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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Assessing the Adsorption Capability of a Clay Soil
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: The Effects of Sealevel Fluctuations on Prograding Shorelines and Estuarine Valley-Fill Sequences in the Upper Mannville Sediments, Southern Alberta
Mohd. Zahoor Farshori
Geologic Features of the Pantai Acheh Granite, Penang
Lim Tow Ho
Kota Tampan: A Late Pleistocene Palaeolithic Workshop on the Shore of Palaeo-Cenderoh Lake in Perak
H. D. Tjia
Geology, Mining and Tailing Characteristics of the Selinsing Gold Mine, Pahang: A Preliminary Study
J. J. Pereira
Abstract: The Occurrence of Upper Permian Foraminifers in Northwest Pahang
Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah
Abstract: Permian Fauna and Volcanic Activity in the Padang Tengku Area, Pahang
Mohd Shafeea Leman
Abstract: Significance of Bedded Chert at Bukit Kodiang, Kedah
Basir Jasin, Kamal Roslan Mohamed
Abstract: Re-Interpretation of the Stratigraphy of the Gunong Semanggol Area, Perak Darul Ridzuan and its Implication
Azhar Haji Hussin
Abstract: Fasies Batu Kapur Formasi Semantan (IN MALAY), Limestone Facies of the Semantan Formation
Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Ibrahim Abdullah
Abstract: Tethyan/Indo-Pacific Microfloral Provincialism during the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Period
Mark Alex-Sanders
Abstract: Spora Kapur dari Paloh, Johor (IN MALAY), Cretaceous Spores from Paloh, Johor
Uyop Said, Kamal Roslan Mohamed
Abstract: Biostratigraphic Characterisation of Stratigraphic Sequences in the Malay Basin
R. J. Morley, Azmi Mohd Yakzan, Awalludin Harun, Bahari md. nasib
Abstract: Tertiary Palynomorphs from Batu Arang, Malaysia
Ahmad Munif Koraini
Abstract: Palynology of Late Quaternary Sediments of Piston-Core KL-139 from Sabah Trough, East Malaysia
Shamsudin Jirin
Abstract: The Nenering Sequence: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Probable Basin Initiation – A Second Opinion
Ahmad Jantan, Ibrahim Abdullah, Che Aziz Ali, Juhari Mat Akhir
Abstract: The Significant Occurrences of Parateichichnus Pilulacopia and Hydrancyclus Paracaulis (Trace-Fossils) in the Kudat Formation, Bengkoka Peninsula, Sabah and Temburong Formation, Labuan
Lee Chai Peng
Abstract: Dent Group and Their Subsurface Equivalent in the Offshore Kinabatangan Area, East Sabah
Ismail Che Mat Zin
Abstract: Miocene Giant Rhinoceroted Baluchitherium from the Bugti Hills, Pakistan and its Paleobiogeographic Importance
S. Mahmood Raza, Ghazala Roohi, Mohammad Arif
Abstract: Poisson's Ratio of Water Saturated Alluvium in Penang from Shallow Seismic Refraction
Leong Lap Sau, Lim Teck Kean, Md. Anuar Razali
Abstract: Interpretation of Seismic Attributes in Detecting Fluid Contacts – Case History: Tembungo Field
Izman Hamid, Idrus Mohd Shuhud
Abstract: Geothermics of the Malaysian Sedimentary Basins
Mohd Firdaus Abdul Halim
Abstract: Penyiasatan tapak dengan bantuan kaedah kerintangan geoelektrik (IN MALAY), Site Investigation with the Aid of Geoelectrical Resistivity Method
Abdul Ghani Rafek, Abdul Rahim Samsudin
Abstract: Geophysical Study of Kuala Betis, Kelantan
Abdul Rahim Samsudin
Abstract: Penggunaan data Landsat "Thematic Mapper" yang diproses secara digit untuk kajian geologi di Kuala Betis, Kelantan Darul Naim: satu tafsiran awalan (IN MALAY), Geological Applications of Digitally Processed Thematic Mapper Data in Kuala Betis, Kelantan Darul Naim: A Preliminary Interpretation
Juhari Mat Akhir
Abstract: Analysis of Geological Material by Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICP-AES)
