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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Pioneering the Global Subsalt/Presalt Play: The World Beyond Mahogany (USA) Field
Dwight “Clint” Moore
Abstract: Understanding the Geologic Controls on Shale Oil Play: Lessons Learned from the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Elm Coulee Field, Montana
Aris Pramudito
Abstract: Fate and Transport of Ethanol-Blended Fuels
Brent P. Stafford, PhD, PG
Abstract: Understanding the Crust Beneath Sedimentary Basins
Walter D. Mooney
Abstract: Hydrocarbons Associated with Igneous Rocks (North America and Worldwide)
Steve Schutter
Abstract: The Boquillas (Eagle Ford) Formation of South Texas: Potential Outcrop Analogs for Nonconventional Eagle Ford Shale Reservoirs in the Subsurface
Lauren Peschier
Abstract: Developing an Exploration Tool in a Mature Trend: a 3-D AVO Case Study in South Texas
Mark E. Gregg, Charles T. Bukowski, Jr.
Abstract: How to Make a Map from an Outcrop
Franz L. Kessler, John Jong