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Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Relationship Between Joint Spacing and Bed Thickness and Distribution of Joint Spacing in Clastic Sedimentary Rocks in Northern Labuan, Malaysia

Ng How Sik, Ng Tham Fatt

Examples of Fault Architecture and Clay Gouging in Neogene Clastics of the Miri Area, Sarawak

Franz L. Kessler, John Jong

Abstract: Geology Vis-à-Vis Tunnelling in the Kuala Lumpur Area

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Geophysical Investigation: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Devendran Arumugam, Boon Chia Weng

Abstract: Pembangunan Geopark di Malaysia: Cabaran Dan Masa Depan (IN MALAY), Geopark development in Malaysia: challenges and future

Tanot Unjah

Abstract: The Towuti Drilling Project and the Challenges in Reconstructing the Climate and Environmental History of Central Indonesia

Satria Bijaksana

Anggaran Sokongan Berdasarkan Sistem Pengelasan Jasad Batuan: Kajian Kes di Terowong Keretapi Tenom, Sabah (IN MALAY), Tenom tunnel support estimate by the rock mass classification systems

Ismail Abd Rahim

Abstract: Soil Related Factors Controlling Landslides and Flooding Hazards in Malaysia

S. Paramananthan

Why would Sea-Level Rise for Global Warming and Polar Ice-Melt?

Aftab Alam Khan

Abstract: Paper 1: A New Comprehensive Rock Slope Protection Solution (with 2 Case Studies from China); Paper 2: Embedding Geohazards and Engineering Geological Assessment in Geological Terrain Mapping for Development Proposal

Rasid Jaapar

A Brief Review of Gravity and Magnetic Data for Malaysia

Mazlan Madon

Provenance of the Neogene Sedimentary Rocks from the Tukau and Belait Formations, Northwestern Borneo by Mineralogy and Geochemistry

Nagarajan Ramasamy, John Jong, Franz L. Kessler

Geostatistical Analysis Using Principal Component Analysis in Determining the Groundwater Quality Changes in Kapas Island

Noorain Mohd Isa, Ahmad Zaharin Aris

Early Explorers Fatal Destiny in the Jungle of Sabah

Mario M. A. Wannier

Eduard Wenk’s Jungle Adventures in Sabah (1936–1939)

Mario M. A. Wannier

Abstract: Historical Perspective of the Geological Society of Malaysia

John Kuna Raj

Ahli Geologi Ikhtisas di Malaysia: Peluang dan Cabaran (IN MALAY), Professional Geologists in Malaysia: Opportunities and Challenges

Ibrahim Komoo

Abstract: JMG’S Past Achievements and Future Challenges

Tuan Haji Shahar Effendi Bin Abdullah Azizi

Abstract: Dynamic Business Models for Sustainability and the Roles of Geoscientists

Dato’ Seri Mohd Ajib Anuar

Abstract: Groundwater is Naturally Better

Datuk Ir. Azuhan Mohamed

Abstract: Prospect and Potential of Regional Groundwater Basin in Malaysia

Mohd Nazan Awang

Abstract: The Significance of Groundwater Modelling Practices for Resources Evaluation in Malaysia

Saim Suratman

Engineering Geology in Malaysia – Some Case Histories

Tan Boon Kong

Geoscientists’ Opportunities to Contribute to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Geophysical Hazards in Cities

S. Bricker, S. D. G. Campbell, H. J. Reeves, J. C. Gill, V. Banks

Abstract: Multi-Geohazard and Disaster Risk Assessment: A Technological’s Perspective

Khamarrul Azahari Razak

Abstract: Investigation and Evaluation of Sericitic Kaolinitic Clay Resources of Bukit Lata and Ulu Sukor, Kelantan as Ceramic Raw Materials

Norwahidah Mahiyuddin, Kamar S. Ariffin

Abstract: Mineral Exploration from Grassroots to Feasibility: Overview of Projects in Malaysia and Papua New Guinea

Yves Cheze

Abstract: The Kuantan Bauxite Debacle

Low Keng Lok

Abstract: Mechanism of Intense Chemical Weathering of Gabbro to Bauxite in Bukit Jebong, Sarawak

Muhammad Naim Nasaruddin, Hassan Baioumy, Ahmad Muzakkir, Khairom Muzakkir Bin Baharom

Phanerozoic Palaeogeography of Peninsular Malaysia: Overviews in Selected Time Periods

Masatoshi Sone

Abstract: A-Type Granite of Peninsular Malaysia and Comments on Tectonic Setting

Azman A Ghani

Abstract: Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to Present Day Sea Level Change for Sunda Land Based on Geological Research, Tide Gauges and Satellite Data

Edlic Sathiamurthy

Abstract: Perubahan Aras Laut Kuno di Barat Daya Semenanjung Malaysia: Bukti Litologi dan Tinggalan Cengkerang di Dalam Sampel Teras Gerudi di Pontian, Johor (IN MALAY), Ancient Sea Level Changes in Southwestern Peninsular Malaysia: Evidence lithology and remains of shells in the drill core samples in Pontian, Johor

Habibah Hj Jamil, Abdul Hadi Hashim

Abstract: Current Status of Geoheritage Development in Thailand (Session Keynote)

Anukoon Wongyai

Abstract: The Development of Geoheritage and Geopark in Indonesia: Case Study in Petrolem Geoheritage Bojonegoro (Session Keynote)

Jatmika Setiawan, Dedy Kristanto

Abstract: Current Status of Geoheritage and Geopark Development in Vietnam (Session Keynote)

