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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Resistivity Survey in Locating Historical Features: A Case Study from the Roman Fort's Ditch Investigation, Inverest, Scotland

Z. Z. T. Harith, D. K. Smythe, L. M. Baker

Abstract: Specialised Geophysics for Oil and Gas Industry

Deva Ghosh

Abstract: Guidelines for Hill-Site Development/Case histories of several major landslides in Peninsular Malaysia/Groundwater protection in Kelantan

Chow Weng Sum, Zakaria Mohamad, Saim Suratman

Abstract: Deformation History of the Eastern Belt, Peninsular Malaysia

Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Scientific Problems for "Creation Science"

Robert C. Newman

Invisible Gold in Massive Sulphides at Tasik Chini, Pahang

Teh Guan Hoe, Mohammad Hafizi B. Osman, Shahrul Amin Ahmad, Jasmi Hafiz B. Abd. Aziz

Abstract: Return to Gondwanaland: Geowandering in Cape Peninsula, South Africa and Western Dronnning Maud Land, East Antarctica

Azhar Hussin

Abstract: The Sedimentary Geology Off Mesoprotozoic Ahlmannryggen Group, Western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica: Prospects for Future Research

Azhar Hussin

Abstract: Pencirian landskap geologi untuk penilaian kepelbagaian: Kajian kes Pulau Anak Datai (IN MALAY), Geological landscape diversity assessment: A case study from Pulau Anak Datai

Ibrahim Komoo, Tanot Unjah

Abstract: Natural Sorption Capability of Heavy Metals: Granitic Residual Soil from Broga and Marine Clay from Sg. Besar Selangor

Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Mohd Ramziemran, Chan Yik Loon

Abstract: Pengaruh jenis batuan sekitar terhadap taburan Pb dalam sedimen muara Sungai Merbok, Kedah (IN MALAY), The influence of rock type on the distribution of Pb in estuary sediments of the Merbok River, Kedah

Habibah Hj Jamil, Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Mohamad Md Tan

Abstract: Kesesuaian tanah di sekitar Selangor sebagai bahan pelapik semulajadi (IN MALAY), Suitability of the land around Selangor for use as a natural liner

Nurita Ridwan, W. Z. W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, B. K. Tan

Abstract: Pemetaan guna tanah untuk menilai impak gelinciran tanah terhadap komuniti Kundasang (IN MALAY), Mapping land use to assess the impact of landslide on the community of Kundasang

Mohd Yasir, Ibrahim Komoo, Sarah Aziz

Abstract: Failures at Slope Cuts in Clastic Sedimentary Bedrock in Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Reactivated Ancient Slides at the Sungai Kelalong Dam Site, Bintulu, Sarawak, East Malaysia

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Abstract: Detecting Subsurface Voids Using the Microgravity Method – A Case Study from Kuala Lipis, Pahang

Ahmad Tajuddin Hj. Ibrahim, Che Noorliza Lat

Abstract: Physico-Chemical Properties of Serpentinite Soils in the Kuala Pilah Area, Negeri Sembilan

Tan Boon Kong, Eng Boon Keong

Abstract: Groundwater Modelling of Nenasi, Pekan, Pahang

Ismail Yusoff, Ismail C. Mohamad, Azman Abd. Ghani, Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Abstract: Sedimentologi dan analisis fasies batuan Paleozoik Akhir di kawasan Panching, Pahang (IN MALAY), Sedimentology and facies analysis of the Late Paleozoic rocks in Panching, Pahang

Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Fasies karbonat dan diagenesis di dalam batu kapur Bukit Biwah dan Bukit Taat, Kenyir, Ulu Terengganu (IN MALAY), Carbonate facies and diagenesis in limestone at Biwah and Taat Hill, Lake Kenyir, Terengganu

Che Aziz Ali, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Abstract: Geochemistry and Petrology of Syenite, Monzonite and Gabbro from the Western Part of Benom Complex of Peninsular Malaysia (IN MALAY), Geochemistry and Petrology of Syenite, Monzonite and Gabbro from the Western Part of Benom Complex of Peninsular Malaysia

Azman A. Ghani, V. Ramesh, B. T. Yong, T. T. Khoo

Abstract: Radiometric Age of Kampung Awah Andesite

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Heru Sigit Purwanto

Abstract: Occurrence, Field Relation and Petrography of Metamorphic Rocks and Adjacent Rocks from Pos Selim Highway, Central Main Range of Perak-Pahang: Preliminary Observations

Mohd Azamie W. A. Ghani, Azman A. Ghani, Ismail Yusoff

Abstract: Benom Complex: Evidence of Magmatic Origin

B. T. Yong, Azman A. Ghani, T. T. Khoo, Shafari Muda

Abstract: Biotite Geochemistry of the Western Belt Granitoids of Peninsular Malaysia

