yeap Ee Beng, Hashim Abdul Razak

Abstract: P-Wave Velocity Variation in Water-Saturated Sand from Shallow Seismic Refraction

L. S. Leong, K. H. Ho, K. Y. Lee, C. C. Yew

Abstract: The Nenering Tertiary Sedimentary Basin, Keroh (Hulu Perak), Perak

G. H. Teh

Abstract: Diagenesis and Chertification of the Carboniferous Pancing Limestone, Pahang Darul Makmur

Azhar Haji Hussin

Abstract: Investigations for the Tawau Dam, Sabah

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Mineralogy, Bulk Composition and Trace Heavy Metal Content of Some Tailing Slime in the Kinta Valley

Siti Faridah Yusup, E. B. Yeap, J. J. Pereira

Abstract: Geological Observations along New Roadcuts in the Lupar Valley, Sarawak, and its Possible Implication on the Current Concept of the Geology of Lupar Valley

Richard Mani Banda, Justine Jok Jau

Abstract: Geological Modelling and Reservoir Simulation of a Petroleum Field in Malaysia

D. N. H. Lee, D. Baxendale, Edmund Huang

The Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex, SE Sabah, Malaysia – Preliminary Interpretations

Shariff Abd. Kadir S. Omang, Wan Azmona Wan Mohamed, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Sahibin A. Rahim

Shore Scleroscope Hardness of the Kuala Lumpur Granite, Peninsular Malaysia

Ng Tham Fatt

Features of Growth Faults

John W. Shelton

Ultrasonic Investigation of the Kuala Lumpur Granite, Peninsular Malaysia

Ng Tham Fatt

Abstract: Regional Geochemistry — A Basis for Development and Environment Planning?

Jane A. Plant

Abstract: Geochemistry in the Development of Metallogenic Models and Exploration Criteria for SEDEX and MVT Base Metal Deposits

Jane A. Plant

Abstract: Mineral Development and the Environment – A Geologist's Dilemma?

Chris M. L. Bowler

Abstract: Paleoenvironment Analysis of Upper Miocene Sedimentary Sequence, Jerneh Field, Malay Basin

Mazlan B. Hj. Madon

Point Load Strength of a Medium Grained Marble from the Kuala Lumpur Limestone

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Plate Tectonics and Petroleum Habitats (Keynote Address 1)

David G. Howell

Abstract: World Petroleum Resources – Where, Why, and How Much? (Keynote Address 2)

Charles D. Masters

Abstract: Tectonic Framework of the Southeast Asian Tertiary Basins (Keynote Address 3)

Charles S. Hutchison

Abstract: Evolution of the Island Arc and Marginal Basins of the Western Pacific (Keynote Address 4)

David A. Falvey

Abstract: 3-D Seismic Benefits from Exploration through Development: An Exxon Perspective (Keynote Address 5)

M. G. Johnson

Abstract: Regional Data Processing and Analysis as a Basis for Co-Operative Resource Assessment (Keynote Address 6)

Richard Sinding-Larsen

Abstract: Giant Oil Accumulations and Their Areal Concentration Efficiency (Paper 1)

Kinji Magara

Abstract: Estimates of Offshore Hydrocarbon Resource Potential in Tertiary Sedimentary Basins and Areas along the Western Rim of the Pacific Basin (Paper 2)

Keith Robinson

Abstract: Tarakan Basin, NE Kalimantan, Indonesia: A Century of Exploration and Future Hydrocarbon Potential (Paper 3)

A. W. R. Wight, L. H. Hare, J. R. Reynolds

Abstract: Tertiary Coal Measures as Source Sequences for Oil (Paper 4)

Alan C. Cook, M. M. Faiz

Abstract: Paleogeographic Development of the Southwestern Pacific Basin (Paper 5)

George W. Moore

Abstract: The Tertiary Megasequence Stratigraphy of the South China Sea Petroleum Basins (Paper 6)

Andrew G. Lodge

Abstract: Tectonic Implications of Cenozoic Magmatism in Southeastern and Eastern Asia (Paper 8)

Martin F. J. Flower, Steven H. Harder, Robert J. McCabe

Abstract: Tectonic Features and Evolution of the China Sea and Adjacent Regions (Paper 9)

Qiu Yan, Li Tanggen

Abstract: A Single Mechanism for Cenozoic Extension in and around Indonesia (Paper 11)

Steven H. Harder, Robert J. McCabe, Martin F. J. Flower

Abstract: Paleomagnetic Evidence to Define a Stable East Asia and Sundaland (Paper 12)

Robert McCabe, Steven Harder, Vivat Paijitprapapon, Nguyen Giang, Eko Lumadyo

Abstract: The Nonlinear Inversion of Paleogeothermal Evolution: Example from the North Part of South China Sea (Paper 13)

Xue Aimin

Abstract: Cenozoic Structure and Stratigraphy of the Eastern Continental Shelf and Upper Slope of Vietnam (Paper 14)

S. Wirasantosa, J. S. Watkins, G. White

Abstract: A Preliminary Research into the Plate Collision, Rotation and Divergence Pattern of China and its Periphery Since Mesozoic (Paper 15)