Tran Tan Van

Abstract: Current Status of Geoheritage Development in Malaysia (Session Keynote)

Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Understanding the Movement Behaviour of the Pos Selim Landslide Malaysia (Session Keynote)

Andrew Malone

Abstract: Earthquake Design Ground Motion Taking into Account Active Fault Displacement (Session Keynote)

S. L. Wu, J. Kiyono, A. S. Fajar, Y. Maeda, T. Nakatani, S. Y. Li

Abstract: Geological Discontinuity’s Quantification: From Theory to Practice (Session Keynote)

Abdul Ghani Md Rafek

Geology Vis-à-Vis Tunnelling in the Kuala Lumpur Area

Tan Boon Kong

Abstract: Dynamic Slope Stability Analysis during Sabah Earthquake

Rini Asnida Abdullah, Mohd Nur Asmawisham Alel, Mohd Zamri Ramli, Lee Sze Shan

A Comparative Parametric Study on Several Published Rock Slope Assessment Case Studies Using Limit Equilibrium Method

Abd Rasid Jaapar, Afiq Farhan Abdul Rahim

Abstract: Shear Strength Variability of Graphitic Schist Derived from Weathered Hawthornden Schist

Zakaria Mohamad

Abstract: Shear Strength Characteristic of Meta-Sediment Sandstone Rock Joint with Condition of Infilling Material

M. M. Mohd-Nordin, N. I. N. Ismail, M. Y. Suid

Kajian Kestabilan Cerun: Kajian Kes di Sekitar Kampung Kuala Abai, Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia (IN MALAY), Slope Stability Study: Case Studies Around Kuala Abai Village, Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia

Ismail Abd Rahim, Mohd Noor Raffee Usli

Abstract: Isu, Realiti dan Peranan Ahli Geologi Dalam Pembangunan di Kawasan Berbukit di Malaysia – Kajian Kes dari Projek Perumahan Mewah di Taiping, Perak (IN MALAY), Issues, reality and the role of geologists in developing hilly areas in Malaysia: Case study of the luxury housing project in Taiping, Perak

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin, Hamzah Hussin, Mohd Amir Asyraf Sulaiman

Abstract: Penilaian Cerun Batuan di Tapak Bekas Kuari untuk Tebusguna Pembangunan-Kajian Kes di Kuari Granit Kajang, Kajang, Selangor (IN MALAY), Rock slope assessment at former quarry sites for development reclamation: Case study in a granite quarry, Kajang, Selangor

Hamzah Hussin, Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Abstract: Relationship Between the Static and Dynamic Elastic Modulus in Limestone Rock Material

Ailie Sofyiana Serasa, Goh Thian Lai, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek

Abstract: Establishing the Hydrological Conditions Beneath an Unlined Municipal Landfill and an Engineered Landfill Site in Malaysia Using Numerical Groundwater Flow Models – Case Studies

Mustapha Atta, Abd Rasid Jaapar, Dharam Singh, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob

How Detailed Geological Observation during Drilling Helps to Understand the Aquifer Behavior: A Case Study of UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Norsyafina Roslan, Othman Jaafar

Abstract: Evaluating the Suitability of Shallow Aquifer for Irrigational Purposes in Some Parts of Kelantan, Malaysia

Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan, Kishan Raj Pillai A/L Mathialagan, Ainaa Mardhiya, Zakiyah Ainul Kamal

Abstract: Social and Economic Impacts of Applied Mineralogy (Session Keynote)

Tsutomu Sato

Abstract: Silica Sand Processing (Session Keynote)

Hashim Hussin

Abstract: Critical Minerals in Facing the Challenges of a Sustainable Tomorrow (Session Keynote)

K. K. Cheang

Abstract: Suitability of Various Malaysian Clays for Ceramic Tiles Manufacturing

Chee Lung Chin, Zainal Arifin Ahmad, Sew Seng Sow

Abstract: 3D Magnetic Modelling for Iron Ore Exploration in Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang

Woo Chaw Hong, Rocky Martakusumah, Low Keng Lok, Aina Nadiah Abd Aziz

Abstract: Potential of Rare Earth Elements (REE’s) in Sediments of Labuan Island, Malaysia

Siti Syaza Aiman Seh Wali, Surono Martosuwito, Nor Shahida Shafiee, Hafzan Eva Mansor

Abstract: Ketulenan Batu Silika Permatang Kuarza Genting Klang, Hulu Kelang, Selangor Berdasarkan Analisis Geokimia (IN MALAY), Geometry of Permian silica stone of the Klang Gates Quartz Ridge, Hulu Kelang, Selangor, based on geochemical analysis

Mohd Rozi Umor, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Che Aziz Ali, Ibrahim Komoo, Tanot Unjah, Lim Choun Sian

Abstract: Geological and Electromagnetic Studies of Mukah Coalfield Area, Sarawak, Malaysia

Nadhirah Mohd Rosdi, M Suhaili bin Ismail, Nor Syazwani binti Zainal Abidin

Abstract: The Use of Isotope and Geochemical Techniques for Geothermal Reservoir Studies, in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Fredolin Javino

Abstract: Impact of Bauxite Mining Activities in Pengerang, Johor on Soils and Environment

Shamshuddin Jusop

Abstract: Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS in Lineament Mapping for Geothermal Potential Resources – A Case Study in the Ulu Slim, Perak

