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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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The Photogeology of the Bukit Tunjung Area, Chuping, Perlis

Lai Kok Hoong

Abstract: Behaviour of Gold and Other Heavy Minerals in Streams — Implications for Exploration Geochemistry

W. K. Fletcher

Abstract: The Trend of Seismotectonic Studies for Engineering Projects

Wasif Ahmad Siddqui

Abstract: Weardale Granite and its Mineralisation

M. H. P. Bott

Joint Characteristics in Granitic Rocks of Eastern Kuala Lumpur, Peninsular Malaysia

Ng Tham Fatt

Abstract: Potensi ekonomi batuan Permo-Trias di kawasan Labis, Johor (IN MALAY), The economic potential of Irmo-Triassic rocks in Labis, Johor

Zakaria Bin Hussain

Abstract: Barite and Associated Massive Sulphide and Fe-Mn Mineralization in the Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia

Teh Guan Hoe

Abstract: Biostratigraphy of the Kinta Valley, Perak

Fontaine Henri, Ibrahim Bin Amnan

Abstract: Preliminary Microfacies Analysis of the Bukit Biwah Limestone, Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu

Azhar Haji Hussin

Permo-Triassic Tin and Gold Mineralization Patterns of Peninsular Malaysia

Yeap Ee Beng

Abstract: Permo-Triassic Geology and Paleontology along the Dada Kering-Merapoh Highway, Pahang

Mohd Shafeea Leman

Clay Mineralogy and Sandstone Diagenesis of Turbidite Deposits from the Crocker Formation, Sabah, East Malaysia

Sivagnanam Sivalingam

Uniaxial Compressive Strengths of Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks from the Batu Arang Area, Selangor Darul Ehsan

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Recent Advances in Tectono-Sedimentary Models and Paleogeography of Gondwana Basins of Peninsular India

R. C. Tewari

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy — Historical Perspective of Concepts, Problems and Challenges in Exploration

Robert J. Weimer

Abstract: Structural History as a Clue to Crustal Evolution

K. Naha

Abstract: Implication of New Biostratigraphy Data for Stratigraphic Correlation of the Permian and Triassic in Peninsular Malaysia

Ian Metcalfe, Azhar Haji Hussin

Abstract: Interference of Compressional and Strike-Slip Related Structures in the Semanggol Formation Strata of N. Kedah

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib

Abstract: Early Permian Radiolaria from Ulu Kelantan, Malaysia

Basir Jasin

Abstract: Granite Jalur Timur di sektor selatan: Tinjauan petrokimia dan pemineralan (IN MALAY), The Southern Sector of Eastern Belt Granite: An Overview of Petrochemistry and Mineralization

Askury Abd. Kadir

Abstract: Formasi Gua Musang: Satu Pemikiran Semula (IN MALAY), Gua Musang Formation: A Rethinking

Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: The Nature of Permian-Triassic Junction in the Rock Sequence in Central Pahang

Ahmad Jantan, Uyop Said, Mohamad Md Tan

Faulted Gravel Terrace: Active Tectonics at Deer Cave, Mulu Region, Sarawak

H. D. Tjia

Point Load Strength of a Coarse Grained, Porphyritic, Biotite-Hornblende Granite from the Pergau Area, Kelantan Darul Naim

J. K. Raj, Ahmad Nazmi Mohd. Ali

Abstract: The Unique Baram Delta

Charles S. Hutchison

Abstract: Mineralization and Mining at Southeast Tekka, Perak, and Associated Granitoids

G. H. Teh, Ismail Mokhtar

The Aggregate Resource to Supply the New Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sepang and its Surrounding Area

E. B. Yeap

Abstract: Himpunan Fosil-Fosil Foraminifera Dan Alga Yang Terdapat Di Dalam Singkapan-Singkapan Batu Kapur Di Kawasaan Sekitar Sungai Kenong, Pahang (IN MALAY), The set-Fossil Fossil Foraminifera and Algae as stated in Limestone outcrops in the vicinity of the River Kenong, Pahang

Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman, Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

Abstract: Geology of Kota Kinabalu and its Implications to Groundwater Potential

Majeed Faisal, Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

Abstract: Physico-Chemical Properties of Basalt Soils from Kuantan, Pahang

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Interpretation of the Magnetic Anomalies in Parit Sulong-Batu Pahat Area

Samsudin Hj Taib, Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith

Abstract: Perlakuan Luluhawa Batuan Ultrabes Di Telupid Sabah: Tafsiran Dari Segi Geokimia (IN MALAY), Treatment of rock weathering Ultrabasic In Telupid Sabah: View of geochemical interpretation

Muhamad Md. Tan, Baba Musta

Abstract: Seismic Application Using Feedforward Neural Network Technology: A Review

Leong Lap Sau, Ng Tong San

Abstract: Penggunaan Data Landsat "Thematic Mapper" (TM) Dalam Pentafsiran Geologi Kawasan Kuala Gris, Kelantan Darul Naim (IN MALAY), The use of Landsat data "Thematic Mapper" (TM) in Kuala Gris Interpretation Geological Area, Naim

Safarudin Mat Tahir, Juhari Mat Akhir

Abstract: Distribution of Modern Nannofossils across the Sabah Margin and its Application in Environmental Interpretation of a Late Quaternary Section

Mohd Razali Che Kob, Basir Jasin

Abstract: Application of Resistivity Method for Archaeological Site Investigation

Abdul Rahim Samsudin

Abstract: Sedimentologi Dan Litostratigrafi Batuan Di Bukit Keluang, Besut, Terengganu (IN MALAY), And litho rock sedimentology In Bukit Keluang, Besut, Terengganu

Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Ibrahim Abdullah

Kajian kes seismos pantulan dalam endapan Kuaterner pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Reflection Seismic Case Studies in Quaternary Deposits of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

Umar Hamzah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Noraini Surip

Abstract: Lapisan Karbon Bawah Di Kampong Minda-Seri Bangun, Ulu Dungun, Terengganu (IN MALAY), Carbon Layer-Down Mind In Kampong Seri Bangun, Ulu Dungun, Terengganu

Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim, Ruzman Ismail

Abstract: The Balingian Shear Zone and West Baram Line, Sarawak and Their Importance in the Early Cenozoic Evolution of NW Borneo

Robert B. Tate

Abstract: Pendekatan Bersepadu Dalam Penyiasatan Geologi Dan Geoteknik Untuk Analisis Kestabilan Cerun (IN MALAY), Integrated Approach to Geological and Geotechnical Investigation for Slope Stability Analysis

Ibrahim Komoo

Abstract: Lower Cretaceous Palynomorphs from the Termus and Mangking Formations (Tembeling Group), Peninsular Malaysia: Their Stratigraphic and Climatic Significance

Shamsudin Jirin, R. J. Morley

Abstract: Zon Sesar Alur Lebey (IN MALAY), The Alur Lebey Fault Zone

Zaiton Harun

Abstract: Struktur Batuan Jura-Kapur Di Bukit Keluang, Bukit Bubus Dan Bukit Dendong, Besut, Terengganu (IN MALAY), Jura-Cretaceous rock structure in Bukit Keluang Bukit Bubus Dan Hill Dendong, Besut, Terengganu

Ibrahim Abdullah, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Abstract: Cretaceous and Neogene Volcanic Lavas of Sabah — Origin and Tectonic Significance

Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

Abstract: Dynamic Metamorphism of Marginal Igneous Complex of the Main Range Granite in the Belum Area, Upper Perak

T. T. Khoo, C. P. Lee

Abstract: How Wide and Oceanic Was Palaeotethys?: Evidence from Peninsular Malaysia

K. R. Chakraborty

Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene Volcanic Facies, Dent Peninsula, Sabah

Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Effect of Marikina Faults on Groundwater

