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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Granite-Limestone Intrusive Contact — An Interesting Outcrop at Gunung Datok, Tambun, Perak
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: Developing the IUCN Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection
David Gillieson
Cementation in Quaternary Beach Rock in the Islands off the East Coast, Peninsular Malaysia: Petrographic Evidence
Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed
Abstract: Stability of Slope Cuts in the Rawang-Tanjung Malim Area
I. J. Sta. Maria
Abstract: Kajian Kestabilan Cerun Di Kawasan Genting Highlands (IN MALAY), Slope Stability Study Areas in Genting Highlands
Qalam Azad Rosle
Abstract: Types of Carbonate Karsts in the Tropics, Their Origin, Detection and Geotechnical Significance
E. B. Yeap
Abstract: Treatment of Mining Slurries by Flocculation of Suspended Solids and Heavy Metals
B. K. Tan
Cavemen of Langkawi
Lee Chai Peng
Abstract: Dam-Induced Seismicity of Kenyir, Terengganu
Che Noorliza Lat
Abstract: Poser over the Evolution of Northwest Borneo: Waltz, Jazz or Mumbo-Jumbo?
Azhar Haji Hussin
Abstract: Paleogeographic and Tectonic Controls on Tertiary Sedimentation in Northwest Sarawak
Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman
Abstract: Petroleum Prospects in Tanzania
M. Z. Farshori
Abstract: Evaluation of Low Resistivity, Low Contrast Productive Reservoir in the Malaysian Fields
Ahmad Sharby
Layered Microgranite-Pegmatite Complexes of the Kuala Lumpur Granite, Peninsular Malaysia
Ng Tham Fatt
Abstract: From Limestone to Sandstone: The Sedimentology of the Gomantong Limestone and Tanjong Formation in Northeast Borneo
Jon Noad
Abstract: Geologi dalam konteks pembangunan negara menyeluruh untuk milenium akan datang (IN MALAY), Geology in the Context of National Development for the Next Millennium
Ibrahim Komoo
Abstract: Analysis of Tectonic Subsidence and Heat Flow in the Malay Basin (Offshore Peninsular Malaysia)
Mazlan B. Hj. Madon
Abstract: Salinity Study of Coastal Groundwater Aquifers in North Kelantan, Malaysia
Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Haryono, Umar Hamzah, Abdul Ghani Rafek
Abstract: Proses Permukaan dan Taburan Unsur-Unsur Surih Dalam Tanih Di Pulau Manukan Sabah (IN MALAY), Surface Processes and Distribution of Trace Elements in Soils at Manukan Island Sabah
Baba Musta, Mohd Harun Abdullah, Mohamad Md. Tan
Abstract: Neolithic Hominid Site at Gua Siam, Langkawi
Lee Chai Peng
Abstract: Pencirian lempung dari Kuala Kangsar, Perak Darul Ridzuan (IN MALAY), Characterization of Clays from Kuala Kangsar, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tuan Besar Tuan Sarif, Radzali Othman, Abd Khalil Abd Rahim, Ab. Halim Hamzah
The Malaysian Stratigraphic Guide
Ibrahim bin Amnan
Abstract: Preliminary Evaluation of Sabah Seismicity in Correlation to the Philippines Tectonic Setting
Majeed M. Faisal, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Sahat Sadikun
Abstract: The Geochemical Discrimination Parameters for Limestone: A Case Study of Bukit Sagu Limestone, Kuantan, Pahang
Hamzah Mohamad
Abstract: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Pulau Jemuruk, Langkawi
Mohd Shafeea Leman
Abstract: Significance of the Petrography and Geochemistry of the Igneous Rocks at Kulai-Skudai, Johor
G. H. Teh, Fahrudean Md. Yunos
Abstract: Significance of Lower Carboniferous Radiolarian Chert from Langkap, Negeri Sembilan
Basir Jasin, Che Aziz Ali
Abstract: Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Basalt Soils from Segamat, Johor
Tan Boon Kong, Anizan Isahak
Abstract: Facies Distribution, Stratigraphic Succession and Hydrocarbon Habitat in Non-Marine Extensional Basins
Joseph J. Lambiase
Abstract: Depositional Palaeoenvironment Determination Based on Organic Facies Characterization — A Case Study of the Batu Arang Coal-Bearing Sequence
Wan Hasiah Abdullah
Abstract: Nenering Continental Deposits: Its Age Based on Palynological Evidence
Uyop Said, Che Aziz Ali
Abstract: Palynomorphs from Non-Marine Deposits in the Malay Basin
Azmi Mohd Yakzan
Abstract: The Types and the Origin of Carbonate Karsts in Malaysia and Their Significance