Mohamad Abd Manap

Abstract: Kajian Sedimen Teras bagi Projek Kajian Tumbesaran dan Kematian Kerang di Lot-Lot Ternakan Kerang di Negeri Selangor (IN MALAY), Sediment study of cockle aquaculture grounds in the state of Selangor

Noran Alwakhir bin Shaarani, Abdullah bin Sulaiman, Alias Man

Abstract: Characteristics of Kaolinitic Clay from Tanjung Rambutan - Simpang Pulai, Perak

Khong Ling Han, Hareyani Zabidi, Kamar Shah Ariffin, Cheang Kok Keong

Abstract: Geological Investigation on Batumilmil Formation Deposit in Langkat, North Sumatera and Potential Economic Impact

Gustam Lubis, Syed Fuad S Hashim, Kamar Shah Ariffin

The Continental Shelf – Five Decades of Progress (1966–2016) (Session Keynote)

Mazlan Madon

Abstract: Malay Basin: The Impact of Tectonics and Basin Architecture on Petroleum Resources and Future Potential (Session Keynote)

Md Yazid Mansor

Abstract: Sabah Oil and Gas Exploration - New Opportunities (Session Keynote)

Jawati bin Abu Naim

Potential of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy for Characterizing Devonian Black Shales

Teivardashni Gunasergaran, Eswaran Padmanabhan, Ibad Mahmoodi, Yang Wang Chuan, Zaky Ahmad Riyadi

Abstract: Developed Correlations Between Porosity, Permeability and Sound Wave Velocity at Different Compaction Pressures for Sandstone Core Samples

G. M. Hamada, E. S. Al-Homadhi

Abstract: Application of TEM Technique in South-East Asia

Yuri A. Agafonov, Igor V. Buddo, Olga V. Tokareva, M. Shukur M. Ali, Mustapha M. Salleh

Abstract: Depth Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Middle and Deeper Sublittoral to Uppermost Bathyal Northwest of Okinawa, Japan

Wan Nurzalia Wan Saelan, Johann Hohenegger

Analysis of Heterogeneous Distribution of Petrophysical Properties in Sandstone Reservoir: A Case Study

Alya Idayu Safitri, Joel Ben-Awuah, Haylay Tsegab Gebretsadik, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui, Marian Selorm Sapah

Abstract: Effect of Coal Seams Thickness on the Performance of CO2 Sequestration for Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery

Edo Pratama, Mohd Suhaili Ismail, Syahrir Ridha

Abstract: Better Imaging of the Subsurface using Primaries and Multiples: A Synthetic Example

Abdul Rahim Md Arshad, Deva Ghosh

Abstract: Variance in Reservoir Quality Due to Diagenesis: A Study from Tidal Deposits, Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia

Azirahtul Atifah binti Mohamed Sabri, Numair A. Siddiqui

Integrated Reservoir Fluid Characterization in Thinly Laminated Formations – A Case Study from Deepwater Sabah

Smail Chouya, John Jong, Janice Boay, Shota Nakatsuka, Samie Lee, Pascal Millot

Abstract: The Holistic Approach in Petroleum Exploration

Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith

A Case Study of Gas Hydrates in Offshore NW Sabah, Malaysia: Implications as a Shallow Geohazard for Exploration Drilling and a Potential Future Energy Resource

Goh Hui Sin, John Jong, Steve McGiveron, Jim Fitton

Abstract: FSM Based Interpretation of Complex Internal Carbonate Architectures, Facies and Karsts

D. A. Uli, Z. Z. T. Harith, M. H. H. Mohammad, T. Kanesan, A. Kolupaev, Lee Yin Yin, Lim Sook Fun

Abstract: Crustal Thickness and Velocity Structure of Southern Peninsular Malaysia

Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff, Amin Esmail Khalil

Abstract: Tidally-Influenced Deposition in the Early Miocene Balingian Province of Sarawak: Sedimentary Characteristics, Geologic Cause and Impact on Earth History

Meor H. Amir Hassan, Daniel S. Collins, Howard D. Johnson, Peter A. Allison, Wan Hasiah Abdullah

Abstract: Geosite Assesment of the Trace of Mesozoic Subduction in Lubar Village, Muara Dua Distric, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Ugi Kurnia Gusti, Fadlan Atmaja Nursiwan

Abstract: A Re-Assessment of Mesozoic Meta-Sedimentary Successions in Singapore: Terrestrial to Deep Marine Depositional Environments and Stratigraphical Framework

T J H Dodd, M R Gillespie, A G Leslie, R S Kendall, T Bide, M R Dobbs, K W Lee, S L Chiam, K H Goay

Abstract: Late Quaternary River Systems of Sarawak Shelf: Geomorphic Features from Near Surface 3D Seismic Data

Satyabrata Nayak, Abdul Jailani B Che Johari

Abstract: An Appraisal of the Tectonic Evolution of Borneo, SE Asia - Constraints from Petrotectonic Assemblages and Geophysical Gravity Anomaly

Aftab Alam Khan

Deformation Profile Analysis of a Deepwater Toe-Thrust Structural Trend – Implications on Structural Kinematics and Sedimentary Patterns

Mohd Asraf Khamis, John Jong, Steven M. Barker

Abstract: The Distribution and Characterization of Volcanic Ash in Padang Terap, Kedah

Ridzuan Giarto Gatot, Nur Susila Md Saaid, Ros Fathihah Muhammad

Oligocene-Miocene Large Benthic Foraminifera from the Tajau Sandstone Member, Kudat Formation, Sabah

Hafzan Eva Mansor, Junaidi Asis, Meor Hakif Amir Hassan

Abstract: Highly Fractionated I-type of Maras-Jong Pluton, Eastern Belt Granitoids – Geochemical Constraints

Azmiah Jamil, Azman A. Ghani

Abstract: Review of 50-Years (1966–2016) Debate on Age of Sabah Crystalline Basement Granitic Rocks: Are the Granitic Rocks in Upper Segama Sabah Fragments of Supercontinent Pangaea?

