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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Thinking Outside the Pond: Benchmarking Performance Expectations for Deep-water Reservoirs Using Analog Data from the Gulf of Mexico
B. E. Prather, C. J. O’Byrne, and C. Pirmez
Abstract: Reducing Geologic Risk in Frontier Deep Water Explorations Settings, Suriname, South America
Allan Kean, Max Torres, Dewi Jones, David Connelly, Paul Sikora, Leo Legarretti
Abstract: Fishing With Dynamite: 3D Tips and Trip-ups in the Gulf Coast
Phil Martin
Abstract: Wireline Logging Conveyance Systems
Jeff Brami
Oils Have the Answers — Defining Petroleum Systems Using Geochemistry
Craig Schiefelbein, Rick Requejo
Abstract: Exploiting the Devonian Reservoir in Oates SW Area, Western Delaware Basin, Texas
Lee Billingsley