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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Hunting for Elephants: Exploration and Appraisal Learnings from the Western Atwater Foldbelt of the Ultra Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
Michael G. Moore
Abstract: Exploring Brazil's Southeast Atlantic Margin Basins: What Are the Geologic Keys to Success?
Ronald Meers, Peter Gale, Alan Yu
Abstract: The Influence of Syndepositional Salt Tectonics on Carbonate Platform Development and Stratal Architecture:Examples of (1) coeval diapiric uplift (Paleocene La Popa platform, northeast Mexico) and (2) gravitationally-driven extension and rafting (Aptian-Albian carbonates of the south Atlantic Basins, Upper Jurassic of the GOM)
Robert K. Goldhammer
Abstract: Improved Characterizationof the Compartmentalized and Overpressured Vicksburg Sandstone Reservoirs Using Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy, Diagenesis, and Petrophysics
Zuhair Al-Shaieb
Abstract: Gulf of Mexico Evolution and Structure
Dale Bird
Cracks of the World: Global Strike-Slip Fault Systems and Giant Resource Accumulations
Stanley B. Keith, Jan C. Rasmussen, Monte M. Swan, Daniel P. Laux