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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocities and Elastic Moduli of Igneous Rock Materials from the Ajil Area, Terengganu Darul Iman

J. K. Raj

Hyper-Steep Foreset Laminations in a Tembeling Sandstone, Pahang

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Engineering Geology Considerations of LRT System Two for Kuala Lumpur

Muhinder Singh

Abstract: Gondwana Dispersion and Asian Accretion

I. Metcalfe

Abstract: Expert System: Potential Applications in Teaching and Research in Earth Sciences

Sahibin Abdul Rahim

The Occurrences of Brachiopods from Pebbly Mudstone near Kilim, Langkawi: Their Age, Paleobiogeography and Paleoclimatic Implication

Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Pemendapan sedimen lautan di jalur tengah Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Marine Sedimentation in Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia

Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Abstract: Cretaceous and Paleogene Sequences, Bukit Batu Tiban Area, Sarawak

Richard Mani Banda, Eiichi Honza

Abstract: Stratigrafi Seismos Di Kawasan Bachok, Delta Kelantan (IN MALAY), Seismic Stratigraphy In Area Bachok, Kelantan Delta

Umar Hamzah, Abd Rahim Samsudin, Abd. Ghani Rafek

Some Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Serabang Complex, Sarawak

Basir Jasin, Aziman Madun

Note on the Engkilili Formation and the Age of the Lubok Antu Mélange, West Sarawak, Malaysia

N. S. Haile

Abstract: Geophysical Logs in Stratigraphy

Ian E. Penn

Abstract: Project KLCC: Geology, Soils and Foundations

Tarique Azam

Abstracts: Sedimentological evaluation of general circulation model simulations for the “Greenhouse” Earth: Cretaceous and Jurassic case studies/Refining models of hydrocarbon migration and entrapment using stable isotope and fluid inclusion analysis: Case studies in carbonate reservoirs

B. W. Sellwood

Abstract: Probable Reasons for the Paucity of the Fossil Record in the Kenny Hill Formation

C. P. Lee

Abstract: Geologi Kawasan Gubir, Kedah Darul Aman — Suatu Tinjauan Awal Dari Perspektif Sekitaran Pengendapan (IN MALAY), Geological Area Gubir, Kedah Darul Aman — An Overview Of The Beginning Of Environmental Perspective

Mat Niza bin Abdul Rahman, Abdullah bin Sulaiman

Permo-Triassic Radiolaria from the Semanggol Formation, Northwest Peninsular Malaysia

Basir Jasin

New Palaeontological Data of the Limestones in Southwest Kelantan and North Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia

Ibrahim bin Amnan, Henri Fontaine

Abstract: Mesozoic Marine Basins of West Sarawak: Some Thoughts on Their Evolution and Paleogeography

Azhar Haji Hussin

Abstract: Seismic Stratigraphy of Quaternary Sediments Offshore Northwest Peninsular Malaysia

C. Y. Lee

Abstract: Miocene Stratigraphy of Northwest Borneo Basin

Richard Mani Banda, Eiichi Honza

Abstract: Facies Association of Turbidite Sequence in Kota Kinabalu Area, Sabah, Malaysia

Sanudin Hj. Tahir, G. S. Heng

Abstract: Effects of Sieving on Palynological Records in Tertiary Marine Sediment

Azmi Mohd Yakzan

Shelf Sediments in Offshore West Sarawak

Azhari bin Ahmad, Eiichi Honza

Abstract: Continental Shelf Sediments of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

V. R. Vijayan, Ismail Iman, Eiichi Honza

Abstract: Shallow Marine Multiple-Event Deposits: Core Examples from the Upper Cycle V (Late Miocene) of Baram Field, Baram Delta, Offshore Sarawak

Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman

Abstract: Tertiary Carbonate Sedimentation and Response to Sea-Level Changes: A Case Study from Sarawak

Che Aziz Ali

Geologi Kawasan Pengkalan Hulu-Baling, Kedah Darul Aman — Suatu Tinjauan Awal Dari Perspektif Persekitaran Pengenapan (IN MALAY), Geological Area Pengkalan Hulu-Baling, Kedah Darul Aman — An Overview Of The Beginning Of Perspective Settling Environment

Abdullah Sulaiman, Mat Niza Abd. Rahman

Application of Shallow Seismic Reflection in Delineating Bacok Groundwater Aquifers

Umar Hamzah, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Abd. Ghani Rafek, Haryono

Abstract: Regional Gravity and Magnetic Investigation of the Eromanga Basin, NSW, Australia for Hydrocarbon Exploration

Clive Foss

Abstract: Quantitative Prediction of Sandstone Reservoir Quality Via Simulation of Compaction and Quartz Cementation

