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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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The Batu Gading, Bukit Besungai Hollystone Quarry – Observations on an Tectonically Isolated Carbonate Sequence Northeast of Long Lama, Sarawak

Franz L. Kessler

Abstract: Slope Failures Associated with Water Tank and Reservoir Sites – Some Case Studies in the Kuching Area, Sarawak

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Geological Structural Data Collection & Application in Rock Engineering

Mogana Sundaram

Abstract: Listen, Listen, Listen, Groundwater is Definitely Better

Azuhan Mohamed

Rubidium Detected with X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry: A New Semi-Quantitative Assessment of Clay Content in Sedimentary Rocks

Franz L. Kessler, R. Nagarajan

Abstract: Technical Talk Cum Geologists' Night, Sarawak

Richard Mani Banda, Freddy Anak Heward Chinta

Abstract: Engineering Considerations for Sustainable Infrastructure: A Case History of Northern Rail Double Track Project

Ooi Lean Hock

Kajian Semula Fosil Ammonoid Trias Dari Yong Peng, Johor (IN MALAY), a Revision of the Triassic Ammonoid Fossils from Yong Peng, Johor

Ahmad Rosli Othman, Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Peristiwa Lampau Dan Sekarang Merupakan Kunci Masa Hadapan (IN MALAY), Past and Present are the Key to the Future

Ibrahim Komoo

Abstract: Karst Studies in Kuala Lumpur: Smart Tunnel

Hareyani Zabidi

Abstract: Kursus Moulding Dan Casting (IN MALAY), Molding and casting courses

Tanot Unjah

Abstract: Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater Using Innovative Technologies

Ed Fahnline

Abstract: The Impact of Geology on the Design and Construction of KVMRT Underground Works

Ooi Lean Hock, Low Yoke Yen

Abstract: A New Sea Turtle Fossil from the Cretaceous of Morocco: Morphological Evolution of Sea Turtles

Masataka Yoshida

Abstract: "Role of Geoscience in Oil & Gas Industry – Formation Evaluation"

Wong Kum Seng, Mike Orr