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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Structural Provinces in the Cover Sediments Of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Basin: Linked Systems of Extension, Compression and Salt Movement
Frank J. Peel, Christopher J. Travis, Rick Matson
Abstract: A Petroleum System's Lifecycle Hatter's Pond Field, Mobile County, Alabama
Louis M. Liro, Tom L. Burnett, William C. Dawson, Barry J. Katz, Gary W. Priddy, Vaughn D. Robison
Abstract: Tectonic Controls on Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Occurrence, Western China
Emery D. Goodman, William L. Lindemann, Alan R. Carroll
Abstract: Trap Analysis at Wilburton Field (Oklahoma) Better Defines Exploration Risks in the Arkoma Basin
Charles A. Sternbach
Offshore Oil and Gas Fields in Azerbaijan: History and Description, Part II
Leonid A. Buryakovsky
Deep Water Discharge: Key to Hydrocarbon and Mineral Deposits
W. H. Roberts, III
QUICK LOOK TECHNIQUES: Equal-Spaced Contouring Method
Subsurface Consultants & Associates, Inc.