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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Introduction to DRIS - Deep Remediation Injection System
Randy Horsak
Abstract: Subsalt Exploration in the Deepwater Foldbelts of the Gulf of Mexico: Regional Analysis of a Giant Petroleum System
Michael J. Roberts, Thomas W. Hall
Abstract: Regional Depositional System of the Vicksburg Formation
Janet M. Combes
Abstract: Chronostratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies, and Architecture of Tectono-Stratigraphic Sequences within a Miocene Rift, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
William A. Wescott, William N. Krebs
Abstract: Breaking the Rules for Seismic Reservoir Analysis
Jack Ward
Abstract: Subsalt Turtle Play, Walker Ridge Area, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
F. C. Snyder, C. D. Burge, R. L. Nagy, L. H. Purnell