K. M. Leong

Abstract: Tertiary Coastal and Shallow Marine Successions of the Sandakan Formation (Sabah), Miri and Nyalau Formations (Sarawak): Facies, Stratification and Reservoir Properties

Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui, Zainey Konjing, Khor Wei Chung

Abstract: Geology of Setap Shale Formation, Sarawak Along Jalan Beluru-Bakong, Subis, Sarawak

Nurin Firzanah binti Abu Bakar, Askury Abd. Kadir, Eswaran A/L A. R. Padmanabhan

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Marginal Marine Coal-Bearing Succession of North Sarawak

Muhammad Murtaza, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Chow Weng Sum, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui, Mazshurraiezal Nasir, Nur Afiqah Ismail

Abstract: Analisa Fosil Radiolaria Daripada Unit Batuan Bersilika di Pos Blau (Singkapan Pb-1), Baratdaya Kelantan, Malaysia (IN MALAY), Analysis of fossil radiolaria silicified rock unit at Pos Blau (Outcrop Pb-1), Baratdaya Kelantan, Malaysia

Muhammad Ashahadi Dzulkafli, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Basir Jasin

Abstract: Mesozoic Arc Accretionary Tectonics and Dextral Strike-Slip Faulting in Singapore

A G Leslie, T J H Dodd, M R Gillespie, R S Kendall, T Bide, M R Dobbs, K W Lee, S L Chiam, K K Lat

Abstract: Coastal Protection Measures for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – A First-Cut Classification (Session Keynote)

Poh Poh Wong

Abstract: Coastal Vulnerability Index based on Sea-Level Rise (Session Keynote)

Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab

Abstract: Communication of Geohazard Information to Non-Specialists (Session Keynote)

Alan Thompson, Brian Marker, Jane Poole

Abstract: A Snapshot on the Economic Value of Geoscience in Malaysia

Mohd Suhaili Ismail

Abstract: Geohazards from the Oil & Gas Industry Perspective

Norhasliza Kasi, Mustaza Musa, Quah Khoon Beng

Abstract: Peaty Sediment Distribution in the Straits of Malacca and its Potential Use as Sea Level Indicators

Abdullah Sulaiman, Mohd Lokman Husain, V. R. Vijayan, Rosnan Yaacob

Abstract: Ecological Distribution of Modern Benthic Foraminifera of Kedah Coastal Waters and Their Potential Use as Sea Level Indicator

Fatin Izzati Minhat, Mohd Lokman Husain, Behara Satyanarayana, Vijayan V. V. Rajan, Hasrizal Shaari, Sanatul Salwa Hasan

The Identification of Paleotsunami Deposit along Manjung Coastline, Perak by Trenching and Ground Penetration Radar Surveys

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib, Mohamad Zul Fadlie Mohamad Fithol, Muhd Rerdza Fahmi, Samsudin Hj Taib, Mohd Nadzari Ismail, Hanafi Yusop, Ahmad Rosly Abbas, Jasmi Hafiz Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Farid Abu Bakar, Muhammad Amiruddin Amran

Abstract: Numerical Analysis of Evacuation Start in Elderly Care Facility during the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami

Yuji Dohi, Yoshihiro Okumura, Junji Kiyono

Abstract: Geological and Geophysical Studies for Multiple Hazards Assessments in an Occupied Residential Area, Puchong, Selangor

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Hamzah Hussin, Mohd Amir Asyraf Sulaiman

Preliminary Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Kundasang Ranau Area, Sabah Malaysia Based on Information Value Statistical Method

Frederick Francis Tating, Zamri Ramli, Bailon Golutin, Arthur Clement Makulim, Goh Khean Siong

Abstract: The Discovery of Phallic Rock at Jenagor, Terengganu

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib, Mohamad Zul Fadlie Mohamad Fithol, Muhd Rerdza Fahmi, Muhammad Amiruddin Amran

Abstract: Pemetaan Gua di Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark: Status dan Potensi Geopelancongan (IN MALAY), Cave mapping at Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark: Status and geotourism potential

Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali, Juliana Senawi, Ku Adriani Ku Ayob, Asbiyatulaida Derahman

Abstract: Towards Aspiring Kinta Valley Geopark in the National Level

Tuan Rusli Tuan Mohamed, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Kamaludin Hassan, Mohd Sidi Daud, Othman Kangsar, Nurul ‘Amalina Md Nor

Abstract: Pengenalpastian Geotapak dalam Cadangan Geopark Jerai (IN MALAY), Identification of proposed geosite in the Jerai Geopark

Nur Susila bt. Md. Saaid, Zainol bin Husin

Abstract: The Correlation of Bulk Density, Porosity and Velocity of Cores from Varies Depth in CTW-1 Well of Kati Formation in UTP Campus, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

Norsyafiqah Binti Salimun, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Khairul Arifin Mohd. Noh

Abstract: Kajian Hidrogeologi Singkapan Granit di Lebuhraya SILK Sepanjang Kajang – Sungai Long, Hulu Langat, Selangor (IN MALAY), Hydrogeological Study of Granite Outcrop at SILK Highway Along Kajang – Sungai Long, Hulu Langat, Selangor

