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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Grand Junction Geological Society
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57th Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section, Geological Society of America: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Energy Resources of Cretaceous Rocks in the Book Cliffs Area, Western Colorado and Eastern Utah
Rex Cole, Mark Kirschbaum, Robert Young
The Debeque Canyon Landslide at Interstate 70, Mesa County, West-Central Colorado
Jonathan L. White
Geological History of the Uncompahgre Plateau and Unaweep Canyon – Day 1 Guidebook
Andres Aslan, Rick Livaccari, William Hood, Chuck Betton, Alex Garhart, Thomas W. Oesleby
Geological Road Log for Uravan Mineral Belt Field Trip, West-Central Colorado
Craig S. Goodknight, William L. Chenoweth, Richard D. Dayvault, Edward T. Cotter
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Dinosaur Quarries of Western Colorado and Eastern Utah
James I. Kirkland, Rodney D. Scheetz, John R. Foster
Laramide and Quaternary-Age Faulting along the Cactus Park-Bridgeport fault of the northern Uncompahgre Plateau, western Colorado
Richard Livaccari, James Hodge