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Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

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3D seismic in Trinmar -the window to a brighter future

Hosein, F. and Knowlton, A.M.

Abnormal pressures and the occurrence of hydrocarbons off the east coast of Trinidad, West Indies

Heppard, P.O., Cander, H.S., and Eggerlson, E.B.

ABSTRACT: 1992 beach questionnaire survey, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica

Oostdam, B., Weiss, G. and Billeter, P.A.

ABSTRACT: 3D post stack data enhancement -SE Darien, Trinidad

Garossino, P., Scheet, R., Farmer, S., Marfurt, K, Gutowski, P., Sharp, J. and Bailey, J.

ABSTRACT: 90 Ma of ocean and climate history: ocean drilling returns to the Caribbean

Leckie, RM., Sigurdsson, H., Droxier, AW, Peterson, L.G., Abrams, L., Carey, S. and D'Hondt, S.

ABSTRACT: A 2000 year B.P. Plinian eruption from Mt. Pelee, Martinique: distribution, grain size characteristics and implications for future volcanic hazards

Smith, A.L., Wright, J.V.and Roobol, M.J.

ABSTRACT: Age and formation of oceanic basement beneath the Colombian and Venezuelan Basins: magnetic anomaly evidence

Hall, S.A, Ghosh, N., Casey, J.F. and Burke, K. C.

ABSTRACT: A GIS-based landslide mitigation system for the Caribbean -Part 1: rationale and database requirements

Rogers, C.T. and Opadeyi, J.

ABSTRACT: Altered meteorite fragments in an impact breccia layer at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Haiti

Sen, G. and Maurasse, F.J-M.R.

ABSTRACT: Amoco's exploration history in Trinidad: lessons learned for success

Tiezzi, L.

ABSTRACT: Amoco's strategy-driven worldwide exploration success

Tiezzi, L. and Van Sickle, S.

ABSTRACT: Amphibolites and associated rocks of the Rio Verde complex in the Median belt, central Hispaniola; their petrologic, structural and tectonic significance in the emplacement of the Loma Caribe peridotite

Lewis, J and Draper, G.

ABSTRACT: A structural interpretation of the Penal/Barrackpore/Mandingo fold form: implications for hydrocarbon exploitation

Inniss, F.

ABSTRACT: Biostratigraphy, depositional environments and diagenesis of the Tamana Formation, Trinidad

Erlich, R.N., Farfan, P.F. and Hallock, P.

ABSTRACT: Business opportunities open to the petroleum geoscientist

Persad, K.

ABSTRACT: Caribbean Granitoids

Lidiak, E. and Jolly, W.

ABSTRACT: Cayman trough: structures and evolution

Leroy, S., Mercier de Lepinay, B. and Mauffret, A.

ABSTRACT: Composition and genesis of the ophiolitic rocks and associated chromite deposits in the Moa-Barocoa massif, eastern Cuba

Munoz Gomez, J.N., Lewis, J.F., Peng, G., Campos Duenas, M. and Quintas, F.

ABSTRACT: Constitucion geologica de una zona de sobreempuje de Cuba occidental a partir de datos geologo-geofisicos

Dominguez Garces, R. and Aballi Forlen, P.

ABSTRACT: Contemporary seismicity of Montserrat, West Indies

Ambeh, WB., Lynch, LL., Chen, J. and Robertson

ABSTRACT: Contribution of in situ observations to sedimentary analysis, structural evaluation and kinematics of present day tectonic deformation on the southern part of the accretionary prism of the Lesser Antilles

Griboulard, R, Faugeres, J., Huyghe, P., Bobier, C., Gonthier, E., Deniau, Y. and

ABSTRACT: Correlation of the Jurassic through Oligocene stratigraphies of Trinidad and northeastern Venezuela

Algar, S. and Erickson, J.

ABSTRACT: Cretaceous echinoid fossils from central Hispaniola and Jamaica

Draper, G., Donovan, S.K. and Lewis, J.F.

ABSTRACT: Cross section of Northern Trinidad

Speed, R.C.