Muhammad Fuad Razali, Norsyafina Roslan

Abstract: Groundwater in Fractured Metasedimentary Rocks of Kenny Hill Formation

Nursyafiqah Zaini, Norsyafina Roslan

Abstract: Groundwater in Fractured Granite in Selangor

Hamizah Mohamad, Norsyafina Roslan

Abstract: Soil Properties and Stability of Puncak Setiawangsa and Bukit Aman Slope Failures, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nurul Iffah Ismail, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob Rashid

Abstract: Kajian Keberintangan Geoelektrik di Tapak Pembuangan Lodak Sungai Jasik, Cameron Highlands untuk Melihat Struktur Subpermukaan dan Potensi Aliran Air Bawah Permukaan (IN MALAY), Electrical Resistivity Survey in Sediment Disposal Area Sungai Jasik, Cameron Highlands for Subsurface Structure and Subsurface Water Flow Potential

Siti Noraishah Binti Mohd Azli, Mohd Rozi Bin Umor

Abstract: Field Study to Identify River Plume Extension of Kerian River Discharge during Neap Tide and Spring Tide

Eko March Handoko Bin Masyhur, Wan Nursyafiqah Wan Jusoh, Mohd Noordin Abu Bakar

Abstract: Slope Stability Assessment of Kek Look Tong Limestone Hills, Kinta Valley, Perak, Malaysia

Jihan Rufaidah Binti Mustapha, Chow Weng Sum, Abdul Ghani Rafek

Abstract: Rock Physical Properties of Kati Formation in Seri Iskandar, Perak

Sufizikri Sahari, Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Salim, Khairul Arifin Mohd. Noh

Abstract: Engineering Geological Characterisation of Sedimentary Rocks at Parit to Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia

Wong Jia Mang, Abdul Ghani Rafek

Slope Stability Evaluation by Geological Strength Index (GSI) on Selected Slopes of the Crocker Formation, Sabah, Malaysia

Lee Kiun You, Ismail Abd Rahim

Abstract: Potential of Limestone Geohazard by Using GIS Analysis at Kg. Gunung Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan

Rhushashafira Rosle, Muhammad Izzudin Abdul Manan, Shaparas Daliman, ‘Ainaa’ Mardhiyah Hassin

Kajian Terhadap Potensi Batuan Argilit Formasi Ma’okil Sebagai Sumber Binaan Empangan di Kawasan Bukit Kepong, Muar, Johor (IN MALAY), Research on the potential of the Ma'okil Formation argillite rocks to be used as source material for Meda dam construction in Bukit Kepong area, Muar, Johor

Norfatena Mahmud, Mohd Rozi Umor

Abstract: Preliminary Results of Engineering Geological Weathering Characterization of Interbedded Heterogeneous Siliclastic Sedimentary Rocks in Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia

Anisah Anuar, Abdul Ghani Rafek

Abstract: Seasonal Trace Elements Concentration in Domestic Groundwater Wells in Parts of Kelantan, Malaysia

Kishan Raj Pillai A/L Mathialagan, Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan, Nor Shahida Bt Shafiee

Abstract: Slope Stability Assessment at Gua Naga Mas, Gunung Pua, Ipoh, Perak

Nurul Najihah Elias, Goh Thian Lai

Abstract: Tahap Keterancaman dan Zon Bahaya Tebing Bukit Batu Kapur di Sekitar Bukit Lagi, Kangar, Perlis (IN MALAY), The vulnerability and hazard zones of Bukit Batu Kapur Cliff at Bukit Lagi, Kangar, Perlis

Muhammad Mustadza Mazni, Goh Thian Lai, Wan Salmi W. H.

Abstract: Pendekatan Sistematik Penilaian Kestabilan Gua Naga Mas, Gunung Pua, Ipoh, Perak (IN MALAY), Systematic approach to the Naga Cave stability assessment, Gunung Pua, Ipoh, Perak

Lok Kah Kit, Norbert Simon, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Ailie Sofyiana Serasa, Nur Amanina Mazlan, Ainul Mardhiyah Mohd Razib, Tuan Rusli Mohamed, Goh Thian Lai

Abstract: Pengimejan 2D Potensi Lubang Benam dalam Batu Kapur Menggunakan Teknik Keberintangan Geoelektrik di Kampung Baru Kuala Dipang, Kampar, Perak (IN MALAY), 2D Imaging of Potential Sinkhole in Limestone Formation Using Geoelectric Resistivity Method in Kampung Baru Kuala Dipang, Kampar, Perak

Mohamad Yusof bin Kamaruzzaman, Mohd Rozi bin Umor

Abstract: Radiogenic Heat Production of Granitic Rocks of Peninsular Malaysia: Potential for Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Resource

Ong Qing Wei, Ng Tham Fatt

Abstract: Prediction of Porosity and Permeability of Heterogeneous Shaly Gas Sand Reservoirs Using Neural Network Algorithm

G. M. Hamada, M. A. Elshafei

Abstract: Potential of Solvents in the Study of Carbon Concentrations in the Bendang Riang Formation, Malaysia

Ibad Mahmoodi, Eswaran Padmanabhan

Abstract: ATR-FTIR Characterization of Shales from Kubang Pasu Formation, Malaysia

Zaky Ahmad Riyadi, Eswaran Padmanabhan, Ibad Mahmoodi, Yang Wang Chuan, Teivardashni Gunasergaran