E. B. Yeap
Abstract: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of a Jura-Cretaceous 'Park' near Bandar Muadzam Shah, Pahang
Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman, Lee Chai Peng
Abstract: Gold Abundances in Some Metasedimentary Rocks of Peninsular Malaysia
Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Mohd Suhaimi Hamzah, Khalik Hj Wood
Abstract: Computer-Aided Processing of Discontinuity Data: A Case Study from km 26.5, Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway, Malaysia
Abdul Ghani Rafek, N. Graf, R. M. Spang
Seismic Refraction Study on Sedimentary and Granitic Terrain
Samsudin Hj Taib
Abstract: Seismic Tomographic Imaging in Engineering Characterisation of a Site in Kuala Kangsar, Perak
Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan, R. J. Whiteley, Paul Famili
Abstract: Some Applications of Multivariate Statistical Package (MVSP) in Sedimentary Geology
Adnan A. M. Aqrawi
Abstract: Hydrological Characteristic Before and After Langat Dam Construction, Hulu Langat, Selangor
Muhamad Barzani Gasim, Wan Nor Azmin Sulaiman
Abstract: Seismicity of Kenyir, Terengganu
Che Noorliza Lat
Abstract: Struktur Formasi Machinchang: beberapa penemuan baru dan implikasinya (IN MALAY), Structure of the Machinchang Formation: Some New Findings and its Implications
Ibrahim Abdullah, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali
Abstract: Kepentingan struktur minor dalam sebilangan zon sesar utama di Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Significance of Minor Structures within Several Major Fault Zones in Peninsular Malaysia
Zaiton Harun
Abstract: Significance of the Geology and Geochemistry at Teluk Ewa, Langkawi
G. H. Teh, Kamarudzaman Lokeman
Abstract: The Analysis on the Cause of the Slope Failures and Debris Fluid Flows in Penang Island Which Happened on 18th September, 1995
S. H. Goh, E. B. Yeap
Geologi Pemuliharaan: Kajian Kes Taman-Taman Tabii Di Malaysia — Suatu Pengenalan (IN MALAY), Geological Conservation: A Case Study of Natural Parks in Malaysia — an Introduction
Marilah Sarman, Ibrahim Komoo
Enapan Aliran Debris Di Sekitar Kawasan Ladang Boh Cameron Highlands, Pahang Darul Makmur (IN MALAY), Debris Flow Sediment Area Nearby Boh Plantation Cameron Highlands, Pahang
Shamsul Nizam Ariffin
Abstract: Pemetaan Geomorfologi Pulau Timun, Langkawi Dengan Bantuan Fotograf Udara (IN MALAY), Geomorphology Mapping Cucumber, West With Help Aerial Photographs
V. James Danial, Juhari Mat Akhir, Zaiton Harun
Abstract: The Preliminary Evaluation and Origin of the Sungei Keneras Kaolin Deposit, Gua Musang, Kelantan
Ros Fatihah Hj Muhammad, E. B. Yeap
Carigali geokimia emas di kawasan Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan (IN MALAY), Geochemical exploration for gold in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan
Ab. Halim Hamzah, Tuan Besar Tuan Sarif
Geologi Pelancongan: Kajian Kes Di Taman Kinabalu, Sabah (IN MALAY), Geological Tourism: Case Study in Taman Kinabalu, Sabah
Dana Badang, Ibrahim Komoo, Kadderi Md Desa
Abstract: Survei geofizik permukaan dalam pengesanan lohong batu kapur: Kajian kes di Batu Caves (IN MALAY), Surface Geophysical Measurement in Subsurface Cavity Detection: A Case Study at Batu Caves
Umar Hamzah, Abd. Rahim Samsudin, Ab. Ghani Rafek, Mohd Abu Syariah
Abstract: Sedimentation and Structural Development of the Malibau Basin, Sabah, Malaysia
B. Allagu
The Kuala Lumpur Fault Zone Revisited
H. D. Tjia
High Resolution Multichannel Seismic Profiling: A Case Study at Pak Pura, Bachok, Kelantan
Umar Bin Hamzah, Haryono, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Che Aziz Ali
Abstract: The Role of the Geological Surveys in the 21st Century
Peter J. Cook
Abstract: Sedimentation, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential in Continental Rift Basins
Joseph J. Lambiase
Abstract: Terrane Rafting Enhanced by Contemporaneous Climatic Amelioration as a Mechanism of Biogeographical Vicariance: Permian Marine Biogeography of Se Asia
G. R. Shi
Abstract: Early Permian Brachiopods from the Singa Formation of Langkawi Island, Northwestern Peninsular Malaysia: Biostratigraphical and Biogeographical Implications
