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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Clay Minerals in the Weathering Profile of a Graphitic-Quartz-Muscovite Schist in the Kajang Area, Selangor
J. K. Raj
Abstract: Late Cretaceous Environmental Change
Andy Gale
Abstract: Mudrocks and Their Diagenesis
Jenny Huggett
Abstract: Depositional Palaeoenvironment Characterization — An Organic Geochemical Approach (a Case Study from Spitsbergen)
Wan Hasiah Abdullah
Abstract: The Onshore North Sarawak Basin: Stratigraphy, Basin Evolution and Economic Potential
Azhar Haji Hussin
Abstract: Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Main Range Granite of Peninsular Malaysia
K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: Geology in Environmental Impact Assessments
J. K. Raj
Abstract: The Collapse of the Block a of the Highland Towers, Ampang Jaya — the Geological, Geomorphological and Geotechnical Factors and the Probable Cause of the Collapse
Yeap Ee Beng
Abstract: Pembangunan Air Panas dan Air Galian di Malaysia — Antara Persepsi dan Realiti (IN MALAY), Development of Hot Water and Mineral Water in Malaysia — Between Perception and Reality
Mohamad Ali Hasan
Some Engineering Geology Characteristics of the Kenny Hill Formation, Kuala Lumpur
Lim Tow Ho
Shallow Reflection Seismics at the Pekan Quaternary Deposits
Umar Hamzah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek
Occurrence of Bedded Radiolarian Chert in the Kubang Pasu Formation, North Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia
Basir Jasin
Abstract: Tectonic: Some Metallogenic Aspects of Mineral Deposits and Some Geochemical Petrological Aspects of Mineral Deposits
D. F. Strong
Preliminary Site Investigations of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport
S. N. Wersching, Malek Musa, P. A. Smith, I. G. Edmonds
Structural Evidence for a Probable Paleozoic Unconformity at Kg. Kuala Abang, Terengganu
K. R. Chakraborty, I. Metcalfe
Some Paleogene Planktonic Foraminifera from the Lubok Antu Complex, Sarawak
Basir Jasin, Taj Madira Taj Ahmad
Geotechnical Engineering Investigations of the Highland Tower Condominium Collapse, UIu Kelang, Selangor
Nik Ramlan b Nik Hassan
Abstract: Geochemical Exploration for Gold Mineralisation in Malaysia
A. G. Gunn
Abstract: Exploration geochemistry in SE Asia: soils, sediments and potential for anthropogenic effects
K. Fletcher
Abstract: Geotechnical engineering investigations of the Highland Tower Condominium collapse, Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
Nik Ramlan Nik Hassan
Abstract: When is a Bivalve Not a Bivalve?: Tube Linings and Accessory Plates in Boring Lineages
Siân Evans
Abstract: On-the-Job Training at the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong
Chow Weng Sum
Abstract: Minerals in the National Economy of Malaysia: Non-Metallics the Emerging Sector (Keynote Paper 1)
Teoh Lay Hock, Fateh Chand, Seet Chin Peng, Kamal Daril
Abstract: EIA: The Necessary and Significant Role Geologists Can Play (Keynote Paper 2)
Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: Sedimentology: Application of Concepts in Exploration for Petroleum, Coal and Uranium (Keynote Paper 3)
Khalid Ngah
Abstract: Quaternary Tectonics of Southeast Asia (Keynote Paper 4)
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Petrographic Characteristics and Aggregate Properties of the Dacite Porphyry Intrusives of the Kuching Area, Sarawak
E. B. Yeap, Mohd. M. Z. Tarmizi, J. John
Abstract: Production of Crushed Rock Aggregate: Some Environmental Considerations
T. F. Ng, E. B. Yeap
Abstract: Electronprobe Microanalysis of SnO2-CuFeSnZn Sulphide Ore
Teh Guan Hoe
Abstract: Perubahan batu dinding berkaitan dengan permineralan emas di Bukit Koman, Raub (IN MALAY), Wall-Rock Alteration Related to the Gold Mineralization at Bukit Koman, Raub
Wan Fuad Hassan, Tan Teong Hing, Hamzah Mohamad, Syed Sheikh Almashoor, Suhaimi Hamzah, Khalik Hj Wood