Abstract: E4/E6 Ratio Measured by UV-VIS Spectroscopy as an Indicator of Organic Matter Quality in Late Devonian Shales

Yang Wang Chuan, Eswaran Padmanabhan, Ibad Mahmoodi, Zaky Ahmad Riyadi, Teivardashni Gunasergaran

Abstract: Reservoir Characterization by AVO Analysis: A Case Study in X-Block Doba Basin, Chad

Toh Shi-Yuan

Abstract: Surface Reservoir Analogue and Sedimentology Study of Fluvial Channel Deposits of Talang Akar Formation, Air Batu Village, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Ugi Kurnia Gusti, Muhammad Ardiansyah, Muhammad Rezky

Abstract: Evaluation of Selected Reservoir Petrophysical and Production Performance Indicators of Reservoir Analogues in the Baram Delta

Avinnaash Suresh, Joel Ben-Awuah, Ammar Khaled Mohammed Ahmed Hamid, Farhana Binti Abdul Barri, Noraini Binti Surip

Abstract: Petrophysical Analysis on Radioactive Sands for Koala Field in Termit Basin, Niger

Muhammad Syafik Zainal Malek, Lo Shyh Zung, Abdul Ghani Md. Rafek

Abstract: Reservoir Characteristics of Carbonates Build-ups in Southern Central Luconia Province: A Study Based on Different Scales

N. Haziqah Hamdan, S. N. Fathiyah Jamaludin

Abstract: Shale Gas Reserve Potential in the Sedimentary Basins of Malaysia and South East Asia Region

G. M. Hamada, E. Padmanabhan, A. El-Sakka, A. M. Salim

Abstract: Exploration Potential for Stratigraphy Trap in Abu Field, Malay Basin

Muhammad Hazmi Abdul Malik, Lo Shyh Zung

Abstract: Estimation of Epsilon Parameter of Fracture Induced Anisotropy by In-Situ Seismic Refraction Survey

Eko March Handoko Masyhur, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek, Khairul Arifin Mohd Noh

Abstract: The Search for Stratigraphic Traps: A Case Study in X field, Malay Basin

Loo Sheau Huey, Liaw Kim Kiat, Lo Shyh-Zung

Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Characterisation with Three Dimensional Modeling in Thin Bed Low Resistivity Natural Gas Exploration

Yen Jun Lim, Shyh Zung Lo

Abstract: Innovated PETREL Workflow for Multi-Attribute Analysis: Case Study in Malay Basin

S. P. Kee, Deva Ghosh, Askury Abd Kadir

Study of Central Luconia Miocene Carbonate Buildup: Integration of Geological, Modern Carbonates and 3D Seismic Characterization

Ooi Phey Chee, Michael Poppelreiter, Deva Ghosh, Raffik Lazar

Abstract: Geochemistry and Bulk Kinetic Analyses of Coal-Bearing Deposit of Bongaya Formations, Northern Sabah, Malaysia

Muhammad Hafiz Baharuddin, Wan Hasiah Abdullah, Khairul Azlan Mustapha

Abstract: Application of Spectral Decomposition and Attenuation for Stratigraphy Exploration Potential in ‘B’ Field, Malay Basin

Jamal Emir Jaludin, Lo Syh Zung, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek

Abstract: Source Rock Pyrolysis and Thermal Maturity of Early-Late Miocene Syn-Rift Deposits in Southeastern Sabah, Malaysia

Nur Amalina Ahmad Thana’ Ani, Khairul Azlan Mustapha, Mohammed Idris

Pore-Pressure and Thermal Analysis for Understanding of Overpressure Mechanisms in West Baram Delta

Nurhajeerah Mhd Hanapiah, Kurniawan Adha, Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff

Abstract: Cylindrical and Overlapping Technique for Better Karst Delineation

D. A UIi, Lim Sook Fun, Ankit Kumar, Z. Z. T Harith

Abstract: Application of Spectral Decomposition and Seismic Attributes to Delineate the Internal Morphology of Carbonate Buildup

Eevon Chang, Lo Shyh Zung

Abstract: The Comparison Between Central Luconia Province, Malaysia and Nam Con So’n Basin, Vietnam: Emphasis on Tectonic Framework

Jamaluddin bin A. Rahman, Nguyen Xuan Huy, Askury bin Abd Kadir

Abstract: Comparative Study of the Effect of SiO2 and TiO2 Nanoparticles as for Agents on Petrophysical Properties of Reservoir Rocks

Zamdazitta M. Kumbakumba, Joel Ben-Awuah, Noraini Binti Surip, Spariharijaona Andriamihaja, Prince Ofori Amponsah

Abstract: Foraminifera Planktonik Formasi Temburong, Pulau Labuan (IN MALAY), Planktonic foraminifera of the Temburong Formation, Pulau Labuan

Baharudin Bin Bakar, Sanudin Tahir, Junaidi Asis

Abstract: Physical Characteristics and Distribution of Bottom Sediments from Kelantan River Delta Towards South China Sea Continental Shelf, Malaysia

Nurul Afifah Mohd Radzir, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamad

Abstract: General Geology of Northeastern Central Gunung Semanggol, Bukit Merah: Emphasis on Tectono-Stratigraphic Development of Permian-Triassic to Recent

Wang Hui Zhi, Md Yazid Mansor, Mohd Shaufi Sokiman

Abstract: Stratigrafi di Barat Daya, Sabah (IN MALAY), Stratigraphy in the southwest, Sabah

