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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: 3-D vs. 2-D Drilling Results, Is There Still a Question?
Patricia B. Jeffers, Thomas A. Juranek, Michael R. Poffenberger
Abstract: Green Canyon Block 205: Geophysical Analysis of a Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Discovery
Bernard Regel
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Aggrading and Backstepping Carbonate Shelves, Oligocene, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Arthur Saller
Abstract: Application of 3-D Seismic on Morrow Channel Sandstones, Second Wind and Jace Fields, Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado
Mark P. Germinario, Sherrie R. Cronin, John R. Suydam
Recognition and Evaluation of Pressure-Depleted Reservoirs
Raymond P. Sorenson