Robert H. Lander

Abstract: Konglomerat di Jalur Timur (IN MALAY), Conglomerate in East Point

Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Stratigrafi dan Sekitaran Pengendapan Batuan Murau, Johor (IN MALAY), Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Environment Murau rock, Johor

Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Struktur Geologi Konglomerat Murau (IN MALAY), Conglomerate geological structure Murau

Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Katalog Batu Dimensi Malaysia (IN MALAY), Dimension Stone Catalogue of Malaysia

Ir. Dzulkarnain Bin Hj Kamaruzzaman, Nasharuddin Bin Isa

Abstract: Research on the Characterization and Suitability of Malaysian Granitic Rocks as a Source of Feldspar

Kamuradin bin Md. Slar, Syarifah bte Chu Ismail

Abstract: Kesesuaian batuan porfir kuarza, Genting Sempah, Selangor-Pahang untuk pembuatan konkrit: hasil kajian awal (IN MALAY), Suitability rock quartz porphyry near Genting Highlands, Pahang, Selangor, for the manufacture of concrete: preliminary findings

Abdul Ghani Rafek

Abstract: Petrographic Characteristics and Aggregate Properties of the Dacite Porphyry Intrusives of Kuching Area, Sarawak

E. B. Yeap, Mohd. M. Z. Tarmizi, J. John

Abstract: Kajian lempung bebola kawasan batang Berjuntai, Selangor (IN MALAY), Study clay ball area stem overhang, Selangor

Zainol Hj. Husin, Zainol Abidin Sulaiman

Abstract: Beneficiation and Processing of Kaolin

Rosdi Baharom

Abstract: Kajian kesesuaian pasir bekas lombong sebagai pasir kaca (IN MALAY), The feasibility study as sand tailings sand glass

Mohd. Suhaili Bin Ismail, Doll Said Bin Ngah

Abstract: Prosesan dan benefisiasi pasir dan tanah liat (IN MALAY), Beneficiation and Processing of Clay and Silica Sand

Abdul Rois Abdul Muis

Abstract: The Settings and Styles of Gold Mineralization in Southeast Asia (Keynote Paper 1)

S. L. Garwin

Abstract: The Gravity Field of Borneo and its Region (Keynote Paper 2)

John Milsom

Abstract: Stream Sediment Geochemistry of Sn, Au and Associated Elements in Southeast Asia (Keynote Paper 3)

W. K. Fletcher

Origin of the High-Level Intrusive Rocks in the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex, Sabah, Malaysia

Shariff A. K. Omang

Abstract: Geology, Mineralization and Mining at Tekka East, Perak

Teh Guan Hoe

Abstract: The Palynomorph Assemblage from Tebedu, Sarawak: its Significance on the Lower Boundary of Caytonipollenites Zone

Uyop Said, Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Application of Seismic Refraction for Subsurface Soil Dynamic Investigation at Bukit Changgang, Banting, Selangor

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Khairul Anuar Mohd Nayan, Umar Hamzah

Abstract: The Antimony Mineralization of Lalang Fault Zone, Central Sarawak

Yeap Ee Beng, George Phelomen, Phillip Ukul

Abstract: The North-South Expressway Central Link: Engineering Geology

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Seismicity of East Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Hydrometallurgical Recovery of Copper from the Copper Sulphide by-Product of Sungei Lembing Tin Mine

Sia Hok Kiang

Abstract: Paleogeographic and Tectonic Evolution of Sarawak and the Adjoining Area

Azhar Haji Hussin

Structural Analysis of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Rejahan Ultrabes Di Kawasan Telupid: Sifat Geokimia dan Tektoniknya (IN MALAY), The intrusives Ultrabasic Remedial Area: Property Geochemistry and tectonic

Baba Musta, Muhd. Barzani Gasim

Abstract: Dolomitization in the Kodiang Limestone, Kedah

Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Stratigrafi Jalur Tengah Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Stratigraphy of the Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia

Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Abstract: The Benta Migmatite Complex Revisited

Syed Sheikh Almashoor

Abstract: Sedimentation and Tectonics of Paleogene Sediments in Central Sarawak

Felix Tongkul

Mesothermal Gold Deposits and the Environmental Impacts Associated with Their Exploitation — a Case Study

J. J. Pereira, E. B. Yeap, S. L. Tong

Abstract: Geologi struktur di Lembah Lupar (IN MALAY), Geological structures in the valley Loepar

Freddy Ak Heward Chinta

Abstract: Facies Analysis of the Late Neogene Sedimentary Rocks, Dent Peninsula, Sabah Malaysia

Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Fracture Pattern and its Relationship to Groundwater in Hard Rocks of Negeri Sembilan

