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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Understanding Myths and Realities of Basin-Centered Resources
Keith Shanley and Robert M. Cluff
Abstract: Grayson Field Jurassic Smackover Reservoir: A Case Study Using Leading-Edge Reservoir Characterization Seismic Processing of 3D Seismic Data
Kevin B. Hill
Abstract: Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretation of the Gulf of Mexico Shelf from Spectral Imaging
Barbara Radovich, Adam Gersztenkorn, and John Smythe
The Anatomy of a Silent Disaster: Ongoing Subsidence and Inundation of the Northern Margin of the Gulf of Mexico Basin - An Interview with Dr. Roy Dokka
Arthur E. Berman
New Insights into Petroleum Systems and Plays in Angola, the Congo and Gabon from PSDM Sub-salt Imaging
Steve Henry, Al Danforth, Sujata Venkatraman
Abstract: Shale Tectonics in the Northern Port Isabel Fold Belt Trend, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Rion H. Camerlo, David Meyer, Robert E. Meltz
Abstract: An Overview of the Trenton–Black River Play
Brian Toelle