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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Stratigraphic Details Illuminated Using Modern 3D Seismic Techniques in Upper Cretaceous Lenticular Reservoirs, Optimizing EOR Production in the Gulf Coast with CO2
Jim Mulligan, Bob Schellhorn
Abstract: The Structure, Content, and Growth of Fault Zones Within Sedimentary Sequences and Their Effects on Hydrocarbon Flow
John Walsh
Abstract: Onset of a Small But Significant Regional Climate Change Documented in High-resolution Late Holocene Sediment Cores from the Maritime Western Antarctic Peninsula
Alex Barnard
Abstract: Major Element Geochemistry of Peridotites from Santa Elena Ophiolite Complex, NW Costa Rica, and Their Tectonic Implications
Shawn Wright
Abstract: Glacial-marine Sediments Record Ice-shelf Retreat During the Late Holocene in Beascochea Bay on the Western Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
Laurin Hardin
Abstract: Neogene Basin Development in the Waqia Valley, Southeast Pamir
Daniel Imrecke
Abstract: Tectonic Evolution of the India-Asia Suture Zone since ~40Ma, South-Central Tibet
Veronica Sanchez
Abstract: Depositional Environment, Stratigraphy, and Petrophysical and Reservoir Characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier Shale-Gas Plays of East Texas and Northwest Louisiana
Ursula Hammes, Ray Eastwood
Abstract: The Macondo Well (Deepwater Horizon) Blowout
Paul Parsons