Majeed M. Faisal, Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

The Stratiform Volcanogenic Exhalative Barite Deposit of Jenderak, Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur

Michael Lau, E. B. Yeap, J. J. Pereira

Abstract: Survey of Slope Failures for a Rural Road in Sarawak

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Hydrochemistry of Groundwater at Sahabat Region, Sabah

Tan Teong Hing

Abstract: Kajian Palinologi Batuan Sedimen Dari Jalan Keratong-Paloh Hinai, Pahang D.M (IN MALAY), Palynological Study of Sedimentary Rocks from Keratong -Paloh Hinai Road, Pahang, D.M

Uyop Said, Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Geology, Mining and Tailing Characteristics of Selected Gold Mines in Pahang

J. J. Pereira

Abstract: Seismicity of Peninsular Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Structures within the Bentong Suture Zone along the Cameron Highlands-Gua Musang Road

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib

Abstract: Palynological Study of Late Pleistocene Deposits at Pantai Remis, Perak

Kamaludin Bin Hassan

Abstract: Structural Patterns within the Tertiary Basement of the Strait of Malacca

Liew Kit Kong

Abstract: Sedimentology of a Cyclic Sequence of the Bongaya Formation around Pitas, Sabah

Habibah Jamil, Ahmad Jantan, Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Longshore Variation of Beach Sand in Relation to Littoral Drift Direction along the Kuala Terengganu Coast

Rosnan Yaakob, M. L. Hussein, A. Tajuddin

Tinjauan Awal Kewujudan Jasad Serpentinit Di Sg. Tempang, Temengor, Perak (IN MALAY), Preliminary Observations of the Occurrence of a Serpentinite Body at Sg. Tempang Temengor, Perak

Askury Abd. Kadir

Abstract: Palynological Study of Outcrop Samples from Layang-Layang Formation, Bandar Tenggara, Johor

Ahmad Munif Koraini, Azmi Mohd Yakzan, Uyop Said

Abstract: Late Permian Radiolaria from Central Pahang, Malaysia

Basir Jasin, Uyop Said

Abstract: Canggaan Bertindan Dalam Formasi Crocker Di Kawasan Tamparuli, Sabah (IN MALAY), Crocker Formation deformation Stacked In The Area Tamparuli, Sabah

Mohamad Barzani Gasim

Abstract: Redeposited Limestone and Paleokarst in the Ordovician-Silurian in North Perak

Azhar Haji Hussin

Abstract: Data Landsat MSS Sebagai Sumber Maklumat Geologi Alternatif: Satu Kajian Kes Di Kawasan Sekitar Grik, Perak Darul Ridwan (IN MALAY), Landsat MSS As Alternative Geological Information Resources: A Case Study in Neighborhoods Grik, Perak Darul Ridwan

Juhari Mat Akhir

Abstract: Lithostratigraphy of the Chenor Formation at Chenor-Kg. Awah Area, Pahang: A Suggestion and Proposal

Haniza Zakri, Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Recent Advances and Emergent Problems in the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Granitoids of the Main Range Province, Peninsular Malaysia

K. R. Chakraborty

Abstract: Metamorfisme Batuan Paleozoik Di Sekitar Lebuhraya Timur-Barat, Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Metamorphism of Paleozoic Rocks in the Vicinity of the East-West Highway, Peninsular Malaysia

Hamzah Mohamad, Rohayu Che Omar

Abstract: Petrology and Geochemistry of the Mantle-Sequence Peridotite of the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Sabah, Malaysia

Shariff A. K. Omang

Abstract: Development of Permian Volcaniclastics-Limestone Succession at Gua Bama, Pahang Darul Makmur

Lim Kok Keong, Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

Abstract: Field Relationships of Rock Units along the Malaysia-Thai Border, Nenering, Hulu Perak

G. H. Teh, Azhar Hj. Hussin

Abstract: Kehadiran Paleosol Di Dalam Jujukan Sedimen Kebenuan Di Nenering Serta Implikasi Iklim Kuno (IN MALAY), Paleosol Presence In The Sediment Sequences Counselors in Ancient Climate Nenering And Implications