Abstract: Distribution and stratigraphy of the EI Rayo limestone lenses in the San German and Sabana Grande quadrangles, Cabo Rojo-San German structural block, southwestern Puerto Rico

Santos, H., Cuevas, D. and Quinones, E.

ABSTRACT: Earthquake-induced landslides in the Jamaican Neogene plate boundary zone

Ahmad, R.

ABSTRACT: Efectividad de la aplicacion del sistema modular GEONUC para la interpretacion compleja de los registros geofisicosde las secuencias productoras de hidrocarburos en un pozo de la costa norte de Cuba

Rodriguez Martinez, N., Frias Suarez, D., Pena Sicilia, R, Garcia Hernandez, C., McCalla Mora, R, Castillo Maro, G. and Sotolongo Garcia, AL.

ABSTRACT: Estudio de estructuras de sobrecorrimientos por datos de pozos en la costa norte Cubana

Dominguez, A H. and Rios, J M.

ABSTRACT: Evolucion de la asociacion volcano-plutonica del arco Cretacico en Cuba central

Diaz de Villalvilla, L. and Sukar, K

ABSTRACT: Evolucion de los granitoides del arco volcanico paleogeno de Cuba (Sierra Maestra).

Perez, M., Sukar, K, Lewis, J. and Rodriguez, R.

ABSTRACT: Evolution of the foraminiferal genus Lepidocyclina: significance for Eocene high resolution biostratigraphy

Robinson, E

ABSTRACT: Exploitation of Forest and Cruse highstand deltaic reservoirs in the eastern Guapo field area, Trinidad

Wharton, S.

ABSTRACT: Exploration for gold in Darien Province, Panama

Nagle, F. and Bock, W.D.

ABSTRACT: Factors controlling API gravity variations among Trinidad crudes

Rodrigues, K. and Deokie, C.

ABSTRACT: Flank failure or caldera collapse on an island arc volcano? A digital elevation study of the Qualibou Depression, St. Lucia

Mattioli, G. and Jaramillo, L.

ABSTRACT: Geological and hydrogeological factors in the selection of hazardous waste disposal sites in Trinidad, W.I.: a review of desk and field assessments of six sites

Marshall, K.

ABSTRACT: Geological features and petrological interpretation of the Cenozoic volcanism from the Sajama Region, western Andes of Bolivia

Avila-Salinas, W. A.

ABSTRACT: Geological mapping in the Northern Range of Trinidad

Potter, H

ABSTRACT: Geology and evolution of the Cauto-Ana Maria Basin, Cuba

Barcelo-Carol, G., Lopez-Rivera, J.G., Alvarez-Castro, J. and Fernandez-Carmona, J.

ABSTRACT: Geology and evolution of the Cauto-Ana Maria Basin, Cuba

Barcelo-Carol, G., Lopez-Rivera, J.G., Alvarez-Castro, J. and Fernandez-Carmona, J.

ABSTRACT: Geophysical Evaluation/Remote Sensing of Basins in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Geophysical evidence for near east-west sea floor spreading and the formation of the Grenada Basin

Bird, D.E, Hall, S.A., Casey, J.F.and Millegan, P.S.

ABSTRACT: GIS and GIS data structures for geological applications

Edwards, W

ABSTRACT: Great strike-slip plate boundary zone of the SE corner of the Caribbean

Burke, K.

ABSTRACT: High frequency solar and geophysical cycles in varved, biosiliceous sediments of the late Eocene Yumaque Formation, Peru

Frantz, E.L.

ABSTRACT: Historic geodetic constraints on Caribbean -South American relative plate motion, plate boundary zone kinematics and seismic risk

Weber, J.C., Ambeh, WA, Dixon, T.D., Speed, RC., Lynch, L.L., Saleh, J. and Webb, F.

ABSTRACT: Holocene transgression at Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Martinez, J.A

ABSTRACT: Jamaica earthquakes 1973 to 1994: trends and forecasts

Wiggins-Grandison, M.D.

ABSTRACT: Kimmeridgian environments recognized from oil drilling in Cuba

Blanco-Bustamente, S. and Brey del Rey, D.

