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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Habitat in the Arabian Plate
Abdulkader M. Afifi
Abstract: Shushufindi Field, Oriente Basin: Ecuador’s Giant Revisited
J. Forney, H. San Martin, P. Enwere, J. Vega, P. Acuna, J. Ochoa
Abstract: Tectonic Setting of the World’s Giant Oil and Gas Fields
Paul Mann
Abstract: Use of Well Logs in Seismic Reservoir Characterization
Joel Walls
Abstract: Geology of the Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
Steve Cumella
Abstract: The Winds of Change: Anisotropic Rocks— Their Preferred Direction of Fluid Flow and Their Associated Seismic Signatures
Heloise Lynn
A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets for Exploration and Development Through Integrative Analysis of Clastic Rock Property Fields
Frank Walles