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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Potential and Limits of Aerobic and Anaerobic BTEX Biodegradation in Aquifers
Joseph P. Salanitro
Abstract: Risking Fault Seals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Joint Industry Study
Grant Skerlec
Abstract: 3-D Seismic Lithology Analysis Utilizing Extended AVO: A Case Study
James DiSiena
Abstract: Developing a Marginal Field Using New Techniques: South Monagas Unit, Venezuela
Thomas M. Skirvin, Andrew S. Mirkin, E. Sven Hagen, Rick A. McGee, Paul D. Hinrich, and Pedro A. Medina
Abstract: Trap Types vs. Productivity of Significant Wilcox (Early Eocene) Gas Fields in the Listric Growth Fault Trend of South Texas and the Divergent Origin of Its Two Largest Producers
Fred L. Stricklin, Jr.