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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Paleocene-Eocene Lowstand Systems Tract Sandstone Deposits of the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: Potential Reservoir Facies in the Offshore Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Ernest A. Mancini
Abstract: The Risk Police — Evil Naysayers or Exploration Best Practice ?
W. C. Rusty Riese
Abstract: Late 20th Century Subsidence of South Louisiana: Insights into the Nature of Passive Margin Normal Faults
Dr. Roy K. Dokka
Abstract: Shale Plays, Risk Analysis, and Other Perils of Conventional Thinking
Arthur E. Berman
Abstract: Case Study: Highest Possible Resolution (HPR) Stratigraphic Imaging of a Deep Reef Platform
Norman S. Neidell, James M. Charuk, David C. Montoya