Tracy Binti Guan Leong

Abstract: Lithology and Depositional History of the Chert Unit of Semanggol Formation, Bukit Kukus, Kuala Ketil, Kedah

Siti Munirah Binti Ahmad Iskandar Zulkarnain, Awalludin Harun

Abstract: Identification of Active Faults in the Quaternary South Perak Coastal Plains

Mustaffa Kamal Shuib, Samsudin Hj Taib, Mohd Nadzari Ismail, Hanafi Yusop, Ahmad Rosly Abbas, Jasmi Hafiz Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Farid Abu Bakar, Mohamad Zul Fadlie Mohamad Fithol, Muhd Rerdza Fahmi, Muhammad Amiruddin Amran

Abstract: Carboniferous Plant Fossils from the Kubang Pasu Formation, Pokok Sena, Kedah

Rasyidah Aina Abd Halim, Nur Azwa Nozaini Tan, Helmi Zainal, Meor Hakif Amir Hassan

Abstract: Carboniferous Plant Fossils in Teluk Kalung, Kemaman, Terengganu

Nursufiah Sulaiman, Nadzira Abd Razak, Surono Martosuwito, Muhammad Muqtada Ali Khan

Abstract: Occurrence of Larger Benthic Foraminifera from the Early Miocene Limestone sediment at Batu Luang, Klias Peninsula, Sabah

Junaidi Asis, Sanudin Hj. Tahir, Basir Jasin, Baba Musta

Abstract: Weathering Style and Geochemical (Major and Rare Earth Elements) Content of Granitic and Basaltic Soils from Kuantan, Peninsular Malaysia

Azman A Ghani

Abstract: Platinum Group Elements in Proximal Impactites of the Bukit Bunuh Impact Structure, Malaysia

Long Xiang Quek, Azman A Ghani, Muhammad Hafifi Badruldin, Mokhtar Saidin, Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith, Muhammad Hatta Roselee

Abstract: Geochemistry of Ordovician to Silurian Felsic Volcanic from Gerik, Peninsular Malaysia

Nur Ain Arbain, Quek Long Xiang, Azman A Ghani

Abstract: Taiping Pluton of Bintang Batholith: Example of Amphibole Bearing Melagranite in the Western Belt of Peninsular Malaysia

Quek Long Xiang, Azman A Ghani

Lineament Study of the Semanggol Formation and Adjacent Areas from Landsat 8 Image

Ali Imran Azman, Jasmi Ab Talib, Mohamad Shaufi Sokiman

Mapping Late Pleistocene-Holocene Paleo Pahang River (Updated)

Kong Yee Hui, Edlic Sathiamurthy

Constraining Permian-Triassic Boundary in Gua Panjang, Merapoh, Pahang Darul Makmur

Nelisa Ameera Mohamed Joeharry, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Sedimentary Facies of the Shoreface – Offshore Environment in Sandakan Formation, NE Sabah Basin

M. Firdaus Abd Majid, M. Suhaili Ismail, A. Hadi A. Rahman, M. Azfar Mohamed

Abstract: The Reconstruction of 3D Geo-Lithological Model of Pekan, Pahang: A Possible Onshore Extension of Penyu Basin

Ashley Aisyah Yoong, Abdul Ghani Abd Rafek, Khairul Arifin Bin Md Noh, Radziamir Mazlan

Abstract: Anatomy of an Isolated Carbonate Platform: Subis Limestone Outcrop, Early Miocene, Niah, Sarawak, Malaysia

Saw Bing Bing, Michael Poppelreiter, Jose Antonio Gamez Vintaned, Syed Haroon Ali

Abstract: Geologi Am di Rusila-Marang, Terengganu Darul Iman (IN MALAY), Geologic overview of Rusila-Marang, Terengganu Darul Iman

Mohamad Muharam Zainuddin, Mohd Rozi Umor

Abstract: Sedimentology of the Lambir Formation (Middle - Late Miocene) Northern Sarawak, Malaysia

Mazshurraiezal Bin Nasir, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Zainey Konjing, Murtaza, Afiqah Ismail

Abstract: Discovery of Murinae Fossils in Calcified Cave Breccia from Western Belt Caves in Peninsular Malaysia and Implications to Quaternary Palaeoenvironment

Ishlahuda Hani Sahak, Ros Fatihah Muhammad, Lim Tze Tshen, Yasamin K H Ibrahim

Facies and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Kudat Formation, Sabah: Implications on Provenance and Tectonics

Nursyazwani bt Abdul Jalil, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman

Kajian Petrografi dan Geokimia bagi Sumber Granit Selaku Bahan Kuari Pembinaan Empangan Sg. Meda, Bukit Kepong, Pagoh, Johor (IN MALAY), Petrographic and geochemical study of the sources of granite quarry material as construction material for Sg. Meda dam, Bukit Kepong, Pagoh, Johor

Nur Syazwani Izzati, Mohd Rozi Umor

Lithostratigraphy and Palaeontology of the ‘Black Shale’ Facies (Chert Unit) of the Semanggol Formation at Bukit Merah, Perak (Peninsular Malaysia)

Joannemarie Estelle Liew, José Antonio Gámez Vintaned, Ana Márquez-Aliaga

Geologi Am Bukit Besi, Dungun, Terengganu (IN MALAY), Geologic overview of Bukit Besi, Dungun, Terengganu

Azrul Arif Norazmin, Mohd Rozi Umor

Kajian Batuan Arenit Formasi Ma’okil Dengan Kaedah Petrografi, PSD dan XRD (IN MALAY), Study of arenite rocks of the Ma'okil Formation using petrography, PSD and XRD