Abstract: Geochemical Parameters for Barite Mineralization in Central Pahang
Tan Teong Hing
Abstract: Stratigraphy and Coal Seam Correlation of the Nyalau Formation, Merit-Pila Coalfield, Sarawak
Liaw Kim Kiat
Abstract: Monitoring Strong Earthquake Shaking at the Penang Air Itam Dam, Malaysia
L. S. Leong, K. W. Chew, B. S. Ng, S. J. Ng, T. S. Tan
Abstract: Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater Exploration at UKM's Kuala Pilah Matriculation Centre, Negeri Sembilan
Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Umar Hamzah
The Application of Seismic P- and S-Wave Measurements in Granitic Residual Soil
Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Abd. Ghani Rafek, Amiruddin Ismail, Mohd. Masri Mohd. Shiyuti
Abstract: Engineering Geology of the Ipoh-Gopeng Segment of the North-South Highway
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Magnetic Mapping in Southeast Asia — Dealing with a Low Inclination Field
C. Foss
Abstract: Weathering Path Diagram (WPD)
Kadderi Md. Desa
Abstract: Mineralogy and Granulometry of Airborne Dust from a Cast Iron Foundry in Kuala Lumpur — A Preliminary Study
T. F. Ng, J. J. Pereira, E. B. Yeap, S. Y. Yap
Abstract: Geology, Mineralization and Mining of the Selinsing Gold Deposit, West Pahang
E. B. Yeap, J. J. Pereira, M. Y. Rushdi
Abstract: Kajian Penganggaran Rizab Bijih Emas Lanar di Jeli, Kelantan (IN MALAY), Gold Ore Reserve Estimation Study alluvium in Jeli, Kelantan
Tuan Besar Tuan Sarif, Mior Termizi Mohd Yusof
Abstract: Beberapa Sifat Geologi Kejuruteraan Batuan Porfir Kuarza, Kawasan Genting Sempah, Selangor-Pahang (IN MALAY), Some Engineering Geological Properties of Quartz Porphyry, Genting Sempah Area, Selangor-Pahang
Abdul Ghani Rafek, Tosri Amin
Abstract: Delta Kelantan: Perubahan geomorfologi berasaskan tafsiran Imej LANDSAT TM (IN MALAY), Delta Kelantan: Changes geomorphological interpretation based on Landsat TM images
Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali
Abstract: Pengaruh geologi ke atas prestasi mesin gerekan terowong batuan keras (IN MALAY), The Influence of Geology on the Performance of Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
Mogana Sundaram, Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: Penggunaan Kaedah-Kaedah Hidrogeokimia dan Kerintangan Geoelektrik Untuk Mengesan Kemasinan Air Tanah Pada Akuifer Kedua di Pantai Utara Kelantan (IN MALAY), Use Rules and resistivity techniques Hidrogeokimia To Detect Water Salinity Soil Aquifer Both on the North Coast of Sabah
Haryono, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Nasiman Sapari
Abstract: Magnetic Modelling from a Subsurface Intrusion in the Yan Area, Kedah
C. Y. Lee, K. Y. Tan, Faridah Abdul Hamid
Abstract: The Holocene Monsoonal Storm Pahang River Delta Complex, the Malay Peninsula: Behaviour in Space and in Time
Che Aziz Ali, Ahmad Jantan, M. Z. Farshori
Abstract: Permian Brachiopods from Maran Area, Pahang
Mohd Shafeea Leman
Abstract: Radiolaria from the Lubok Antu Complex, Sarawak
Basir Jasin, Mahadir Ramli
Abstract: The Occurrence of Spore and Pollen at Km 136 Kuching-Sri Aman Road, Sarawak
Uyop Said, Nor Asmah Abdul Aziz
Abstract: The Nature of Permian-Triassic Junction in the Rock Sequence in Central Pahang: Suggestion from Geochemical Studies
Ahmad Jantan, Mohamad Md. Tan, Uyop Said
Penemuan fosil bivalvia (Posidonia kedahensis dan posidonia japonica) di kawasan Sungai Petani dan Tafsirannya (IN MALAY), Discovery of the Bivalves (Posidonia Kedahensis and Posidonia Japonica) in Sungai Petani, and its Interpretation
Abdullah Hasan, Juhari Mat Akhir
Abstract: Pemprosesan dan pengelasan data landsat "Thematic Mapper" untuk kegunaan geologi: satu kajian kes di Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman (IN MALAY), Processing and Classification of Landsat "Thematic Mapper" Data for Geological Applications: A Case Study in Sungai Petani Area, Kedah Darul Aman
Juhari Mat Akhir, Abdullah Hasan
