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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: The Lower Tertiary Trend in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater — Challenges and Potential Rewards
James Cearley
Abstract: R.E. Sheriff Lecture: Narrative of an Unrepentant Shale Geologist — Why Mudstones have a Key Role in Unlocking Geological History and Understanding the Hydrocarbon System
Jüergen Schieber
Abstract: Quantitative Seismic Geomorphologic Analysis of Early Pliocene-Age Fans Outboard of the Sigsbee Escarpment, Mad Dog Area, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Jessica L. Morgan, Lesli Wood
Abstract: The Business Case for Gender Diversity in the Geoscience Workforce
Cindy Yeilding, Denise Butler