G. R. Shi
Gravity Base Stations in Sabah, East Malaysia
Robert Holt, John Milsom, Dzazali bin Ayub
More on the Leaching Column Test
Tan Boon Kong
Regional Northwest to West-Northwest Lineaments in the Southern Part of the South China Sea Basin
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Marine Debris — A Global Problem: Pelagic Plastics, Pollution and Environmental Impacts, Biogeographic and Other Implications
Murray R. Gregory
Rapid Quenched Texture in Granite Porphyry from the Susu Dara Island, Besut, Terengganu
Azman Abdul Ghani
Preliminary Electronprobe Microanalyzer (EPMA) Characterisation of Gold Deposits of the Raub-Tersang-Selinsing-Penjom and Rusila Areas
G. H. Teh, Helmi Mohd Latib, Zulpakar Mohamad Jusuh
Abstract: Groundwater Protection in Kelantan
Saim Suratman
Abstract: Recent Developments in Modern Temperate and Polar Carbonates and Their Significance in the Exploration of Oil, Gas and Mineral Deposits
C. Prasada Rao
Abstract: A Study of Some Clay Soils in South Wales and Their Potential Use as Landfill Liners
Tan Boon Kong
Abstract: New Zealand's Largest Historic Earthquake
Rodney Grapes
Abstract: Coherence Cube Processing and Interpretation — Emerging Applications
Daniel Morris
Abstract: Coherency Analysis Interpretation of the Cakerawala Field in Block A-18, MTJDA
Sonny Lim H. B., Baharudin Bin Isa, Idris Mohamad
Abstract: The Application of 3D Coherency Analysis for Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretation at Larut Field
Mohd Raji Yaacob
Abstract: Coherence and Measures of Coherence: An Advanced 3D Interpretive Processing Application
Leong Lap Sau, Ng Tong San
Abstract: Correlation Data as an Aid in Fault Interpretation: A Case Study
E. R. Telatovich
Abstract: Applications of Shear Data in Shaly Sands
Rokiah Esa, Mark Sams
Abstract: Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene/Pliocene Siliciclastics in the Central and SW Luconia Provinces, Offshore Sarawak
Nasaruddin Ahmad, M. Newall, A. Ngau, C. Powell
Abstract: New Exploration Data Enhance Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in SW Sarawak Shelfal Area
Mohamad Kadir, Salahuddin Salleh, Shaidin Arshad
Abstract: Miocene Carbonates of the Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak: Implications for Regional Geology and Reservoir Properties from Strontium-Isotope Stratigraphy
Volker C. Vahrenkamp
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Potential of the Tinjar Province, Onshore Sarawak
Mohd Idrus Ismail, Othman Ali Mahmud, Awaluddin Harun, H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Potential of the Malawali Basin
Robert Wong, Salahuddin Saleh Karimi, Mohd Idrus Suhud
Abstract: Towards Producing a Stratigraphic Lexicon of Malaysia
Lee Chai Peng, Kamaludin Hassan, Mohd. Shafeea Leman, Bahari Md. Nasib, Rashidah Abd. Karim
Abstract: Meridian-Parallel Faults and Tertiary Basins of Sundaland
H. D. Tjia
Abstract: Tectonic Framework of the Neogene Basins of Sabah
Charles S. Hutchison
Abstract: Subsidence Nature of a Strike-Slip Related Basin: An Example Learned from the Sarawak Basin
Ismail Che Mat Zin
Abstract: Southeast Asia Reconstruction with a Non-Rotating Borneo
Richard W. Murphy
Abstract: Asymmetrical Deformation, Thrusts and Mesoscale Fracturation of the Nyalau Formation at Bintulu
Ouzani Bachir
Abstract: Three Dimensional Reservoir Geological Model and Multiple Scenario Volumetrics of the F23 Miocene Carbonate Build-up, Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak
Volker C. Vahrenkamp
Abstract: Biological Oil Stimulation to Enhance Oil Recovery
Alan J. Sheehy, Farinazleen Mohamad Ghazali, Shahrakbah Yacob, Zaal Anuar Alias
Abstract: The Application of Seismic Attributes as a Predictive Tool to Optimize Gas Development at Lawit Field
Wan Zurushdi Muhammad, Abdul Khair Abdul Aziz
Abstract: AVO Crossplots as an Aid to AVO Interpretation
Mark Sams
Abstract: Channel Chasing in the D35 Field, Offshore Sarawak
Mohd. Reza Lasman
Abstract: Using AVO to Reduce Uncertainties in D35 Infill Drilling
Meh Jabeen Zainuddin
Abstract: The West Baram Delta, Offshore Sarawak — New Focus of Exploration
Chow Kok Tho, Denis N. K. Tan