Abdelmoniem Ahmed Masoud, Teh Guan Hoe, Azman A. Ghani

Abstract: Discovery of Some Early Carboniferous Radiolarians from North Perak and Their Significance

Basir Jasin, Zaiton Harun

Abstract: The Depositional Environment of the Mid-Palaeozoic Red Beds at Hutan Aji, Perlis and its Bearing on Global Eustatic Sea Level Change

Meor Hakif Hassan, Lee Chai Peng

Abstract: A Review on Palaeozoic Lithostratigraphy of East Johor, Malaysia

Sugeng S Surjono, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Abstract: On the Presence of Pre-Carboniferous Metasediments in the Eastern Belt: A Structural View

Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Periglacial Involutions, Large Folded Recumbent Folds and Tectonic Overprints at Putrajaya

H. D. Tjia

Abstract: Synsedimentary Deformation of the Kapas Conglomerate, Pulau Kapas, Terengganu

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib

Abstract: Superimposed Folding in the Triassic Semantan Formation, Temerioh, Pahang

Jatmika Setiawan, Ibrahim Abdullah

Abstract: Pemetaan keadaan air bawah tanah di tapak pelupusan sampah dengan menggunakan kaedah 2-D pengimejan keberintangan geoelektrik (IN MALAY), Mapping groundwater conditions in landfills using geoelectrical 2-D resistivity imaging

Lakam Anak Mejus, Mohd Tadza Abdul Rahman, Rahman Yaccup, Roslanzairi Mostapa, Kamarudin Samuding, Nazrul Hizam Yusoff, Rifaie Murtadza

Abstract: Lineaments in Enhanced Remote Sensing Images: An Example from the Upper Perak Valley, Perak Darul Ridwan

Juhari Mat Akhir

Abstract: Hazard Assessment and Slope Stabilization of a Granite Cut Slope in a Hillside Development Off Jalan Kuari Cheras, Selangor

Musstaffa Kamal Shuib, Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Abstract: Baseflow Study of Sungai Chuau and Sungai Bisa, Putrajaya Wetland

Ismail Yusoff, Abd. Hadi Abd. Rahman, Ahmad Farid Abu Bakar, Mohd. Azamie Abd. Ghani

Abstract: Detection and Treatment of Cavities in Kuala Lumpur Limestone at Ampang Jaya District, Selangor

Abd Rasid Jaapar, Siti Hafidzah Sheikh Ismail

Abstract: Penjerapan logam berat Pb, Cu, Ni dan Zn oleh beberapa komponen penting tanah di sekitar Negeri Selangor (IN MALAY), Adsorption of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn by several key soil components around Selangor

Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Vincent Ngoo Teck Swee

Abstract: Beberapa faktor penting yang mempengaruhi kadar penjerapan logam berat oleh tanah basalt di sekitar Kuantan, Pahang (IN MALAY), Some important factors that affect the rate of adsorption of heavy metals by basalt soil around Kuantan, Pahang

Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Suzana Ismail

Abstract: Resistivity survey and soil chemistry of unsecured landfill sites in Bukit Kemuning, Shah Alam, Selangor

Wan Zuhairi, Wan Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Bahaa El-Din El-Wall, Suharsono, & Umar Hamzah

Abstract: Pencirian mekanik batuan syis amfibol, Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan (IN MALAY), The characterization of the rock mechanics of amphibole schist, Putrajaya, Selangor

Abdul Ghani Rafek, Norsyafina Roslan

Abstract: Pengiraan nilai penanda mutu batuan (RQD) menggunakan kaedah analisis spektral gelombang permukaan (IN MALAY), The calculation of rock quality designation (RQD) using spectral analysis of surface waves

Suharsono, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Rafeek

Abstract: Analisis kestabilan cerun buatan bentuk gelongsoran satah dipengaruhi ketakselanjaran dan gempabumi: Kajian kes Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan Indonesia (IN MALAY), Slope stability analysis of the artifical slide plane influenced by earthquake: A case study of Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Haswanto, Abd. Ghani Md. Rafek

Abstract: Construction Aggregates for Urban Development: Consumption, Sterilisation and the Environment

J. J. Pereira, T. F. Ng

Abstract: Pemetaan gua batu kapur di Gunung Senyum, Temerioh, Pahang (IN MALAY), Mapping of a limestone cave on Mount Smile, Temerioh, Pahang

Hamzah Zakaria, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Pemetaan gua batu kapur di Gunung Jebak Puyuh, Temerloh, Pahang (IN MALAY), Mapping of a limestone cave on Mount Jebak Quail, Temerloh, Pahang

