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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

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Ultrasonic pulse velocities and dynamic elastic constants of sandstones from the Semanggol Formation, Beris Dam, Kedah Darul Aman

J. K. Raj

Pelantar benua dari perspektif undang-undang laut: Suatu pengenalan (IN MALAY) (Continental shelf from the perspective of the Law of the Sea: An introduction)

Mazlan Madon

Reconnaissance of Kenny Hill Formation Outcrops in the Rawang Area, Northern Selangor, Malaysia

Allan Filipov, John Jong, Mazlan Madon

ABSTRACT: Ground settlement resulting from urban tunnelling: Comparison of predictions and actual settlement

Karthigeyan Al. Ramanathan, Rini Asnida Bt Abdullah, Afikah Bt Rahim, Siti Norafida Bt Jusoh

ABSTRACT: Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of Kuala Pilah region

Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff, Wong Kian Wai

ABSTRACT: City growth and inundation area in Palembang City: Flood events and its causes

Sumi Amariena Hamim, Fathoni Usman, Hendry Natanael Gumano, Tika Christy

ABSTRACT: Estimation of slope failure based on the support vector machine and decision tree methods

Ashanira Mat Deris, Badariah Solemon

ABSTRACT: Local site effect evaluation through Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) in Johor Bahru

Siti Noor Shafiqah Badrolhisham, Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff

ABSTRACT: Intensity of strong ground motion of 2015 Ranau quake

Bailon Golutin, Frederick Francis Tating

ABSTRACT: Penilaian geologi kejuruteraan dan subpermukaan terhadap kesesuaian pembangunan di kawasan bukit batu kapur, Gunung Ginting, Ipoh, Perak (IN MALAY)

Mohd Hariri Arifin, Goh Thian Lai, Zulaika Farhani Salehudin, Hamzah Hussin

ABSTRACT: Hybridization of artificial neural network and grey relational analysis for the prediction of slope stability

Ashanira Mat Deris, Badariah Solemon

ABSTRACT: Faktor-faktor penyebab tanah runtuh Zen Garden (IN MALAY) (The causing factors of Zen Garden landslide)

Ismail Abd Rahim, Hardianshah Saleh

ABSTRACT: Satellite-derived facies map as a holistic approach for facies mapping in Holocene Kepulauan Seribu complexes, north-west Java Basin, Indonesia

Shafiqah Amir, Haylay Tsegab

ABSTRACT: Seismic interpretation and inversion leading to an accurate reservoir characterization in a Central Luconia carbonate field, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Yasir Bashir, Nordiana Mohd Muztaza, Nur Azwin Ismail, Andy Anderson Bery, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui

ABSTRACT: Estimation of depth and volume of waste materials by using 2D and 3D resistivity method at Kepong, Kuala Lumpur

Muhammad Khairel Izzuan Ismail, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Abdul Manan Abdullah, John Stephen Kayode, Asha Embrandiri, Nor Shahidah Mohd Nazer, Azrin Azmi

ABSTRACT: The effect of particle sizes toward resistivity and chargeability for earth material interpretation

Ahmad Khairul Abd Malik, Aziman Madun, Mohd Zainizan Sahdan, Mohammad Izzat Shaffiq Azmi

ABSTRACT: A case study of mineral exploration in East Coast Economic Region (ECER) using high resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey

Zaki Bin Alias, Shari Bin Ismail

ABSTRACT: Mount Semeru volcanic activities monitoring using remote sensing of multi-temporal data set

Fathoni Usman, Fadly Usman

ABSTRACT: Surface deformation changes monitoring using persistent scatterer interferometry: A review

Andi Mohd Hairy Ansar, Ami Hassan Md Din, Amir Sharifuddin Ab Latip

ABSTRACT: Deep forest cover classification of consecutive landsat imageries over Borneo

Azalea Kamellia Abdullah, Mohd Nadzri Md Reba, Nur Efarina Jali, Sikula Magupin, Diana Anthony

ABSTRACT: Resistivity profiling survey as guide in preparation estimation geotechnical pile capacity calculation

R. Roslan, RC Omar, Hairin Taha, INZ Baharuddin, AR. Jaafar, W.A. Wahab

ABSTRACT: Impact detection of spatiotemporal changes in built-up area on surfaceurban heat islands in Palembang City using satellite imagery data

Annisa’Kurnia Shallihat, Sumi Amariena Hamim, Fathoni Usman

ABSTRACT: Identification of Total Suspended Particulate (TSP), PM10 and PM2.5 sources at quarry site by multivariate analysis couple with wind speed and direction data

Muhamad Hazim B Yaacob, Izhar Abadi B Ibrahim Rais

ABSTRACT: Experimental floating phytoremediation of acid mine drainage by vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizianiodes) under controlled environment

Mohd Zaid Md Sharif, Abdullah Hussin, Norinsafrina Mustaffa Kamal

ABSTRACT: Lessons learnt from environmental impacts and social concerns associated with onshore petroleum exploration activities, NW Sarawak

John Jong, Tran Quoc Tan, Franz L. Kessler

ABSTRACT: The instability of iron content in groundwater in metasedimentary rock formation

Aziman Madun, Mohd Zainizan Sahdan, Ahmad Khairul Abd Malik, Mohamed Erwan Zaki Mat Radzi

ABSTRACT: Updated geothermal gradient and heat flow maps of offshore Malaysia

Mazlan Madon, John Jong

ABSTRACT: Statistical technique evaluates the levels of heavy metal in groundwater across the Jhansi district, Bundelkhand area, India

Naseem Akhtar, M. I. Syakir, Ravi Saini, Neeraj Pant, Salman Ahmad, Yazan Khalaf Ali Almanasir, Mohd Talha Anees, Abdul Qadir