Che Aziz Ali, Ahmad Jantan, Ibrahim Abdullah, Juhari Mat Akhir

Abstract: Some Permian Ammonoids from Kuala Betis Area, Kelantan

Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Occurrence of Tertiary Deposit in the Lenggong Area, Perak — Its Implications

G. H. Teh, Rushdan Abdul Latif

Abstract: Stratigraphy, Sedimentologyand Paleogeography of the Machinchang Group (Cambrian), Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia

M. Z. Fashori, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Mohd Shafeea Leman

Bukit Berapit Fault Zone

Zaiton Harun

Middle Triassic Radiolaria from the Semanggol Formation, Northwest Peninsular Malaysia

Basir Jasin

Survey of Slope Failures for a Rural Road in Sarawak

Tan Boon Kong

The Kudat Ophiolite Complex, Northern Sabah, Malaysia — Field Description and Discussion

Shariff A. K. Omang, Majeed M. Faisal, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

Physico-Chemical Properties of Basalt Soils from Kuantan, Pahang

Tan Boon Kong

Ultrasonic Pulse Velocities and Elastic Moduli of Marble Cores from the Kuala Lumpur Limestone

J. K. Raj, Rogayah Hj. Tayib

Fracture Axial-Plane Cleavage by Soft-Sediment Deformation

K. K. Liew, H. D. Tjia

Abstract: The Tectonic Interpretation of Variations in the Gravity Field over Southeast Asia as Revealed by Satellite Altimeter Measurements

Clive A. Foss

Abstract: Potensi mineral di Malaysia berasaskan geologi (IN MALAY), The Geological Prospectivity of Malaysia

Teoh Lay Hock

Abstract: Pengimejan Batuan Karbonat Dengan Kaedah Seismos (IN MALAY), Carbonate rocks Imaging With Seismic Methods

Abd Rahim Md Arshad, Umar Hamzah, Abd Rahim Samsudin

Abstract: Pengesahan kemasinan air tanah pada akuifer ke dua dengan menggunakan kaedah kerintangan geoelektrik. Kajian kes: Di sepanjang kawasan pantai utara Kelantan (IN MALAY), Confirmation of groundwater salinity in the aquifers to two by using resistivity techniques. Case study: Along the northern coast of Kelantan


Abstract: Potensi Batu Kapur Formasi Kodiang dan Formasi Gua Musang Sebagai Batu Dimensi (IN MALAY), Potential Limestone formation and formation Kodiang Gua Musang As Stone Dimensions

Samsulbahrin bin Saim

Abstract: Geotechnical Aspects of Development over Mine Ponds in the Kinta Valley

Chow Weng Sum

Abstract: Multiphase Deformations within the Late Permian Strata of the Raub Gold Mine, Pahang

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib

Abstract: Seismic Modeling of the Subsurface Geological Structure in the Khuff Field, Sirte Basin, Libya

Abdurrazagh Ezzeddin, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Mohamed Zahor Farshori

Abstract: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Lambir Formation, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Boniface Bait

Abstract: Prototype Computer-Based Petroleum Geological Data Base Management System (PGDBMS) for the Klias Peninsula and Labuan Island, Sabah, East Malaysia

Sanasivam Sivagi

Abstract: Kajian Palinologi Formasi Silantek — Suatu Hasilan Awal (IN MALAY), Review Palynology formation Silantek — A Preliminary Outcome

Nor Asmah bt. Abdul Aziz

Abstract: Performance of Various Test Methods for Assessing the Potential Alkali-Silica Reaction

Sazali Yaacob

Abstract: Struktur Geologi Kawasan Utara Formasi Machinchang, Baratdaya Langkawi, Kedah (IN MALAY), Structural Geology Northern Area Formation Machinchang, Southwest Langkawi, Kedah

Hamid Ariffin