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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Geologic/Geophysical Models and Reservoir Characterization of the Gemini Subsalt Discovery, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Jeffrey S. Ogilvie, John H. Shinol, and Clive G. Sharman
Abstract: Deepwater Geohazards and Engineering Geology: Meeting Tough Challenges
Kerry J. Campbell
Abstract: Future Gas Development Projects in Southeastern Asia
Ian Cross
Abstract: Using Technology for E&P Success – The Practices of Leader Companies in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, E&P Strategies, and Potential Applications to Other Basins
George Eynon
Abstract: Exploitation of Thin Oil Rims Using Horizontal Sidetracks at MC 194 (Cognac) Field
Michael A. Danahy, Jeffrey R. Scheibal
Sequence Stratigraphy: A Practitioner's Point of View
Louis M. Liro