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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: The Discovery of Rich Gas Hydrate Accumulations in Sand Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico – Results from DOE-Chevron Joint Industry Project Drilling
Dan McConnell, Ray Boswell, Timothy S. Collett, Matthew Frye, William Shedd, Stefan Mrozewski, Gilles Guerin, Ann Cook, Dianna Shelander, Jianchun Dai, Paul Godfriaux, Rebecca Dufrene, Emrys Jones, Rana Roy
Abstract: Development of Methodologies for the Characterization of Fluvial Aquifers
Thomas Lee McGehee, PhD, RPG
Abstract: Reservoir Characterization of the Smackover Formation in Little Cedar Creek Field, Alabama
Walter Moody
Abstract: Interfering Cretaceous and Tertiary Rift Systems of the Turkana Depression (Sudan-Ethiopia-Kenya).
Ian Hutchinson, Steve Lawrence, Alastair Beach
Abstract: Piceance Basin Tight Gas: Integration of Geoscience and Engineering Technologies in Development of an Unconventional Resource Play
Penny E. Patterson
Abstract: Hedging for Small Independents: A Quantified Approach.
Wayne Penello
Abstract: Beware the Downside of Free Map Data
Robert White