Abstract: The Subis Limestone: Cement Type and Paradiagenesis
Che Aziz Ali
Abstract: A Spore and Pollen Assemblage in Pueh Area, Sarawak
Uyop Said, Mohamed Asri Omar, Che Aziz Ali, Basir Jasin
Abstract: Hematite Mineralization at Bukit Lop, Chaah, Johor
Yusri Zakariah, Mohd Shafeea Leman
Abstract: Petrology and Geochemistry of the Volcanic Rocks Associated with the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Lahad Datu, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia
Shariff A. K. Omang
Abstract: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Structural Geology of the Betong-Lepang Nenering Border Area, Pengkalan Hulu (Keroh), Hulu Perak
Qalam Azad Rosle, G. H. Teh
Abstract: Hubungan Genetik Syis, Gneis, Migmatit Serta Granit Ditinjau Dari Aspek Petrografi dan Petrokimia (IN MALAY), Genetic Relationship schists, gneiss, migmatite and granite Seen From the aspect Petrographic and Petrochemical
Askury Abd. Kadir
Abstract: Brittle Fault Zone in Granite, Pulau Pangkor
Syed Sheikh Almashoor, Zaiton Harun
Abstract: Structural History of Hinge Fault Zone of the Malay Basin
Liew Kit Kong
Abstract: Sub-Ophiolite Metamorphic Rock in the Tungku Area, Lahad Datu, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia: Origin and Tectonic Significance
Shariff A. K. Omang
Abstract: Genting Sempah Volcanic Complex: Genetic Implications for the Main Range Granite
K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: Evaluating Some Applications of GIS Technology in Geological Data Management and Processing Methods: A Case Study from Part of Northwest Borneo Basin, Sabah
S. Sivaji
Some Miocene Planktonic Foraminifera from Bidu-Bidu Area, Sabah
Basir Jasin, Sanudin Tahir, Zaidi Harun
Fosil kayu dan beberapa fosil tumbuhan dari Sg. Berok, Gua Musang, Kelantan (IN MALAY), Wood and Some Plant Fossils from Sg. Berok, Gua Musang, Kelantan
Umar Hamzah, Ng Chiang Seng
Abstract: University of London Gravity Work in Southeast Asia
John Milson
Abstract: EIA Bakun: Aspek Geologi dan Hidrogeologi (IN MALAY), EIA Bakun: Aspects of Geology and Hydrogeology
Ibrahim Komoo, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Juhari Mat Akhir, Felix Tongkul
Iron Rich Conglomerate of Ma'Okil Formation at Bukit Lop, Chaah, Johor
Mohd Shafeea Leman, Yusri Zakariah
Located: the Extension of Bok Bak Fault in North Kedah and Perlis, Peninsular Malaysia
Syed Sheikh Almashoor
Abstract: Continent-Island Arc Collision: the Australia-Banda Arc Collision Zone
A. J. Barber
Abstract: Geological History of the Earth's Crust: the Malaysian Perspective
Hamzah Mohamad
Abstract: Some Aspects of Modern Rock Slope Engineering
R. M. Spang
Abstract: Gold Mining and Tailings Disposal Systems — Impact on the Physical Environment
J. J. Pereira, E. B. Yeap, S. L. Tong
Abstract: Study of Dustfall in the Labu-Nilai-Pajam Area
Ng Tham Fatt, Yap Siaw Yang, Yeap Ee Beng
Abstract: Terrain and Geohazard Maps of Negeri Pulau Pinang and Seberang Perai
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Environmental Problems in Piling Works
Neoh Cheng Aik
Abstract: Developments in Environmental Management
David Turberfield
Abstract: Environmental Geology: Case Histories
Tan Boon Kong
Weathering Features of a Granitic Outcrop at Sungai Batu, Penang
Lim Tow Ho
Flake Duplexes in Crocker Turbidites of Tamparuli, Sabah
Azlan Mohd Sabirin, Jaafar Unir, Mohd Fadzil Yusoff, Mohd Shariff Kader, Ramly Manja, Rodziah Daud, Rosemawati Abd Majid, H. D. Tjia, Zainal Abidin Juni
Abstract: Using Subsurface Pressure and Fluids Data as an Exploration Tool
Hugh W. Reid
Abstract: The Outlook of Malaysian E&P Industry in the Next Century in the Next Century (Keynote Paper 1)
Tan Ek Kia
Abstract: Integrated Petroleum Systems (Paper 1)
Jawati Abu Naim
Abstract: Causative Mechanism of Tertiary Basin Development in Northern Sunda Shelf Region (Paper 2)
K. R. Chakraborty
Abstract: AVO Behavior on Seismic Data from Offshore Borneo (Paper 3)