ABSTRACT: Las manifestaciones superficiales de hidrocarburos en Cuba: sus relaciones con las unidades tectonoestratigrafias y yacimientos gasopetroliferos.

Cala, E.L.

ABSTRACT: Limestone buildups as ecotectonic indicators within the Tertiary of the southern Caribbean region

Hunter, V.F.

ABSTRACT: Mapa estructural del basamento en Cuba a la escala 1:500,000

Betancourt, J.P., Arriaza Fernandez, G. and Otero,R.

ABSTRACT: Melange structure of the Sierra Bermeja, Puerto Rico

Joyce, J and Lopez, A.

ABSTRACT: Mineralogy and petrology of the Miocene-Pliocene Aguacate volcanic rocks of Costa Rica

Weiland, TJ and Suayah, I.

ABSTRACT: Mineral resources development in Belize, Central America, 1985-1995

Wade-Garcia, E.L.

ABSTRACT: Neotectonic structures and paleostress in south-central Hispaniola

Ramirez, M. I., Draper, G., Smith, L., Hornafius, J.S., Munthe, J. and Gordon, M.

ABSTRACT: New data from the Northern Range, Trinidad bearing on recent motions along its southern boundary

Weber, J and Speed, R.

ABSTRACT: New findings on the Pleistocene emergence of Barbados

Barker, L.H., Speed, R.C., Gordon, J. and Goring, K.

ABSTRACT: New geochronological constraints on the crustal history of Margarita Island

Kluge, R., Baumann, A., Toetz, A., Maresch, W. V., Stockhert, B. and Troesch, M.

ABSTRACT: Offshore prospectivity of the French West Indies

Mascle, A and Vially, R.

ABSTRACT: Origin and evolution of oils and condensates from onshore and offshore Trinidad: their exploration significance

Talukdar, S., Dow, W, Castano, J. and Persad, K.

ABSTRACT: Plate tectonic rotations or structural rotations in Hispaniola?

Thomas, S.

ABSTRACT: Pressure-temperature evolution of low-grade alkali-amphibole-bearing assemblages of the Mt. Hibernia schists, Blue Mountains, Jamaica

Willner, G., Willner, AP., Maresch, W V. and Schreyer, W

ABSTRACT: Profundidad y temperatura del emplazamiento de los granitoides Cretacicos de Cuba Central

Sukar, K and Perez, M.

ABSTRACT: Public attitudes about Caribbean Coastal Area Management

Oostdam, B.

ABSTRACT: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Conset Bay Series, Barbados, West Indies

Cuevas, E.D. and Maurasse, F.J-M.R.

ABSTRACT: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Navet Formation at Jackson Hill, southern Trinidad, West Indies

Maurasse, F. J-M.R. and Keens-Dumas, J.

ABSTRACT: Recent paleo-coral reefs of the northwestern peninsula of Trinidad: implications for marine oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of Paria

Chen, J., Bonair, K. and Kenny, J.

ABSTRACT: Reconnaisance field work, south and southeast coast, Trinidad, 1989 November

Ali, W.

ABSTRACT: Report on a recent eruption of the mud volcano, Devil's Woodyard, South Trinidad

Wharton, S. and Hudson, D.

ABSTRACT: Revision of the Late Neogene stratigraphy of southeast Trinidad

Carr-Brown, B.

ABSTRACT: Seismic amplitude analysis of the lower Cruse sands, southwest Soldado, Trinidad

Dupigny, A. and Charles, D.

ABSTRACT: Shallow hydrocarbon migration and seafloor seepage, offshore Samaan Field, southeastern Trinidad

Wood, L.J. and Nash, G.J.

ABSTRACT: Shelf northeast of Trinidad: Neogene structural development

Smith-Horowitz, P.L., Speed, R.G. and Rowley. K.G.

ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic pattern of piggy-back basins within the area of the southern Barbados wedge

Huyghe, P., Griboulard, R., Faugeres, J.G., Gonthier, E. and Bobier, C.

ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic revision of the mid-Cretaceous Tobago Volcanic Group, Tobago, West Indies

Snoke, A, Noble, P.J. and Cobban, W.A.

ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic sequence development in high sediment supply, high accomodation space basins

Wood, L.J.

ABSTRACT: Structural and maturity modelling in thrustbelts, with application to the western Alps, France

Sassi, W, Deville, W, and Mascle, A

ABSTRACT: Submarine hydrothermal activity in the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc

Cronan, D.S., Hendry, M., Hodkinson, R.A. and Johnson, A.

ABSTRACT: Successful application of 3D seismic transform models to predict stratigraphy, offshore eastern Trinidad

Ortmann, K. and Wood, L.

ABSTRACT: Temperate marginal marine invertebrate assemblage in a late Pleistocene carbonatic sequence in northeastern Venezuela

Macsotay, 0., Campos Villaroel, R. and Peraza, T.

ABSTRACT: The aminostratigraphic potential of rhizoconcretions associated with late Quaternary aeolianite, southern Jamaica

Maharaj, D.

ABSTRACT: The Bonao fault zone, Hispaniola: a re-evaluation

Dominguez, H. and Draper, G.

ABSTRACT: The Caribbean Volcanic Plateau

Mauffret, A and Leroy, S.

ABSTRACT: The crustal history of Margarita island: an interdisciplinary contribution to Caribbean tectonics

Maresch, W V., Stockhert, B., Brix, M, Kaiser, C., Kluge, R,Kruckhans-Lueder, G. and Toeiz, A.

ABSTRACT: The Immortelle horizontal oil well program: using new technologies to optimize results

Lanan, fl., Mohammed, S. and Therry, D.

ABSTRACT: The Interpretation of the Historical Record of Earthquakes in Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica, West Indies

Phillip-Jordan, C.

ABSTRACT: The Rio Claro boulder bed -evidence for an ancestral wrench fault zone across central Trinidad, West Indies

Eggertson, E.B.

ABSTRACT: The southern part of the Lesser Antilles accretionary prism: a model of active deformation

Griboulard, R., Bobier, c. Huyghe, P., Faugeres, J. C., Gonthier, E. and Morette, L.

ABSTRACT: The stratigraphy and age of the White Hall-Sugar Loaf sequence, St. Eustatius.

Smith, A.L., Schellekens, J.H., Roobol, M.J. and Joyce, J.

ABSTRACT: Trace element distribution in rocks extracted from Cuban petroleum wells

Rodriguez Martinez, N., Montero, M.E, Herrera, E., Diaz, 0., Gomez, M. and Lopez, M. C.

ABSTRACT: Una Experiencia De Manejo Preventivo De Riesgos De Deslizamientos De Tierra En Zona Marginal: El Caso De La Urbanizacion Nueva Tacagua, Venezuela

Diaz, J.F.

ABSTRACT: Update of the 1959 Geological Map of Trinidad

Saunders, J.B.

ABSTRACT: Upper Jurassic biostratigraphy of Cuba based on deep wells

Fernandez-Carmona, J. and Blanco-Bustamente, S.

ABSTRACT: Workstation applications in Samaan Field development, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies

May, B.I. and Trout, M.F.

ABSTRACT: Wrench tectonics in the geology of Cuba

Socorro, R.. T and Lopez, S.A.

Bassin Tertaire de Falcon, Venezuela Nord-Occidental: Synthese stratigraphique et inversion tectonique Mio-Quaternaire. (Tertiary Falcon Basin, northwestern Venezuela: stratigraphic synthesis and

Audemard, F.

Cenral Range and Southern Basin Field Trip Guide, Trinidad, W.I.

Geetan, S.I. and Archie, C.

Ceramic aspects of Trinidad clays: the Flanagin Town and Mayo (Brasso) deposits

Knight, J.G. and Grierson, L.H.

The clay mineralogy of sediments in the West SEG-1 well, and implications for the diagenetic and sedimentary history of the southeastern Trinidad area

Harry, B.