G. H. Teh, A. K. Fan, M. C. Lee
Abstract: Assessing the Adsorption Capability of a Clay Soil
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: The Application of Engineering Geological Mapping in the Design and Construction of Roadways
Muhinder Singh, Mogana Sundram
Abstract: Coal Mining and Ground Surface Subsidence at Batu Arang, Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan
J. K. Raj
Abstract: Integration of Geophysical and Geotechnical Techniques in Site Investigation: A Case Study of a Karstic Area
Umar Hamzah, Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Abd. Rahim Shamsuddin
Abstract: The Story of Gemencheh Dam II
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: A Pseudofossil in the Kayan Sandstone at Santubong, Sarawak
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Geological and Hydrogeological Perspectives on the Waste Disposal System in Terengganu and Pahang
Mohamad Ali Hasan
Abstract: Classification of Excavated Material Based on Laboratory Testing
Mohd For Mohd Amin
Abstract: The Geomorphology of Southeast Johor
Anizan Isahak
Abstract: Preliminary Study on the Pahang River Delta
Ahmad Jantan, M. Z. Farshori
Abstract: Chemical Patterns and Evolution of the Batholiths of the Main Range Province, Peninsular Malaysia
K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: The Magmatic Differentiation Sequence of the Palong Pluton, Negeri Sembilan/Pahang
Askury Abd. Kadir
Abstract: Penggunaan nombor niggli untuk membezakan formasi-formasi metasedimen klastik gred sederhana hingga tinggi (IN MALAY), The Use of Niggli Numbers to Differentiate Medium to High Grade Clastic Sedimentary Formations
Hamzah Mohamad, Rohayu Che Omar
Abstract: Reactivated Tectonic Structural Controls on Morphological Development of the Central Luconia Carbonates
Mohammad Yamin Ali, Amita Mohd Ali
Abstract: Structural Development at the West-Central Margin of the Malay Basin (Basement of Blocks PM 2 and PM 7)
Liew Kit Kong
Abstract: Tindanan canggaan tektonik sepaksi ke atas lipatan sedimen Formasi Semantan (IN MALAY), The Coaxial Superimposed Tectonic Deformations onto the Sedimentary Folds of the Semantan Formation
Ibrahim Abdullah, Kamal Roslan Mohamed
Abstract: Iron Oxide Mineralogy in Saprolites and Soils over Some Metamorphic Rocks
Siti Zauyah Darus
Abstract: Gunung Danum Conservation Area: Geological and Soil Aspects
Muhamad Barzani Gasim, Dale Brunotte, Sahibin Abdul Rahim, Sahat Sadikun, Sanudin Tahir
Abstract: Kesan Perlombongan Besi Terhadap Alam Sekitar — Tinjauan Awal Kes Bukit Besi (IN MALAY), The impact of iron mining on the environment: Inital survery of Bukit Besi case
Mohamad Ali bin Hassan, Che Ibrahim bin Mat Saman
Abstract: Zon Sesar Bukit Berapit (IN MALAY), Bukit Berapit fault zone
Zaiton Harun
Abstract: The Northward Extension of Baubak Fault in Kedah and Perlis, Peninsular Malaysia
Syed Sheikh Almashoor
Abstract: Geologi Sekitar Jongok Batu, Ulu Dungun, Terengganu (IN MALAY), Geological environment of Jongok stone, Ulu Dungun, Terengganu
Norul Ashikin Ab. Karim, Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim
Abstract: Relationships between Sn and Au Mineralizations to the Granites: An Example from Kuala Pilah
Wan Fuad Wan Hassan
Abstract: The Structure and Gold Mineralization in the Kim Chaun Gold Mine (Former Raub Mine Area), Bukit Koman, Pahang
Yeap Ee Beng, J. J. Pereira
Abstract: Pemineralan Kawalan Struktur Dan Bijih Timah Berpegmatit Di Lombong Rahman Hidraulic Tin Bhd (IN MALAY), Structure-controlled mineralization and pegmatitic tin ores in Rahman Hydraulic Tin Bhd.
