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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Emplacement of the Sigsbee Allochthon and its Influence on Slope Deposition, U.S. Gulf of Mexico
John A. Lopez
Abstract: Quality - A Competitive Advantage for Explorers and Producers
William F. Wallace, III
Abstract: Organic Biochemistry of Southern Tampico - Misantla Basin of Mexico
Javier A. Morelos Garcia, Paul Comet, Roger Sassen, and James Brooks
Spotlight on . . . ARGENTINA
George Tappan
International Exploration Opportunities in Kenya
Kivuti Nyagah, John J. Cloeter
Delineation of Shallow Gulf Coast Structure and Stratigraphy Using Seismic Shear Wave Reflections
T. L. Dobecki, J. Steele