The Couva Marine oil: a unique, terrestrially sourced, Tertiary oil in Trinidad

Rodrigues, K.

Depositional environments of the Forest sandstones: analysis of core data from one well, Forest Reserve Field, south Trinidad

Cozier-Abdulah, F.E.

Depositional facies in the Pliocene -Pleistocene section, offshore eastern Trinidad

Pocknall, D.T., Wood, L.J. and Green, A.F.

Determinacion de parametros que caracterizan las propiedades de rocas colectoras en el reservorio Pina

Garcia, C., Frias, D., Millan, F. and Rodriguez, N.

Digity Mud Volcano Field Trip Guide

Curtis Archie

Dominios tectono-sedimentarios de la Serrania Interior Oriental, Venezuela Nororiental

Vivas, V. and Macsotay, O.

The effects of relative sea level changes on coarse-grained sediment deposition within a coastal fan -North Oropouche Fan, Caroni Basin, Trinidad.

Seegobin, S.

EI Segmento Cubano del arco volcanico Paleoceno-Eoceno medio del Caribe. (Late Paleocene to early middle Eocene Cuban island arc. )

Iturralde-Vinent, M.A.

Elementos trazas de las rocas colectoras de petroleo en los yacimientos de Habana-Matanzas

Montero, ME, Herrera, E, Cabrera, 0., Rodriguez, N., Valdes, S., Segura, R., Rodriguez, J., Fumero, E, Diaz, O. and Rodriguez, R.

Engineering Geologic Hazards Field Trip

S.R. Wharton

Eocene lowstand fan model, Basal Complex, Barbados: implications for geologic modeling

Larue, D.K., Lindholm, R.M, Sprague, A.R.G. and Bissell, C.R.

Especificacion petrologo-geoquimica de la asociacion ofiolitica de Holguin (NE Cuba) y la posicion de la litosfera de origen. (Abstract)

Jozsef, A.

Evidencias geomorfologicas de actividad neotectonica a 10largo de los corrimientos frontales de la Serrania del Interior en el Oriente Venezolano

Singer, A, Beltran, G. and Rodriguez, J.A.

Evidencias historicas de actividad sismotectonica y manifestaciones de inestabilidad geologica en el Alto de Pedernales, entre Venezuela y Trinidad.

Rodriguez, J.A., Audemard, F., Singer, A and Beltran, C.

Evolution geodynamique de la facade nord Sud-Americaine: Noveaux apports de I'histoire geologique du bassin de Falcon, Venezuela

Audemard, F.A.

Facteurs controlant les formations superficielles sur la plate-forme insulaire de la Martinique (Petites Antilles Francaises)

Durand, F. and Augris, C.

Foraminifera from the Southern Caribbean -Atlantic Province.

Radford, S.

Forensic geology: new job opportunities for geologists

Nag, F.

The Genus Chiloguembelina in the Paleogene of Trinidad.

Radford, S.

Geochemistry, radiometric ages and isotopic compositions of plutonic rocks in the NE Caribbean: Tectonic significance of their emplacement

Sche/lekens, JH., Smith, AL., Frost, CD. and Muriel Diaz, A-L.

Geometry of Supra-prism Basins of Southern Barbados Wedge

Huyghe, P., Morette, L., Griboulard, R Faugeres J. C. and Mugnier, J.L.

Historical Development of The Petroleum Geology in Trinidad - Field Trip

T. Rambarran

Integrated Coastal Area Management and Public Perceptions in the Caribbean Islands.

Oostdam, B. and Billeter, P.

Interaction of Plates Revealed in the Northern Range of Trinidad Field Trip Guide

Algar, S.

Investigaciones neotectonicas y paleosismologicas en la Falla de EI Pilar yen los otros grandes sistemas de fallas sismogenicas del Nororiente de Venezuela.

Beltran, C., Rodriguez, J.A and Singer, A

A Mid-Cenozoic Deformation Belt in the Southeast Tobago Trough

Smith-Horowitz, P.L. and Speed, R.C.