Nizarul Ikram Abdul Rahim, G. H. Teh
Abstract: Style and Characteristics of the Primary Gold Mineralization in Peninsular Malaysia
Yeap Ee Beng
Abstract: Penemuan batuan Formasi Semanggol di kawasan sempadan Malaysia-Thailand, Kroh, Perak (IN MALAY), The discovery of the Semanggol Formation rocks in the Malaysia-Thailand border area, Kroh, Perak
Zahir Yayha, G. H. Teh
Abstract: Geology of the G. Sumalayang Area, Johor
Norazhar Ngatimin, G. H. Teh
Abstract: Permodelan geomagnet badan gabro Ajil-Wakaf Tapai, Terengganu (IN MALAY), Modeling the geomagnetic Ajil-Wakaf Tapai gabbro body, Terengganu
Mazlan Abdullah, Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim
Abstract: Petrology and Geochemistry of the Granitoids of the Lumut-Segari-Pantai Remis Area, Perak
Norzaini Karim, G. H. Teh
Permian Conodonts from the Raub Gold Mine, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
Ian Metcalfe
Clay Minerals in the Weathering Profile of a Quartz-Muscovite Schist in the Siliau Area, Negeri Sembilan
J. K. Raj
The Occurrence of the Oolitic Limestone Facies in the Semantan Formation
Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Ibrahim Abdullah
Point Load Strength of a Porphyritic Hypersthene Microdiorite from the Tawau Area, Sabah, East Malaysia
J. K. Raj
Abstract: The Use of Microwave Remote Sensing in Geology
Bas Koopmans
Abstract: Exploration Strategy Based on a Proven Sedimentological Model for the Glauconitic Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) of Southern Alberta
M. Z. Fashori
Abstract: Marine Carbonate Sequences from Foreland Areas
Steven L. Dorobek
Triaxial Compressive Strength of a Stylolitic, Medium Grained Marble from the Kuala Lumpur Limestone
J. K. Raj
Some Radiolaria from the Chert Block of Lubok Antu Mélange, Sarawak
Basir Jasin, N. S. Haile
Mineral of the Schoenfliesite-Wickmanite Series from Sungai Gow, Pahang: A Preliminary Finding
Wan Fuad Wan Hassan
The Kisap Thrust in the Kampung Kilim Area, Pulau Langkawi
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: The Marine Geology off the North Lantau Coast, Hong Kong and its Application to Infrastructure Development
J. W. Ceri James
Abstract: Petroleum Migration in the Malay Basin – Our Current Understanding (Paper 1)
S. Creaney, P. S. Koch, K. W. Rudolph
Abstract: First Record of Mélange on the Jerudong Line, Brunei Darussalam (Paper 2)
Charles S. Hutchison
Abstract: Tectonic Styles of the Balingian Province (Paper 3)
Peter M. Swinburn
Abstract: A Quantitative Study of the Seismic Time-Amplitude Reflection Characteristics in an Oil Field (Paper 4)
Ng Tong San, Idrus Mohd. Shuhud, Leong Lap Sau
Abstract: Inversion Tectonics in the Malay Basin: Evidence and Timing of Events (Paper 5)
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: The Use of 3D Seismic in Baram Delta Operations, Sarawak (Paper 6)
Ton ten Have, Foo Wah Yang
Abstract: Overview of AVO Analysis in the Malay Basin (Paper 7)
Lye Yue Choong, M. Reza Daneshvar
Abstract: Petrography and Reservoir Quality of the Tapis Sandstones, Sotong Field, Southeast Malay Basin (Paper 8)
Uzaymee Mohd Yusof
Abstract: Structural Framework and Trap Styles in Southwestern Offshore Sabah (Paper 9)
Geoffrey Wee
Abstract: A Tectonostratigraphic Model for the Southern Nam Con Son Basin, Offshore Vietnam (Paper 10)