Fei Qi

Abstract: The Tectonic Significance of Transform Faults within a Portion of the Greater Sarawak Basin (Paper 16)

Gary A. Posehn, James A. Genereux, A. M. Mantaring

Abstract: Statistical Analysis of the Structural Evolution of Western Qaidam Basin (Paper 17)

Zhang Qi Rui, Xie Ming Qian, Xue Chao

Abstract: Fission Track Analysis of Khorat Group Sediments, Khorat Plateau, Thailand (Paper 18)

Charlie Bristow

Abstract: The Bouguer Gravity Variation over South East Asia as Derived from Satellite Altimeter Data (Paper 19)

Clive A. Foss, John Savage

Abstract: Tectonic Outline of the Sunda Shelf – A Satellite Gravity Study (Paper 20)

Kjell O. Wannas, Kjell L. Hayling

Abstract: Structural Trap Styles of the Malay Basin (Paper 21)

Mohd. Tahir Ismail, Kurt W. Rudolph

Abstract: Thermal Studies in Oil Basinal Areas of Indonesia (Paper 22)

Sandjojo Subono, Siswoyo

Abstract: Development of the Sorong Fault Zone Region, Eastern Indonesia (Paper 23)

Robert Hall, Jason Ali, Charles Anderson

Abstract: The Timing and Tectonic Significance of Mélange Formation in Eastern Sabah, Malaysia (Paper 24)

Ben M. Clennell

Abstract: Basin Reactivation Associated with the Mid–Cenozoic Initiation of Subduction, Taranaki, New Zealand (Paper 25)

P. R. King, J. M. Beggs, T. A. Stern, G. P. Thrasher, R. A. Wood

Abstract: Tertiary Tectonic Evolution of the NW Sabah Continental Margin (Paper 26)

Hans P. Hazebroek, Denis N. K. Tan, J. M. Lamy

Abstract: The Role of Advanced Seismic Interpretation in Development Planning for the Kinabalu Main Field, Offshore NW Borneo (Paper 27)

Christian F. W. Hocker, Sonny H. B. Lim

Abstract: Structural Framework and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Southern Sandakan Basin, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia (Paper 28)

T. R. Walker, A. F. Williams, D. Wong, M. K. A Kadir, R. H. F. Wong

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene-Pliocene, Southern Offshore Sandakan Basin, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia (Paper 29)

R H. F. Wong

Abstract: Geology of the Bayah Area: Implications for Tertiary Evolution of West Java, Indonesia (Paper 30)

D. Sukarna, Kusnama, S. Andi Mangga

Abstract: Hydrocarbon Habitat in Offshore Southeast Asia: Comparison between the Mekong, South Con Son, Natuna and Malay Basins (Paper 31)

P. Cullen, D. J. Lucas, H. G. D. Mackay, J. J. McGuckin, I. R. Wilson

Abstract: Hydrocarbon Generation from Peat? Comparison of Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Data from Cold-Temperate and Tropical Peats and Coal (Paper 32)

Joan S. Esterle, Marc Bustin

Abstract: Terrane Analysis and Tectonics of the Nan-Chantha Buri Suture Zone (Paper 33)

S. Hada, S. Bunopas

Abstract: Australia–Philippines Cooperative Marine Seismic and Sniffer Survey in Four Philippine Offshore Sedimentary Basins (Paper 34)

Chao-Shing Lee, Doug Ramsay, Freddie Rellira, Malcolm Galloway, David Baladad

Abstract: The Tertiary Tectonic Evolution of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia (Paper 35)

S. Andi Mangga Kusnama, D. Sukarna

Abstract: Oil Quality Variations in the Malay Basin — Geochemical Insights (Paper 36)

S. Creaney, Abdul Hanif Hussein

Abstract: Tectonism, Magmatism and Sedimentary Basin Development in the Mesozoic-Early Tertiary Period, New Caledonia (Paper 37)

Philippa M. Black

Abstract: Petroleum Generation in the West Aceh Basin, Sumatra (Paper 38)


Abstract: Source Rock and Hydrocarbon Geochemistry, Offshore NW Sabah, Malaysia (Paper 39)

Peter B. Woodroof, Andrew D. Carr

Abstract: New Targets for Oil and Gas Exploration in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (Paper 40)

Jonathan A. Rodd

Abstract: Microplankton Biostragraphy in Tropical Tertiary Deposits of Offshore NW Borneo (Paper 41)

Ronald E. Besems

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Tertiary Sediments Offshore Sarawak (Balingian and Luconia Provinces) (Paper 42)

Idris Mohamed, Ooi Chi Meng

Abstract: Tectonic Control on the Development of the Neogene Basins in Sabah, East Malaysia (Paper 43)

Felix Tongkul

Abstract: Geothermal Evolution Modelling with Apatite Fission Tract Data – The Geothermal History Analysis of Hefei Basin, Eastern China (Paper 44)

Xue Aimin

Abstract: Oil, Geology, and Changing Concepts in the Southwest Philippines (Palawan and the Sulu Sea) (Paper 45)