E. R. Telatovich, K. B. Lim, M. J. Zainuddin, J. C. S. Ting, G. V. K. Pang, B. H. Chiem
Abstract: Overview of Pre-Tertiary Hydrocarbon Potential, Onshore and Offshore Peninsular Malaysia (Paper 4)
Sahalan Abd Aziz, H. D. Tjia, Abd Rahman Eusoff, Jamaal Hoesni, Mohd Idrus Ismail, Liew Kit Kong
Abstract: Improving Depth Prediction Accuracy of Quantified Drilling Hazards (Paper 5)
W. H. Borland, W. S. Leaney
Abstract: Developing Consistent and Reasonable Kerogen Kinetics Using Rock-Eval-Type Pyrolysis (Paper 6)
Douglas W. Waples, Mahadir Ramly
Abstract: The Cusiana Field in Colombia (Paper 7)
Nick De'Ath
Abstract: The Sarawak and Sabah Orogenies (Paper 8)
Charles S. Hutchison
Abstract: AVO Analysis of a 2D Seismic Line in the Malay Basin (Paper 9)
Dashuki Mohd, Idrus Mohd Shuhud
Abstract: Seismic Modelling in the Khuff Field, Sirte Basin, Libya (Paper 10)
Abdurrazagh Ahmed Ezzeddin, Abd Rahim Samsudin
Abstract: Relationship of Structural Timing and Hydrocarbon Migration in the Malay Basin (Paper 11)
Mohd Tahir Ismail
Abstract: Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation Enhances Remaining Hydrocarbon Potential of the SE Collins Field (Paper 12)
Robert Wong Hin Fatt
Abstract: Geoscience Technology Trends and Challenges (Keynote Paper 2)
John A. Willot
Abstract: Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the SB-1 Block, Offshore Sabah (Paper 13)
Patrick Allman-Ward, Mohamed Yazid Mansor, Jeff Lobao
Abstract: A High Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey to Image Low Angle Transfer Faults within the JDA Area of the Northern Malay Basin (Paper 14)
Clive A. Foss
Abstract: The Effect of Clay and Gas on the Elastic Properties of Sandstones (Paper 15)
Mark Sams, Martijn Andrea
Abstract: Petroleum Systems of Southeast Asia (Paper 16)
Richard W. Murphy
Abstract: The Integrated Approach to Reservoir Evaluation — Myths and Realities (Paper 17)
Elio Poggiagliolmi
Abstract: SEAS-95, the First Commercial International Seismic Programme in the South China Sea (Paper 18)
Erik Haugane
Abstract: Aspects of Oil Generation from Coals: a Saranak Case Study. The Importance of Exsudatinite and Variations in Organic Facies Characteristics (Paper 19)
Wan Hasiah Abdullah, Mohamad Jamaal Hoesni, Peter Abolins
Abstract: Detecting Leaking Oilfields with ALF, the Airborne Laser Fluorosensor: Case Histories and Latest Developments (Paper 20)
Alan Williams
Abstract: PROJECT EXPRESS (A Fast-Track 3D Seismic Program) (Paper 21)
Harun Mohd Noor
Abstract: Geology and Play Types of Malay Basin Western Margin (Paper 22)
Jamal Jamil, Abdul Rahman Eussof, Muzamal Abdul Ghani
Abstract: Investigation of DMO Algorithms during Test-Line Processing: Some Recommendations (Paper 23)
Ng Tong San, Mohd. Hashim Abas, Leong Lap Sau
Abstract: Using Horizontal Wells to Develop the Lower Coastal Plain Channel Sands in the Balingian Province, Offshore Sarawak (Paper 24)
Boniface Bait, Norazlam Norbi
Abstract: Tectonics of Deformed and Undeformed Jurassic-Cretaceous Strata of Peninsular Malaysia (Paper 25)
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Integrated Technical Approach and Results of the Tiong-Kepong Joint Resources Study (Paper 26)
Ajaib Singh, Shaharudin Aziz, Edwin J. Bomer
Abstract: A Deep Seismic Section across the Malay Basin: Processing of Data and Tectonic Interpretation (Poster 1)
Abd Rahim Md. Arshad, Dashuki Mohd, H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Controls on Pore-Type Development: A New Perspective from Petrographic Image Analysis (Poster 2)
Mohd Fauzi Abdul Kadir, Mohammad Yamin Ali
Abstract: Geochemistry of Gases in the Malay Basin (Poster 3)
Douglas W. Waples, Mahadir Ramly
Abstract: Source Rock Studies on Luconia Carbonate Shelf (Poster 4)
Michael Carter, Peter Abolins
Abstract: Preliminary Stratigraphic Study on Attahaddy Field, Sirte Basin, Libya (Poster 5)
Senusi M. Harsha, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, M. Z. Farshori, Basir Jasin