Natural Hazards in St. Vincent and the Grenadies: The Occurrence and Effects of Natural Hazards on a Small Island NAtion in the Eastern Caribbean

R.E.A. Robertson, W.B. Ambeh and L. Lynch

Neogene Kinematics of the East Tobago HalfGraben: Extension in a convergent Plate Boundary

Smith-Horowitz, P.L. and Speed, R.C.

New Venezuelan Cretaceous sedimentary units from the Serrania del Interior: equivalence with Trinidad, W.I.

Macsotay, O. and Vivas, V.

Non-conventional methods of determining clastic reservoir orientation using paleocurrenUpaleoslope studies in oriented core: application to subsurface Trinidad

Larue, D.K. and Sprague, A.R.

Non-Pacific Origin of the Central American land bridge: Structural, Geochronological and Paleomagnetic Studies at the Western and Northwestern Margin of the Caribbean Plate

Meschede, M. and Frisch, W.

Northern Flank Central Range Field Trip Guide

Clement Ramroop and Steve Geetan

Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Miocene and Pliocene of Trinidad based on micropalaeontological data

Jones, R.W.

Paleomagnetic Data from Mustique, West Indies, suggest counterclockwise rotation in pre-Late Miocene rocks

Burmester, R.F. Beck, M.E. and Speed, R.C.

Paleomagnetic results from Mayreau, West Indies, rule out large tectonic rotations since the Eocene

Speed, R.G., Burmester, R.F. and Beck, M.E.

Petrogenesis of the Maimon -Arnina protolith, central Dominican Republic: trace element, rare earth element and isotopic evidence for the existence of a back-arc basin in the proto-Antillean island arc

Horan, S., Perfit, M.R. and Lewis, J.F.

The petrology of ultramafic and mafic igneous rocks from the Blue Mountain inlier, Jamaica.

Jackson, T, Scott, WP. and Smith, T.E.

Petrophysical Characterization of Hydrocarbon Beds in a Well in North Cuba Using the GEONUC Code for Well Logging Interpretation

Rodriguez, N., Frias, D., Garcia, C., McCalla, R., Castillo, G. and Sotolongo, A.

Preliminary Observations on Quaternary Reverse Faulting along the Southern Foothills of Trinidad Northern Range

Beltran, G.

Processing of seismic data from overthrust areas in Latin America: some success stories

Tilander, N.G. and Mitchel, R G.

Provenance, Distribution and Classification of Quartzitic Sands and Gravels of Northern Trinidad

Oliver, R.

Rare earth elements content in seal and reservoir rocks from Cuban petroleum ores of different origins

Montero, M., Rodriguez, N. and Herrera, E.

A re-evaluation of formational outcrops in the Fortin Central/Mackenzie/Lot 8 oilfield areas, southern Trinidad

Hudson, D., Ramlakhansingh, A and Lewis, N.

Spectral stratigraphy of the Balsas Group, Northern Guerrero, Mexico

Jansma, P.E and Lang, H.R.

Studies of Quaternary Features of NE St. Philip Parish, Barbados

Speed, R.C. and Barker, L.H.

Tectono-sedimentary molasse cycles along northern Venezuela and Trinidad

Macsotay, 0., Vivas, V., Wehrmann, M, Hartenberger, J.L. and Chachati, B.

Thin bed evaluation of the Lower Herrera member within existing oilfields in south Trinidad

Ramroop, C.K. and Ali, R.M.

Thrust deformation in the Maimon Belt and Los Ranchos Formation, central Hispaniola: Evidence for early Cretaceous ophiolite emplacement. emplacement.

Draper, G., Gutierrez, G. and Lewis, J.F.

Tobago Field Trip Guide - Mosozoic Oceanic-Arc

A.W. Snoke, D.W. Rowe, J.D. Yule and G. Wadge

The Tobago Terrane

Speed, R. C. and Smith-Horowitz, P.L.

Use of sediment Coprostanol and N-isotope levels in monitoring of sewage contamination of tropical coasts

Coakley, J.P. and Risk, M.J.

West Central Range Field Trip Guide

Clement Ramroop