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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Grand Junction Geological Society
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Gas Fields in Mesaverde Sandstones in the Rifle Embayment of the Southeastern Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado
J. Dan Powell
Geologic Hazards in the North Fork of the Gunnison River Area, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado
W. Rahe Junge
The Hayden Survey in the Elk Mountains
William L. Chenoweth
Marble, Colorado–Beauty and the Beast
W. P. Rogers
Southeastern Piceance Basin, 1982; Frontmatter and Road Logs
Craig S. Goodknight, William C. Graham, Gerald J. Daub, James J. Dexter, Richard D. Dayvault, Mark D. Luttrell, W. P. Rogers, J. Dan Powell, Rex D. Cole, L. K. Weston
Stratigraphic Framework of Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Coal in Western Colorado
Karl R. Newman
Stratigraphy and Geology of Some Coal Mines Along the North Fork of the Gunnison River, Somerset Coal Field, Colorado
Gerald J. Daub
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology of the Mesaverde Group, Southeastern Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado
Robert G. Young
Stratigraphy of the Mesaverde Formation on the Mt. Gunnison Coal Property, Gunnison County, Colorado
Jewel E. F. Wellborn
The Vanadium-Uranium Deposits of the East Rifle Creek Area, Garfield County, Colorado
William L. Chenoweth