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Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: West Delta Block 107 Field, Gulf of Mexico
Carl W. Kuhnen
Abnormal Pressure Evaluation of the Recent Pliocene and Miocene Gas Discoveries from the Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt, Using 2D and 3D Seismic Data
Philip D. Heppard, Martin L. Albertin
Abstract: Qarun Oil Fields, Western Desert, Egypt
Michael Nemec
Abstract: 3D Acquisition - Perils and Pitfalls
Patrick Buckley
Abstract: Interwell Imaging Using Crosswell Seismic
Bruce P. Marion
Abnormal Pressure Evaluation of the Recent Pliocene and Miocene Gas Discoveries from the Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt, Using 2D and 3D Seismic Data
Wolfgang E. Schollnberger