ABSTRACT: Significance of silica geothermometry in groundwater studies of Quaternary aquifers in Kelantan

Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan, Kishan Raj Pillai A/l Mathialagan, Hafzan Eva Mansor, Zameer Ahmad Shah

ABSTRACT: Radiolaria Perm Awal dari kuari Jalan Ladang Harmoni, Pos Blau, baratdaya Kelantan

Muhammad Ashahadi Dzulkafli, Muhammad Kamal Kamarudin, Che Aziz Ali

ABSTRACT: Preservation status of Gua Naga Mas fossil, threats and strategies for moving forward

Ros Fatihah Muhammad, Lim Tze Tshen, Nur Iskandar Taib, Lu Yanbin, Chiang Hongwei, Wang Xianfeng, Kira Westaway, Yasamin Kh Ibrahim, Earl of Cranbrook, Geoffrey Davison, Mohamed Shah Redza Hussein

ABSTRACT: Geology and stream sediment geochemistry of Sungai Bahoi – Charok Jawa area, Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah

Fakhruddin Afif Fauzi, Hamdan Ariffin

ABSTRACT: The comparison of suspected sauropod’s track at Bukit Panau, Kelantan and sauropod’s track from Ban Nom Tum, Thailand

Atilia Bashardin, Tida Liard, Mat Niza Abdul Rahman

ABSTRACT: Structural evolution and interpretation of the ‘I’ field, northwest Malay Basin: Miocene age

Siti Sorhana Syazwani Mokhtar, Benjamin Sautter, Mohamed M Abdo Aly Elsadaany, Tsara Kamilah Ridwan, Rosita Hamidi

ABSTRACT: Petrographic study of core samples from J Reservoirs, southeast Malay Basin, Malaysia

Amita Mohd Ali, Hasnol Hady Ismail, Saira Bannu Baharuddin

ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic characteristics in shallow marine reservoirs by utilizing well and seismic attributes data, northern Malay Basin

Tsara Kamilah, Maman Hermana, Luluan Almanna, Ridwan Saidi, Siti Sorhana Syazwani Mokhtar

ABSTRACT: Validating the structural trend of Central Luconia province through airborne Full Tensor Gradiometry (FTG) gravity

Siti Nur Fathiyah Jamaludin

ABSTRACT: The Late Miocene to Late Pliocene depositional sequences and structural developments of the West Baram Delta basin, offshore Sarawak, East Malaysia

Hasnol Hady Ismail, M Rapi M Som, Sanatul Salwa Hassan, Lew Chean Lin, M Raisuddin ATajuddin, M Fauzi AKadir

ABSTRACT: Ichnofacies evaluation as an inventive approach in reservoir analysis for delineating stratigraphic sequences and interpreting depositional history: An example from shoreface and wave-influenced delta deposits in Sarawak basin, Malaysia

A. Ali, S. Baharuddin, K. Bann, B. Kantaatmadja, Hady H. Ismail

ABSTRACT: Coastal-shallow marine depositional system of cretaceous sediments of Jessu Formation, northern Benue Trough, Nigeria

Babangida M. Sarki Yandoka, Nura Abdulmumini Yelwa

ABSTRACT: The origin of ice shelf channels at Institute and Möller ice stream grounding zones, West Antarctica

Hafeez Jeofry, Neil Ross, Jilu Li, Prasad Gogineni, Martin J. Siegert

ABSTRACT: Preservational attributes and mineralogy of Youngest Toba Tuff ash, Padang Terap, and Lenggong valley, Peninsular Malaysia

Ajab Singh, Ros Fatihah Muhammmad, Iskandar Taib

ABSTRACT: Application of construction suitability map in sustaining the highland development from geohazard in Malaysia

Hasnida Mohamed Haniffa, Abd Halim Bin Md Ali

ABSTRACT: Role of geoscientist in sustainable highland development in Malaysia

Fatin Farihah Baharudin, Wan Nur ’Afifa Wan Mustapa, Hasnida Mohamed Haniffa, Norazianti Asmari

ABSTRACT: The understanding of geological terrain mapping among stakeholders for a highland development in Malaysia

Nur Fatin Julia Maznan, Nurameera Nadia Khairil Azhar, Sheila Rozalia Abdul Rashid, Hasnida Mohamed Haniffa, Norazianti Asmari

Geochemical characterization of pottery shards unearthed from Kampung Baru Archaeological Site, Kedah, Malaysia

Zuliskandar Ramli, Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir, Muhamad Shafiq Mohd Ali

Estimation of Dar-Zarrouk parameters and delineation of groundwater potential zones in Karlahi, part of Adamawa Massif, Northeastern Nigeria

Yusuf S. N., Ishaku J. M., Wakili W. M.

Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of earth materials in a weathering profile over the Kuantan Basalt, Pahang, Malaysia

John Kuna Raj

Geological sketches – out of time and fashion, but obsolete? An Essay

F. L. H. Kessler

Metamorphic rocks of the Kuching Zone Sarawak: Comment on Najiatun Najla Mohamad et al. (2020) The geology and stratigraphic framework of the Kuching Zone Sarawak: Current understanding and unresolved issues

H. Tim Breitfeld, Robert Hall

Peranan geofizik dalam pembinaan dan penilaian kestabilan terowong (IN MALAY) (The role of geophysics in the construction and stability assessment of tunnels)

Nik Adib Yaaziz, Mohd Hariri Arifin

On the supposed onshore extension of the Penyu Basin, Peninsular Malaysia

Mazlan Madon

Lenggong Valley – Revisit our national treasure

Eric Teng Jing Hang, Mohd Hariri Arifin

Soil moisture retention characteristics of saprock from the weathering profile over a biotite-muscovite granite in Peninsular Malaysia

John Kuna Raj