Wong Meng Li, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Sedimentologi dan diagenesis batu kapur Gunung Senyum, Jengka, Pahang (IN MALAY), Sedimentology and diagenesis of Mount Smile limestone, Pahang

Brenda Sue Jonathan, Jason Lew Koon Yong, Che Aziz Ali

Abstract: Concentration of Heavy Metals beneath the Ampar Tenang Municipal Open-Tipping Site, Selangor, Malaysia

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Bahaa-Eldin Elwali A. Rahim

Abstract: Some Devonian Radiolarians from Chert Blocks in the Bentong-Raub Suture Zone, Pahang

Basir Jasin, Zaiton Harun, Uyop Said

Abstract: Geology and Granite Petrology of the Besar Island, Johore

Azman A. Ghani, Mohd Farid Abu Bakar

Abstract: Geochemistry of Volcanic and Granitic Rocks from the Western Part of the Endau Rompin Area, Johore

Azman A. Ghani

Abstract: Chemical Characteristics of Some Granitic Bodies from Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia

Azman Abdul Ghani

Abstract: Characterisation of Amang Minerals from the Klian Intan Area, Upper Perak

Cheng Kwong Kiong, Teh Guan Hoe

Abstract: Pengimejan lempung samudera dengan survei geoelektrik dan seismos: Kajian kes di Banting, Selangor (IN MALAY), Geoelectric imaging and seismic surveys of ocean clay: A case study in Banting, Selangor

Umar Hamzah, Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Mohd Shahid Ayub, Lai Kian Voon, Rahman Yaacup, Lakam Mejus

Abstract: The Discovery of Late Permian (Early Changshingian) Brachiopods from Penjom, Pahang Darul Makmur

Mohd Shafeea Leman, Norhaslida Ramli, Sharaffudin Mohamed, Charles Molujin

Abstract: Kajian awal radiolaria berusia Trias dari Formasi Semanggol di Bukit Lada, Kedah (IN MALAY), Preliminary research of radiolarian ages of the Triassic Semanggol Formation in Bukit Lada, Kelantan

Siti Norhajar Hassan, Basir Jasin

Abstract: Sistem sesar dalam Basalt Segamat: Kajian kes di Kuari Yam Fong (IN MALAY), Fault system in Segamat Basalt: A case study in Yam Fong Quarry

Ibrahim Abdullah, Jatmika Setiawan, S. M. Awalnur

Abstract: Geology in the Quran

Mokhtar Ghani

Abstract: Struktur dan canggaan batuan Lapisan Mersing di Teluk Bangka, Mersing, Johor (IN MALAY), Structural layers and rock deformation in the Bay of Islands, Mersing, Johor

Harminzar Mansor, Ibrahim Abdullah, Azirul Liana Abdullah, Jatmika Setiawan, Mohd Syukri Wahid

Abstract: Engineering Properties of on Lime Stabilised Clayey Soil from the Crocker Formation

Baba Musta, Khairul Anuar Kassim

Abstract: Assessing Rapid Geological Change Using the Geoindicator Approach

Antony R. Berger

Active Faulting in Kundasang - Gunung Kinabalu Area, Sabah

H. D. Tjia

Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Porphyritic Hyperstene Microdiorite from the Tawau Area, Sabah, East Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Kuala Lumpur Limestone and Some Engineering Properties

Simon Tan Siow Meng

Abstract: Repair of Road Embarkment Failure Using Reinforced Soil Wall

Jason Khor Lee Chong

Abstract: The Engineering Aspects of Hill-Site Development

Gue See Sew

Abstract: Marine Archeology in India: Present Status and New Development (Possible Contribution to Marine Archaeology from Earth Scientists)

E. V. Gangadharam

Abstract: Introduction and discussion on surface and subsurface geophysical method/Guidelines on site investigation for road projects/Preparation of engineering geological assessment report

Wong Ting Kun, Lee Eng Choy, Ng Chak Ngoon

Abstract: Rock slope stabilization/ Inflatable packer test/ Soil improvement by stone columns

Yew Chee Kean, Nur Huda bt Mohd Jamin, Tiong Chiong Ngu

Abstract: Building Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology: The Science Plus Paradigm

Paul S Teng

Some Recollections of Geology at the University of Malaya: 3, Early Days in Pantai Valley

Charles S. Hutchison

Physical and Mechanical Properties of a Meta-Rhyolitic Tuff from the Dinding Schist

J. K. Raj

Abstract: Organic Facies in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary Coal Measures Sections of the Gippsland and Bass Basins, South Eastern Australia

Alan C. Cook

Abstract: Alluvial Basin Filling Processes and Quantitative Determination of Channel and Channel-Belt Dimensions Using Cored and Logs

Robert S. (Bo) Tye

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Top Technical People

Peter M. Lloyd