S. J. Matthews, S. P. Todd
Abstract: Continental Sedimentation in Humid-Tropical Climates: Impact on Tertiary Strata of the South China Sea Area, with Modern Analogues (Paper 11)
R. D. Kreisa, M. H. Carter, B. S. Smith
Abstract: High Resolution 2-D Seismic Survey in the Malay Basin (Paper 12)
Abdul Razak Nurin, Kurt B. Tweedy, Jesmee Zainal Rashid
Abstract: Geological Constraints in the Development of the Bayan Field, Offshore Sarawak East Malaysia (Paper 13)
Andria G. Dundang, Norazlam Norbi, G. F. Canjar, Boniface Bait, Bert Hejina
Abstract: Seismic Recognition of Incised Valleys in the Malay Basin (Paper 14)
Md. Nor Mansor, K. W. Rudolph
Abstract: Petroleum Potential of the Tembeling Group (Paper 15)
Khalid Ngah, H. D. Tjia, Abdul Jalil Muhamad, Mohd. Yamin Ali, Mohd. Rapi Md. Som, Liew Kit Kong, Shamsudin Jirin
Abstract: Borehole Gravimetry Survey in Central Luconia Carbonate Reservoirs (Paper 16)
Mah Kok Gin
Abstract: A Seismic Tour of Eastern Sabah: Play Types and Tectonic Settings (Paper 17)
Terrance R. Walker
Abstract: The Integration of 3-D Seismic and Geological Computer Mapping in Defining Further Development Opportunities in a Mature Field (Paper 18)
Md Zin Che Lah, Jonathan K. Westbury, George Ciesla
Abstract: Improved Characterisation of Carbonate Reservoirs Using Nonlinear Modelling (Paper 19)
M. Prins
Abstract: Application of Sequence Stratigraphic Techniques on the Non-Marine Sequences: An Example from the Balingian Province, Sarawak (Paper 20)
Ismail Che Mat Zin, Jaafar Sipan
Abstract: Complex Transtensional Structures and the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Greater Sarawak Basin, East Malaysia, as Defined by Synthetic Aperture Radar (Paper 21)
D. J. Bird, G. A. Posehn, M. P. R. Light, M. A. A. Hudi
Abstract: A Comparison of 3-D One-Pass Migration Algorithms (Paper 22)
Herman van Voorst Vader, Peter Chia Teck Fook
Abstract: Locations of Sedimentary Basins in Peninsular Malaysia: Speculations on Basement Control, Basin Extension and Hydrocarbon Potential (Paper 23)
Azhar Haji Hussin, S. P. Sivam
Abstract: Abnormal Pressure Study in the Malay-Penyu Basin (Paper 24)
Mohd Shariff Kader
Abstract: DHI Analysis in the Malay Basin (Paper 25)
K. W. Rudolph, F. W. Richards
Abstract: A Comparison of Quality of Present-Day Heat Flow Obtained from BHTs, Horner Plots, RFTs, and DSTs of Malay Basin (Paper 26)
Douglas W. Waples, Mahadir Ramly
Abstract: An Overview of the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Spratly Archipelago, South China Sea, and its Regional Implications for Oil and Gas Development (Paper 27)
J. B. Blanche, J. D. Blanche
Abstract: Bukit Keluang Formation: A Proposed New Stratigraphic Unit and its Sedimentology (Poster 1)
Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Ibrahim Abdullah
Abstract: Engineering Acquisition and Processing: An Integrated Design Approach for Optimal Seismic Data (Poster 2)
A. Easton Wren
Abstract: On-Board Processing/Interpretation, PPL 82 Papua New Guinea (Poster 3)
Larry Gale, Michio Higashi, Joe Kmeck, Sean Rooney
Abstract: Reversal of Wrench Movement at the West-Central Margin of the Malay Basin (Poster 4)
Liew Kit Kong
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution of the J-15 Sequence in PM9, Malay Basin (Poster 5)
Abdul Jailani Che Johari, John R. Bedingfield