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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Exploration Implications of Different Structural Styles and Processes of the Ultra-Deep Shelf Province, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Mark G. Rowan, Kerry Inman
Abstract: New Insights into South Atlantic Rifting from the Santos and Campos Basins, Offshore Brazil — A Tale of Two Basins
Scot I Fraser, Mike Lentini
Abstract: West Cameron 76 Field and Deep Lower Tertiary Framework Revealed Using Sequence Stratigraphy Integrated with SPICE
Barbara J. Radovich
Abstract: MMS Plan for Deep- and Ultra-Deepwater Leasing in the Gulf Of Mexico and Assessing 2005 Hurricane Damage to the Outer Continental Shelf
Chris Oynes
Abstract: Structural Architecture, Petroleum Systems and Geological Implications for the New Hydrocarbon Province of the Covenant Field Discovery, Sevier County, Utah
Douglas K Strickland, Keith Johnson, John Vrona, Dan Schelling, Dave Wavrek
The Ozone Hole — A Crisis Averted?
Bill Rizer