E. F. Durkee

Abstract: Sedimentology of the Miocene Semirara Formation, Philippines (Paper 46)

C. S. Bristow, P. R. Bird

Abstract: Hydrocarbon Occurrences in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins in Central Australia (Paper 47)

J. Paran

Abstract: Coal in the Western Pacific Basin, an Overview (Paper 49)

E. R. Landis

Abstract: Coal as an Energy Resource in Malaysia (Paper 50)

Chen Shick Pei

Abstract: Neogene Tectonics and Orogeny of Indonesia (Paper 53)

T. O. Simandjuntak

Abstract: Sedimentological and Mineralogical Analysis of the Turbidite Sandstone Beds at the Eastern Margin of the Niigata Neogene Backarc Oil Basin, Northwest Japan; with Special Reference to the Coexistence of Shallow-Marine and Deep-Marine Turbidite Sandstone Beds (Paper 54)

Shuichi Tokuhashi

Abstract: Lithospehere Structure and Dynamics of the Banda Arc Collision Zone, Eastern Indonesia (Paper 55)

Adrian Richardson

Abstract: Tectonic Evolution of the Banda Arc, E. Indonesia: Southern Tethyan Crust Obduction Metamorphism and Fragmentation of Eastern Gondwanaland (Paper 56)

Jan Sopaheluwakan

Abstract: A New Investigation of Some Continental Scale Gravity Lineaments in Australia (Paper 57)

Cathy Elliot

Abstract: Strike Slip Duplexes: Their Role in Basin Formation and Evolution, with Reference to the North Sumatra Back Arc, Ombilin Intermontane and West Sumatra Fore Arc Basins (Paper 58)

B. Situmorang, B. Yulihanto, R. S. Himawan

Abstract: Geothermal Energy and Uranium Mineralization Potential of the Main Range Granite Province, Peninsular Malaysia (Paper 59)

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: Deep Slim Hole, Diamond Core Drilling Program Proves Effective for Geothermal Assessment in Hawaii (Paper 60)

Harry J. Olson, John E. Demonaz

Abstract: Geothermal Systems within a "Pulled-Apart" Segment of the Philippine Fault (Central Leyte): Their Characteristics and Relation to Volcanism and Strike-Slip Tectonics (Paper 61)

Henry J. Tebar

Abstract: Geology, Energy Potential and Development of Indonesia's Geothermal Prospects (Paper 62)

Mochamad Boedihardi, Agus Mulyono, Alimin Ginting, Mark D. Mosby, Vincent T. Radja

Abstract: The Geophysical Characteristics and Evolution of Northern and Southern Margins of South China Sea (Paper 63)

Xia Kang-yuan, Zhou Di

Abstract: Heat Flow Distribution in the Western Margin of the Pacific (Paper 64)

Osamu Matsubayashi, Toshiyasu Nagao, Seiya Uyeda

Abstract: Southern Sandakan Sub-Basin – 7th Oil Province for Borneo (Poster 1)

T. R. Walker, A. F. Williams, D. Wong, M. K. A. Kadir, R. H. F. Wong

Abstract: West Batangas Basin – Untested Depocenter in Philippines South China Sea (Poster 2)

R. A. Reyes

Abstract: Thrust Tectonics along the North-Western Continental Margin of Sabah (Poster 3)


Abstract: A New Geological Map of Borneo Island (Poster 4)

Robert B. Tate

Abstract: Scientific Exploration of the Western Margins of the Pacific Basin by the Ocean Drilling Program (Poster 5)

T. Janecek, J. Allan, J. Firth, A. Fisher, A. Palmer, L. Stokking, T. Francis, P. Rabinowitz

Abstract: Detailed Sedimentological Core Logging – An Essential Step Towards Understanding Reservoir Architecture and Performance (Poster 6)

D. Barr, D. Soo

Abstract: The Philippine Sea Geotraverse (Poster 7)

A. G. Rodnikov

Abstract: Geology and Mineralogy of the Late Jurassic–Quaternary Sedimentary Cover in the Oceans and on the Continents (Poster 8)

I. S. Gramberg, E. N. Isaev, L. E. Levin

Abstract: Geological Architecture of the Miocene Carbonate Buildups from the Central Luconia Gas Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia (Poster 9)

Bruno Caline, Ton ten Have, Updesh Singh, Saiful Bahri Zainal, Mohd. Reza Lasman, Mohd. Yamin Ali

Abstract: University of London Group for Geological Research in Southeast Asia (Poster 10)

R. Hall

Abstract: A Satellite Derived Bouguer Gravity Map of Southeast Asia (Poster 11)

John Savage, Clive Foss

Abstract: Structural Control on Facies Distribution and Economic Deposits in the Ombilin Basin, West Sumatra, Indonesia (Poster 12)

Chris Howells

Abstract: Sedimentological Aspects toward Precise Formation Evaluation and Testing (Poster 15)

Mohamed Taha

Abstract: Fluvio-Lacustrine Deposits in a Tertiary Intermontane Basin, Thailand (Poster 16)

Damien M. Strogen

Abstract: A Reappraisal of the Stratigraphy of Eastern Sabah

Ben M. Clennell