Najib Ariq Dzulkifli, Mohd Rozi Umor

Abstract: Geochemistry of Bangka Granites, Bangka Island, Sumatera Indonesia

Muhammad Hatta Roselee, Azman A Ghani, Samuel Ng Wai Pan, Sayed Murtadha, Grahame J. H. Oliver, Quek Long Xiang, Mohd Rozi Umor

Abstract: Pencirian dan Tafsiran Paleo-Sekitaran Stromatolites dan Thrombolites pada Jujukan Batu Kapur Setul di Kawasan Langkawi dan Perlis (IN MALAY), Paleo-environmental characterization and interpretation of stromatolites and thrombolites in Setul Quarry sequences in Langkawi and Perlis areas

Mohamad Ezanie Abu Samah, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamad, Nurul Afifah Mohd Radzir

Abstract: A Dendroid Hydrozoan from the Uppermost Cambrian of Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia

José Antonio Gámez Vintaned, Andrey Yu. Zhuravlev

Abstract: Structural Evolution and Basin Development of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Southwest Tanzania

Nurul Syafiqah Harun

Abstract: The Late-Quaternary Sedimentary and Sea-Level History of Shelf Paleo Valleys, Sarawak (Northwest Borneo), Malaysia

Noraisyah Sapon, Rosnan Yaacob, Hasrizal Shaari, Mohd-Lokman Husain, Abdullah Sulaiman, Rokiah Suriadi

Abstract: Measured Section for the Possible Stratotype of the Miri Formation, at Miri Hill, North Sarawak, Malaysia

Muhd Nur Ismail Abdul Rahman, Sanudin Hj. Tahir

Abstract: Taburan Mineral Lempung di Sepanjang Sungai Muar, Johor (IN MALAY), Clay mineral distribution throughout the Muar River, Johor

Nur Syafiqah Idayu Binti Azmi

Abstract: General Geology and Assessment of Extraction of Drainage Pattern in Jelawang River, Dabong, Kelantan

Mohamad Nasrul Mohd Baki, Wani Sofia Udin, Arham Muchtar Achmad Bahar

Mobility of Cadmium in Granitic Soil Using Batch and Mini Column Tests

Nur ‘Aishah Zarime, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob

Abstract: The Effect of Physical and Engineering Properties of Stabilization of Burnt Tropical Lowland Peat in the Banting Area, Selangor

Azlan Shah Nerwan Shah, Mohamad Tarmizi Mohamad Zulkifley, Roslan Hashim

Abstract: Heavy Metal Distributions and Contamination in Top Soils of Penang Island

Fatimah Az Zahra’ Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Farid Abu Bakar, Ng Tham Fatt

Abstract: Comparison Study on the Adsorption of a Synthetic Textile Dye Using Bentonite and Surfactant Modified Bentonite

Mark Jeeva, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob

Implications of Climate-Related Hazards on a Coastal Landfill in Selangor, Malaysia

Nurul Syazwani Yahaya, Choun-Sian Lim, Mohd Raihan Taha, Joy Jacqueline Pereira

Climate Change and its Implications on the Coastal Zone of Kuala Selangor, Malaysia

Umi Amira Jamaluddin, Choun-Sian Lim, Joy Jacqueline Pereira

Evaluation of Mean Annual Soil Loss: A Case Study from Gua Musang, Kelantan

Nur Afiqah Ismail, A Ghani Mohd Rafek, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Jasmi Talib, Mazshurraiezal Nasir, Muhammad Murtaza

Abstract: Landslide Susceptibility Maps to Support Urban Landuse Decision-Making: Case Study of the Langat Sub-Basin, Selangor

Nurfashareena Muhamad, Mohammad Imam Hasan Reza, Joy Jacqueline Pereira

Abstract: The Ordovician Radiation in Reef Ecosystems

Qi-jian L I

Abstract: The Early Evolution and Diversity of the Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fishes - Sharks, Rays, etc.)

Gilles Cuny

Geobiology and Geomicrobiology: Frontier Areas in Earth System Science

Ramanathan Baskar

The Roles and Implications of Several Prominent Unconformities in Neogene Sediments of the Greater Miri Area, NW Sarawak

Franz L. Kessler, John Jong

2D Electrical Resistivity Survey for Slope Stability Study at Taman Desa Ampang, Selangor

Goh Shin Mei, Woo Chaw Hong, Yip Chia Chun, Chow Yor Chun

Abstract: Profile of a Professional Geologist

Abd. Rasid Jaapar

Abstract: Signature of Mass Mortality of Fauna and High Temperature Pressure Event Preserved in Late Cretaceous Bone Bed of Fatehgrah Formation of Barmer Basin, India

S. C. Mathur

Abstract: Modelling the Evolution of Submarine Channels and Their Deposits

Bill McCaffrey

Abstract: Fauna Ediacara Mistaken Point, Kanada – Apabila Organisma Bersaiz Besar Muncul di Dunia (IN MALAY), Ediacaran fauna of Canada's Mistaken Point Formation: When large size organisms appear in the world

Mohd Shafeea Leman

Abstract: Portfolio Optimisation and Capital Management: NOC Integrated e-Workflows as Catalyst to Optimized Growth and Efficiently Manage E&P Investment Activities

Lim Choong Heng, José Manuel Rodriguez Villaseñor, Azrin Kassim

Abstract: Application of Geophysics in Oil and Gas Industry

Kian Wei Tan