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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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The Value of an Integrated Subsurface Model: 3D Seismic Limitations in Prediction of Reservoir in the Grand Isle Production Area, Offshore Louisiana
Ingo Steinhoff and William A. Hill
Abstract: Migration Without the Math: Did the Greeks Really Know All This?
J. Bee Bednar
Abstract: The 4-D Gravity Method and Water Flood Surveillance at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
John Ferguson
Abstract: Mass Transport Complexes in Offshore Trinidad and Worldwide Analogs
Lorena Moscardelli
Abstract: Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Abo Formation in the Kingdom Field Area, Terry and Hockley Counties, West Texas
Anthony E. D’Agostino, J. Michael Party
Abstract: Late Paleozoic Deformation in the Permian Basin Region: Styles, Patterns, Kinematics and Effects on Petroleum Reservoirs
Steven L. Dorobek
Abstract: The Princess Discovery, Sub-Salt Gulf of Mexico: Challenges of Sub-Salt Imaging in a Fast-Paced Sub-Sea Development
Aafke E. Bouma, Bret D. Hampton, Ben M. Hewett