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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: A Regional Erosion Surface and its Effect on the Smackover Reservoir-Seal System Along the South Arkansas–North Louisiana Jurassic Shelf
Ezat Heydari, Lawrence R. Baria
Abstract: Outward Radial Growth and Landscape Evolution of the Himalayan Orogen
Michael Murphy
Abstract: Discovery and Development of the Lower Wilcox Southwest Speaks Field, Lavaca County, Texas
Frank G. Cornish, Robert W. Parker
Abstract: Oil and Gas Resources of the North African Trias/Ghadames Petroleum Province
Robert J. Lunn, Allan Driggs, Patrick Thompson, Philip Farfanand, Francois Gauthier
Abstract: Independents Drive Gulf Coast Growth through Barnett Shale, Cotton Valley, Deep Bossier and Wilcox Activity
Robert G. Clarke
Abstract: Temporal and Spatial Evolution of a Deepwater Turbidite Fan as Revealed by Ultra-High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data, East Breaks, Gulf of Mexico
Chris M. Edwards, Paul A. Dunn, Vitor Abreu, David C. Hoyal, Benjamin A. Sheets, Roger B. Bloch
Abstract: Microbial Mat Induced Sedimentary Structures (MMISS): An Indicator of Topography
Sushanta Bose, Henry S. Chafetz