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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Stratigraphic Characteristics and Sandstone Distribution of the Hackberry Depositional System (Mid-Oligocene), S.E. Texas and S.W. Louisiana: A Sand-Rich Slope-Fan Complex
Michael J. DiMarco, R. Craig Shipp
Abstract: Eastern European Mountain Belts - The Highs and Lows
B. Clark Burchfiel, Leigh H. Royden
Abstract: Late Cenozoic Orogenic Belts of the Mediterranean Region and their North American Counterparts
B. C. Burchfiel, L. H. Royden
Abstract: Tectonic Position, Hydrocarbon Exploration, and Future Potential in Bulgaria
Martin A. Schupbach
Abstract: Tectonic Position of the Balkanides and Hydrocarbon Exploration
P. Bokov, P. Gochev, R. Ognyanov
Abstract: The Alpine Orogen in the Eastern Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria)
Radoslav A. Nackov
Spotlight on . . . CASPIAN SEA
George Tappan
Abstract: Structural Profiles of the Western Balkan-Forebalkan Region, Bulgaria
Martin Emery
Abstract: Structural Analysis of the Dinaride Thrust Belt, Yugoslavia
G. M. Weir, D. R. Tasker, R. C. Dale
Abstract: Geology and Hydrocarbons of the Albanides
I. Sadekaj, H. Bakia, P. Curi, and A. W. Bally
Abstract: The Expression of Convergence Rate and Slab Pull in Foreland Basins
L. H. Royden, B. C. Burchfiel
Abstract: Marathon-Solitario Orogen, Trans-Pecos Texas
W. R. Muehlberger
Abstract: The Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen, Southeastern North America
William A. Thomas
Abstract: Southerly Vergence Associated with Northerly Directed Thrusts of the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma
Kent C. Nielsen, Qinming Yang
Abstract: The Geodynamic Model of the Double Bended Carpathian-Balkan Alpine Chain
Mircea Sandulescu
Abstract: A Possible Delamination Origin for Hinterland Basins to the Rif-Betic Cordillera and Carpathians
Christopher K. Morley
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Potential of the West Carpathian Thrust Belt and the Underlying European Platform, Czechoslovakia
Frank J. Picha, Z. Stranik, E. Mencik, and P. Muller
Abstract: Tertiary Kinematics of the Intra-Carpathian Area
Laszlo Csontos, Andras Nagymarosy, Ferenc Horvath, Michal Kovac, Gabor Tari
Abstract: Comparison of the Ouachita and Carpathian Thrust-Fold Belts and Their Back-Arc Basins: Gulf of Mexico and Pannonian Basin
Gabor Tari, Guillermo Perez-Cruz, Albert W. Bally