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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Complex Reservoir Geometries in the High Island A-467 Field, Offshore Texas
Gary J. Mitch
Abstract: Morphology and Evolution of Salt/Mini-Basin Systems: Lower Shelf and Upper Slope, Central Offshore Louisiana
Scott Sumner
Abstract: Soil Gas Calibration Surveys Over the Filo Mirado and Loma De La Lata Oil and Gas Fields in the Nequen Basin, Argentina
Victor T. Jones, III
Abstract: Vertical Oil and Gas Migration: A Major Exploration Parameter
Johann-Christian Pratsch
Well Development
Glenn R. Lowenstein, Allen Stoltz
Abstract: Balanced Cross Section Through Wilburton Gas Field, Latimer County, Oklahoma: Implications for Ouachita Deformation and Arbuckle (Cambro-Ordovician) Exploration in Arkoma Basin
Wayne K. Camp
The Maurice Field: New Gas Reserves from Buried Structure Along the Oligocene Trend of Southwestern Louisiana
Michael P. Prescott
Model Simulation of the Cretaceous Ocean Circulation
Eric J. Barron, William H. Peterson