S. Nasiman, R. Zainariah R. A., M. Firuz R.

The Search for Malaysian Dinosaurs with Lessons from Thailand

C. P. Lee

Abstract: Gaya Canggaan Formasi Kudat, Semenanjung Kudat, Sabah (IN MALAY), Deformational Style of the Kudat Formation, Kudat Peninsula, Sabah

Ibrahim Abdullah, Dewarman, Basir Jasin

Abstract: The Use of Seismic Refraction Method in Slope Failure Investigation

Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, Rahman Yaccup, Abd. Rahim Shamsuddin, Umar Hamzah, Abd. Ghani Rafek

Abstract: The Sedimentology of Miocene Shallow Marine Clastics of the Sandakan Formation of Eastern Sabah

Jon Noad, Neil Harbury

Kajian Geokimia Konkresi dan Hubungannya Dengan Pembentukkan Bauksit Di Kawasan Kuantan (IN MALAY), Geochemical Study and Its Relation concretion Bauxite Formation Areas in Kuantan

Baba Musta, Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Mohamad Md Tan

Abstract: The Relationship between Heat Flow Provinces and Structural Patterns within the Malay Basin

Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff, Liew Kit Kong

Geology and Hydrology of Tuaran

Majeed M. Faisal, Shariff A. K. Omang, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

Abstract: Sedimentologi dan Stratigrafi Batuan Sedimen Miosen Di Lembangan Malibau, Sabah (IN MALAY), Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Miocene sedimentary rock Malibau The Basin, Sabah

Allagu Balaguru

Abstract: Some Biogeochemical Aspects of Ultrabasic Areas in Sabah

Marcus Jopony, Felix Tongkul

Abstract: Zon Lemah Sepanjang Lebuhraya Tamparuli-G. Kinabalu, Sabah: Satu Tafsiran Gambarudara (IN MALAY), Soil Zone Along Highway TOMIA-G. Kinabalu, Sabah: An Interpretation Gambarudara

Lim See Peng, Kadderi Md. Desa

Abstract: Miocene Stratigraphy of Northwest Borneo Basin

Richard Mani Banda, Eiichi Honza

Abstract: Hasil Awal Kajian Seismos Pantulan Cetek Di Beberapa Enapan Kuaterner Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Preliminary Results of Study Shallow Seismic Reflection Quaternary Sediment in Several East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

Umar Hamzah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek

Abstract: On the Lowermost Palynomorphs Assemblage in the Kayan Sandstone from Gunung Senggi, Bau, Sarawak

Uyop Said, Mohd. Rozi Umor, Ahmad Jantan

Abstract: Struktur dalam zon sesar Kisap di Teluk Sudu (IN MALAY), The structure of the fault zone in the Gulf Kisap Spoons

Zaiton Harun

Discovery of Early Permian Radiolaria from the Semanggol Formation, Northwest Peninsular Malaysia

Basir Jasin

Craters at Bukit Paloh, Terengganu-Pahang Border

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Anomalous Pressure: Key to Unlocking Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources

Ronald C. Surdam

Abstract: Multiple Collisions on the Southeastern Margin of Sundaland: the Tectonic Evolution of Sulawesi

A. J. Barber

Abstract: Ore Fluid Chemistry and Genetic Significance of Hydrothermal Processes: Examples from Australian and Myanmar Gold and Base Metal Deposits

Khin Zaw

A Geologist's Reflection on World Environment Day

Ibrahim Komoo

Discovery of Early Jurassic Radiolaria from the Tuff Sequence, near Piching, West Sarawak

Basir Jasin, Uyop Said, Ang Duen Woei

Abstract: Accumulation of Organic Rich Sediments in a Dendritic Fluvial/Lacustrine Mire System at Tasik Bera, Malaysia: Implications for Coal

Steve Phillips, R. Marc Bustin

Abstract: Investigation into a Ground Subsidence in Limestone Formation in Kuala Lumpur

Gue See Sew, Lee Peng Seng

Abstract: Coal Mining and Ground Surface Subsidence at Batu Arang, Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Geohazards and the Urban Ecosystem

Joy J. Pereira, Ibrahim Komoo, Maziah Sulaiman

Abstract: Prediction of Slope Failures — Methods Currently Used and Their Application

Masakazu Takahashi

Abstract: Geological and Geomorphological Investigations of Debris Flow at Gentling Sempah, Selangor

Chow Weng Sum, Mior Sallehhuddin Mior Jadid, Sazali Yaacob

Abstract: Geologic Factors Contributory to Landslides — Some Case Studies

Tan Boon Kong

Electronprobe Microanalysis and Geochemistry of a Complex Cu-Fe-Sn-Zn Ore

Teh Guan Hoe

Abstract: Quarrying of Dimension Stones in Malaysia

Khor Peng Seong

Abstract: Synplutonic Basaltic Dykes in the Moruya Batholith, NSW, Australia: Genetic Implications

