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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Primary Basin Boundaries in the Gulf of Mexico: Three Hydrocarbon Trap Types with Distinct Petroleum Systems Implications
Robin Pilcher, James Trude, Bill Kilsdonk, Michael Quinn, and Rod Graham
Abstract: Past, Present, and Future Sea Level and Subsidence Record for Texas: Predicting the Future of Our Coast
John Anderson
Abstract: Sub-aerial Basins Below Sea Level Provide Unexpected Reservoirs
Martin M. Cassidy, Kevin Burke
Abstract: Burial History and Its Impact from the Petroleum Systems of Rio Muni Basin, Equatorial Guinea: Delivery, Capture and Degradation
Andrew Pepper
Abstract: The Haynesville and Hawkville Fields: Two World-Class Gas Shale Plays
Richard K. Stoneburner
Abstract: Nanotechnology in the Oil Patch
Wade Adams