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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: What are the Shelf and Slope Breaks and Why the Rise and Run of the Intervening Slope Matters for Deep-Water Plays and Sequence Models
A. D. Donovan
Abstract: Granite to Grass Roots: Understanding the Geologic History of Unconventional Resource Basins from Bottom to Top
Harris Cander
Abstract: Uranium Recovery Realities in the U.S. – A Review
Michael D. Campbell and Henry M. Wise
Abstract: North Sea Chalk: 40 Years of Production at Ekofisk Field From a Rock Some Said Would Never Flow Oil
Charles T. Feazel
Extended Abstract: Cleveland and Marmaton Tight-Gas Reservoirs (Pennsylvanian), Northwest Anadarko Basin: Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Framework, and Production Controls on Tide-Dominated Systems
Tucker F. Hentz, William A. Ambrose
Tech Note: Volumetric Seismic Attributes for Automated Fault Interpretation and Structural Interpretation: A Growth Fault Example from the Texas Gulf Coast
Alison Henning, Gaynor Fisher, Stephen Purves
Geophysical Mapping of Hockley Fault in NW Houston: A Few Surprising Results
Mustafa Saribudak
Extended Abstract: Facies Characteristics, Depositional Environments, and Petrophysical Characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier Shale-Gas Plays of East Texas and Northwest Louisiana
Ursula Hammes, Scott Hamlin, Ray Eastwood