B. J. Hensen

Abstract: Oil Companies Exploration Strategies in the 21st Century (Keynote Paper 1)

Nick De'Ath

Abstract: Challenges for the E & P Industry in the 21st Century (Keynote Paper 2)

Chris Wright

Abstract: Tectonic Evolution and Sedimentation History of Sarawak Basin (Paper 1)

Ismail Che Mat-Zin

Abstract: AVO Depth Modelling (Paper 2)

Leong Lap Sau, Ng Tong San

Abstract: Geochemical Fingerprinting in D35 Oil Field, Offshore Sarawak (Paper 3)

Boniface Bait, Redzuan Abu Hassan

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Group J, Tapis Field, Malay Basin (Paper 4)

Yap Kok Thye

Abstract: Effort Towards Improving Formation Evaluation (Paper 5)

Ko Ko Kyi

Abstract: Comparison of Resistivity and Capillary Pressure Approaches to Determining Water Saturation from Wireline Log Data (Paper 6)

D. E. Fitz, Khushairi Zainum

Abstract: 2D Marine Exploration Seismic Data from High Resolution Seismic Survey (Paper 7)

P. M. Tong, H. S. Low, K. F. Chow

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Stage IVC in the Labuan-Paisley Syncline, Northwest Sabah Basin (Paper 8)

Robert Wong

Abstract: Modelling Late Miocene Sea Level Change in Baram Delta, Offshore Sarawak, East Malaysia: An Exploratory Attempt (Paper 9)

Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman

Abstract: Technology Application in Prospect Evaluation, Offshore Sabah (Paper 10)

J. Voon, W. Pool, N. Casson, K. B. Lim, J. Ting, E. Telatovich, G. Bloch

Abstract: An Analysis of the Benefits of 3D Pre-Stack Time Migration (Paper 11)

Peter Whiting

Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Characterisation Cakerawala Field-Block A-18, MTJDA (Paper 12)

Kenny Goh, Sonny Lim H. B., Amiruzan Apandi

Abstract: Tidal Successions of the Wave-Dominated Baram Delta Complex, Brunei (Paper 13)

Joseph J. Lambiase

Abstract: Harmonization of Vintage 3D Surveys (Paper 14)

Kenneth Wong Ung Sing

Abstract: Tectonics of the Sarawak Basin (Paper 15)

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Swathe Bathymetry — a Real Time Pipeline Route Modelling Tool? (Paper 16)

William Primavesi, Tham Siew Kee

Abstract: Angsi Group K Gas Resource Appraisal and Development Challenges (Paper 17)

Mohd Tahir, Zainuddin Yusoff, David E. Nice, Chua Hwa Tian

Abstract: Occurrence of Noval Biomarker Fingerprints in Malay Basin Sediments: Source Implications (Paper 18)

Mohd Jamaal Hoesni, Peter Abolins

Abstract: Integration of Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Management to Optimise Oil Development at Tabu (Paper 19)

Mohd Raji

Abstract: Clay Mineral Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Upper Cycle V (Late Miocene) Sandstones of Baram Field, Offshore Sarawak, East Malaysia (Paper 20)

Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman

Abstract: Seismic Identification of Depositional Processes in a Turbidite Fan Environment, Deepwater Block SB-G, NW Sabah (Paper 21)

Salahuddin Saleh Karimi, Jeffrey J. Labao, Mario M. Wannier

Abstract: Preservation of Organic Matter in the Lacustrine/Deltaic Sediments of Southern Mesopotamia (Paper 22)

Adnan A. M. Aqrawi

Abstract: Importance of Geological Parameters to Reservoir Simulation — a Case Study (Paper 23)

Nasir Hj Darman, Izman Hamid, Rapi Mat Som

Abstract: Deep Reservoir Potential of the North Malay Basin (Paper 24)

Robert Wong, Salahuddin Saleh Karimi

Abstract: Sedimentological Aspects of the Temburong and Belait Formations, Labuan (Poster 1)

Mazlan Madon

Abstract: Thermal History Reconstruction of NW Malay Basin Using 2-Dimensional Basin Modelling Software (Poster 2)

Nashrol Ariff Hussain, Mahadir Ramly, Robert H. Lander

Abstract: Gravity Anomalies, Isostasy, and the Tectonic Evolution of the Malay and Penyu Basins (Poster 3)

Mazlan Madon

Abstract: Coal as a Source Rock for Oil: Petrographic Evidence from Tertiary Coals, Onshore Sarawak (Poster 4)

Wan Hasiah Abdullah

Abstract: PGIPMS — An Integrated Petroleum Geological Information Processing and Modelling System (Poster 5)

S. Sivaji