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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy: An Integrated Technique for Exploration and Exploitation - Seismic Examples
Winifred A. Burgis
Abstract: Geophysical Methods for Site Characterization
Mustafa Saribudak
Abstract: Advances in Subsurface Prediction Using Borehole Imaging
Tom Fett
Abstract: Towards an Understanding of the Development of Salt-Related Overburden Structures in the Southern North Sea Basin, U.K.
Robert J. Hooper, John Colleran, and Carol Gunn
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphic and Facies Architecture of the Cotton Valley Lime/Haynesville of the East Texas Salt Basin
Robert K. Goldhammer
Abstract: Deepwater Exploration: Conceptual Models and Their Uncertainties
G. Shanmugam