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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Multidisciplinary Reservoir Description to Characterize Connectivity in a Complex Minibasin Fill: An Integrated Approach at Holstein Field
T. R. Wiseman, P. R. Ballin, M. C. Lederer, R. N. Wagerle, N. F. McCaslin
Abstract: An Integration of Basin Modeling with Fault Seal Prediction through Geologic Time
Marek Kacewicz, Russell Davies, Michael Welch, Rob Knipe
Abstract: Bayou Postillion: Phoenix in the Swamp
Chris Chaffin
Abstract: Alpine Oil Field, Alaska: A North Slope Legacy Field and Model for Future Development
Gregory F. Hebertson, Douglas H. Wilson
Abstract: The Bossier Play (Tithonian) of the East Texas Basin: Controls on Stratigraphy and Play Concepts—An Update
George Devries Klein
Abstract: Fairways in the Downdip and “Mid-dip”Yegua Trend —A Review of 25 Years of Exploration
Thomas E. Ewing
Two Alternative Seismic Fault Interpretation Techniques—Part Two
Mike Cline