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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Prospect Mars: Realization of Deepwater Potential in the Gulf of Mexico
Mike Mahaffie
Abstract: Salt Sheet Emplacement and Secondary Deformation in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; A Case Study Using Three Dimensional Post Stack Depth Migrated Seismic Data
J. A. Pritchett, William M. House, F. C. Sheppard, III
Abstract: G1adden Plate Boundary, Pull Apart Basin, Belize
Susan Morrice
Abstract: Sunfish Discovery, Cook Inlet, Round II
Pam Parks
Abstract: Liability and Market Value of Real Estate as Impacted by Environmental Problems
Jim Perryman
A Summary of Current Direct Location Technology
Reed Tompkins
The Use of Small Rock Samples To Determine Reservoir Parameters and Seal Capacity
George Bolger
QUICK LOOK TECHNIQUES: Contour Compatibility
Subsurface Consultants & Associates, Inc.